M-commerce, or mobile commerce, is transforming how business is done
online in the modern era of business. Unfortunately, Ghana's “small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs)” do not use mobile commerce very much. This study aims to assess
the body of knowledge on the issues, preventing SMEs from adopting m-commerce
and to further the investigation into those issues. The results illustrate how unstable
variables are when seen in terms of how they affect one another, their connections, and
themselves. The components of the proposed framework are discussed, and the way
they interact with one another emphasizes how difficult it is to prevent m-commerce
adoption. This outcome emphasizes the importance of thorough data analysis as
opposed to problem isolation. The results also showed that “perceived risk” was a
significant barrier, highlighting the possibility that different perspectives on the
adoption concept may have a significant impact on the result and the existence of
additional factors.
Keywords: Digitalization, Ghana, Mobile-Commerce, SMEs, Technology