Network Ecology
Page: 1-19 (19)
Author: Vikas Rai*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815322491124010003
PDF Price: $15
Ecological systems (populations and communities) interact with each
other. These entities can be viewed as networks and ecosystems as ‘networks of
networks’. Ecological networks share common properties with other networks; e.g.,
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). WSNs consist of receivers and transmitters of
information at locations called nodes. These nodes transmit and receive information
with each other in ‘packets’. In the context of ecology, these packets contain material
and energy; e.g., the bird from the bird sanctuary (20 kms away from my residence)
being caught by the cat for food. Elements of network theory which are essential for
applications to ecological networks are introduced. Decisions of animal movements
and observed patterns of movement can be better explored in this framework. Although
these networks have complex architecture, their hierarchical nature admits well-defined
patterns that illuminate mechanisms of functioning of ecosystems. Applications of
network theory would advance the understanding of complex interactions between
species; ‘tangled banks’ of nature.
Ecological networks are simulated. These simulation experiments illuminate observed
patterns of movement. A network of social interactions and a network of movement
patterns are explored to know how movement decisions are taken.
Biodiversity and Climate Change: The Missing Link
Page: 20-33 (14)
Author: Vikas Rai*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815322491124010004
PDF Price: $15
Changes in an organism’s DNA can influence all aspects of its life.
Mutations serve as raw material for genetic variability and its evolution. These are
caused by high-energy radiation. Chemical substances present in the environment are
other potential causative agents. They may also occur during DNA replication.
Radiation damage has increased many folds after the advent of cellular telephony.
Genes are DNA molecules. These molecules are distributed on the chromosomes of
individuals or populations of a species. Some populations grow faster than others.
Why? The chapter tries to find an answer to it.
Population increase has been observed in some countries and for others, a decrease has
been detected. It has been predicted that the human population will increase to 8.5
billion in 2030 from 7. 8 billion in 2020. The exploitation of natural resources would
increase accordingly. World Economic Forum reports that research conducted at the
Swiss Re Institute has pointed out that an 18 percent reduction in GDP is achievable by
2050 if the Global temperature rise is restricted to 3.20
C. About 16 to 29% reduction
in CO2
emissions would lead to a less dangerous climate change provided population
growth is slowed down. If factors contributing to Global warming are managed in such
a way that the Global temperature rises by 1.50
C, Sustainable Development Goals are
achievable. Net–zero emissions targeted to be achieved by 2050 are not feasible as
international agreements are not honored.
Human Ecology: A New Perspective
Page: 34-43 (10)
Author: Vikas Rai*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815322491124010005
PDF Price: $15
Complexity exists in systems with simple architecture. The unit of
architecture, in this context, is a predator–prey community. In case another predator
invades the patch in which this community inhabits, temporal dynamics would go
chaotic. Chaotic dynamics is characterized by short–term predictability. This leads to
Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity. It has been found in Daphnia‘s Neuro -
physiological mechanisms of Ad hoc environmental phenotypic adaptation. Induced
defenses in Daphnia; a prey for fish, phantom midge larvae, tadpoles, and several
aquatic insects, engage in predation-specific chemical cues that signal increased
predation risk. Identification of friends and foes is facilitated by Chemo-receptors in
Daphnia. Olfactory receptor (OR) neurons belong to the G – protein-coupled – receptor
super family. These neurons get activated when air-borne molecules bind to ORs
expressed on their cilia. Transport of goods and services involves the movement of
vehicles that release NO2
into the environment.
Molecular switches on plant leaves help sense their environment. These switches are
10-15 m long molecules made of femto particles. Animals and ‘social animals’
(individual humans living in different societies) interact with each other through
members of G – protein-coupled receptor superfamily. Animals consume plants that
provide food, fodder, fuel, and fiber for the growing human population. Social Capital,
a network of relationships among people in an efficient society, creates Human
capital; good health, and knowledge of things, which are useful for the execution of
duties of an employee in a company. The chapter provides a crisp description of all that
goes into different aspects of human ecology. This discipline puts humans on the center
stage. An integration of this discipline with neurosciences would broaden the scope of
both disciplines.
Elements of Industrial Ecology
Page: 44-52 (9)
Author: Vikas Rai*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815322491124010006
PDF Price: $15
The central theme of industrial ecology is the idea that the waste material
from one industry can serve as raw material for the other. It is industrial symbiosis.
This eases tension created by the pressure of ever-accumulating industrial waste.
Another aspect of an industry is the input of energy. It must be clean; emissions to the
environment are minimal, and green, i.e., we must utilize the least amount of resources.
The search for clean energy sources has converged to Hydrogen Energy. The
production efficiency of the electrolysis process is enhanced by the application of an
external magnetic field. Solar to hydrogen conversion efficiency attains the levels of
economic feasibility with the use of semiconductor sheets made of Rh – co-doped
powders embedded into a gold layer. Solar to hydrogen conversion efficiency
(1.1% and 30% quantum yield at 419 nm) was achieved by splitting pure water (pH
6.88). Effects of electric power, external magnetic field, and temperature on conversion
efficiency have been investigated and found to be appreciable.
Bio–diesel is another potential source of energy. The energy of sunlight is converted
into chemical energy through a biochemical process. A positive aspect of algal
cultivation is that it can be grown either in freshwater or brackish water. In this way, it
does not compete for fresh water. Microalgae respond by producing more
carbohydrates or lipids in conditions of environmental stress; e.g., when a particular
nutrient is lacking. Biodiesel derived from algal lipids is non-toxic and biodegradable.
Microalgae produce oils 15 – 300 times more than traditional crops per unit cultivated
area. The ability of an endolithic cyanobacterial strain, Leptolyngbya sp. ISTCY101 to
produce biomass from which biodiesel can be produced, has been assessed in
experiments conducted exploiting principles of carbon assimilation in the natural
ecological niche of the cyanobacterium. Measurements of relevant variables and
parameters showed that this strain is capable of returning a reasonably high yield of
biomass productivity.
Integration of industrial ecology and ecological economics would expand the scope of
the circular economy. New information generated in the process of integration would
be used to develop new tools for decision-makers. Self-guidance, a special attribute,
would be available to industry leaders if a course based on this chapter is introduced in
the curriculum of engineering undergraduates.
Sustainable Development Goals: Good and Bad
Page: 53-80 (28)
Author: Vikas Rai*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815322491124010007
PDF Price: $15
The central theme of human ecology is sustainable development. United
Nations Organization (UNO) in 2015 identified 17 goals; known as sustainable
development goals (SDGs), to be achieved by 2030. SDG1 (No poverty) and SDG2
(Zero hunger) are difficult to achieve. For the former, a workable measure of poverty is
to be evolved. The poverty line defined by the United Nations Department of
Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) is linked with the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), which varies significantly for countries rich and poor. There is no relationship
between poverty in the USA and India. It is relative poverty. A universal absolute
poverty, which is not linked with Gross Domestic Product, needs to be considered. The
prospect of whether the goal of zero hunger would be achieved, depends on the state of
sustainable agriculture in a country at any given time. SDG2 may be achieved by
2030 with cooperation among rich and poor countries. If developing countries are
provided soft credit by developed countries from time to time, a few targets could be
Agricultural productivity depends on capital. The interaction of disease and human
capital leads to dynamics in the state space of the system represented by multiple
equilibria (two stable equilibria and an intervening unstable equilibrium). If compared
with the famous Lorenz attractor, which presents trajectories of two convective cells;
one lying over the other, in the state space of the system (the bottom convective cell is
heated up from below, with two unstable foci and an intervening saddle point), it is
clear that the interaction of disease and human capital would generate oscillations in
system’s state space. This explains why agricultural productivity varies; and oscillates
between two states of low and high productivity. The incidence of unpredictable
epidemics in this system would lead to chaos; which allows only short-term
predictability. Therefore, SDG 3 (Good Health and Well–Being) appears to be wishful
thinking. This knowledge adds value to SDG 12 (responsible consumption and
production). Production refers to both agricultural and industrial.
Occupational Choice (SDG 3, SDG 8) is a critical factor. It depends on the beliefs and
practices of the people of a nation. Banerjee & Newman (1993) developed a model of
economic development. Economic development is considered as a process of
institutional transformation. Capital market imperfections drive the dynamics of the
system considered. Depending on the initial distribution of wealth, the economy
generates two scenarios:1) either widespread cottage industry or factory production, 2)
prosperity or stagnation. An individual’s decision of occupation depends on whether
he/she is wealthy or poor. The poor go for employment contracts (factory production)
and the wealthy go for entrepreneurship (widespread cottage industry). A society needs
both kinds of people. An economy that is poised between two scenarios is desirable.
SDGs 13, 14, 15, and 17 are linked with each other in the sense that rain depends on
tree cover present on the land surface. Water bodies receive water through precipitation
which depends on the interaction between the sun and ocean; the reservoir of resources.
Forest cover and land use patterns also affect climate. If rich countries help poor
countries under the aegis of UNO through its different developmental programs, a few
of the SDGs can be partially achieved. If developed nations continue to exploit
situations in poor (developing) countries, then, there is no hope.
A Treatise on Ecological Science provides a fresh perspective on modern ecological thought by exploring topics often overlooked in traditional ecological texts. The book opens with a discussion of Network Ecology, unraveling the interconnectedness of ecosystems, and transitions to the intricate relationship between biodiversity and climate change. It further addresses Human Ecology, highlighting its central role in shaping ecological discourse, and explores the principles of Industrial Ecology, emphasizing sustainable practices in industrial systems. The final chapter critically examines the Sustainable Development Goals, offering a balanced view of their benefits and limitations. Designed to bridge gaps between ecology, industry, and global sustainability, this book serves as an insightful resource for students, researchers, and policymakers interested in contemporary ecological science and its practical applications. Key Features: - Examines underexplored topics in ecological science. - Connects biodiversity, climate change, and human ecology. - Highlights the role of industrial ecology in sustainability. - Provides a critical analysis of Sustainable Development Goals.