According to the English lexicon, mining is the extraction of coal or other
natural minerals from a mine. Extracting these natural minerals is extremely risky, and
employees' lives are at stake. Mining workers are exposed to a dangerous underground
environment that can cause harm or even death. Some of these injuries or fatalities can
be traced back to human error. However, several physical factors or reasons for such a
subterranean environment might be blamed for these mishaps. It is not easy to monitor
without endangering someone's life. Previously, companies depended on manual
processes where an individual would physically inspect the situation, make
observations, and submit a report. This technique was too hazardous since the person
monitoring a specific threat may be harmed by the same hazard. As a result, this has
been the mining industry's most serious challenge for a long time. A smart system can
detect problems and communicate information to the relevant authorities before
anything hazardous occurs due to this procedure. This smart network system uses
wireless sensors and an IoT platform. Gas, temperature, humidity, and vibration
sensors are the various types of sensors used to detect the presence of any toxic gas,
monitor the temperature, identify the amount of humidity in the air, and monitor
subsurface tremors, respectively. All of these sensors are linked together, and the data
collected by these sensors is subsequently sent to the cloud for processing. This
analysis will assist the system in understanding subsurface behavioural changes, and as
a result, it will be able to provide warnings of impending dangerous circumstances. The
Raspberry Pi and the Raspberries operating system are used for data analysis. This
smart system intends to lower the risk of accidents and infections, benefiting workers
and the company's economy.Such IoT architecture in the mining industry, which combines operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT), provides a safer mine site for workers, reliable
mining operations, a highly integrated environment for both traditional and innovative
sensors and equipment, automation that can reduce human intervention and covert
surveillance. This research aims to increase IoT adoption in the mining sector by
combining a high-level architecture, complying with all industry standards and
guidelines, and addressing the mining industry's specific challenges.
Keywords: IoT, IIoT, Mining Industry, Operational Technology, Wireless Sensor Networks.