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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Clinical Determinants of Cognition Levels in French Cocaine Addicted Patients

Author(s): Michael Szprync, Michel Reynaud, Nadege Bordas and Laurent Karila

Volume 20, Issue 25, 2014

Page: [4086 - 4096] Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/13816128113199990621

Price: $65


Cocaine has become a public health problem. Several studies have shown that cocaine addiction is associated with multiple cognitive damages, such as memory, inhibitory control, attention and executive functions. A French cohort of cocaine addicted patients was divided into two groups: CCU (Current cocaine users) and abstainers. Their cognitive abilities were compared to a control group and associations with clinical determinants were assessed. The CCU group and the abstainers had episodic memory, working memory and inhibitory control disabilities compared to the control group. Both the CCU and the abstainers group had the same cognitive abilities but their clinical determinants for these cognitive abilities differed. In the CCU group, exposure to cocaine seemed to have a negative impact on cognition especially inhibitory control, memory and impulsivity. In the abstainers group, craving and depression impeded cognition.

Keywords: Cocaine, cognition, memory, neuropsychological, inhibitory control, attention, executive function.

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