The contamination of aflatoxin (AF) in animal diets manifests harmful effects on animal health and productivity. The effect of ethanolic leaf extracts of Solanum americanum in rat diet against aflatoxicosis has been discussed. All hematological and biochemical parameters of AF-alone treated rats were significantly changed when compared to normal diet-treated ones. The obtained results indicated that the administration of the leaf extract of S. americanum to aflatoxicated rats improved the hematological and biochemical parameters toward their respective normal value. Molecular docking studies have been undertaken for the phytoconstituents reported for this plant against two cancers and inflammation-related protein targets. The results of this study indicated that S. americanum has the possibility of serving as an easily obtainable natural antiaflatoxigenic source for food supplements or the pharmaceutical sector.
Keywords: Aflatoxin, Antiaflatoxigenic, Molecular docking, Rat diet, Solanum americanum.