We thank our authors for contributing their article in the journal. We are keen to ensure the research study gets maximum reach and attention among the research and professional communities. Following are certain recommendations that can help enhance the visibility of the article.

Shareable PDF on Kudos:

Kudos is a popular web-based service which serves to maximize and monitor the visibility and usage of scholarly articles from researchers around the world. It aims to provide a highly automated, scalable service to help researchers and their institutions measure, monitor and maximize the usage of and citations to their published articles.

Authors can sign up on Kudos website, and claim and explain their article. Then share it with the research and professional community online via KUDOS.

Kudos enables authors to create PDF versions of their explanations for articles and share them on various platforms online. To learn more on creating and sharing these Shareable PDFs, click here.

List of Publications on ORCID:

Authors can create ORCID ID and update the list of publications on ORCID

Contribution on Wikipedia:

They can contribute their work to Wikipedia.

Authors’ Personal Webpage:

Personal webpage can be created by authors to publish updates on freely accessible articles.

Article Promotion in Conferences:

Authors can present their work in conferences. Authors can let us know which conferences they are attending and we can provide promotional materials for their articles).

Social Media Promotion:

Authors can create accounts on Social Media platforms, for e.g. Blogging websites, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Gmail and other Google web applications, and publish posts to project research on these media

These activities can help our authors spread their work among the relevant audience, and provide the opportunity to increase readership and citations.

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