The change in global climate patterns raised issues related to soil
salinization, desertification, unseasonal rains, and droughts which directly or indirectly
influence agricultural produce. Plants have some level of tolerance towards various
stresses, and this tolerance capacity varies among plant species based on their genetic
constitution and evolutionary adaptability. Abiotic stress sensing and responses in
plants involve complex pathways containing multiple steps and genes. To survive in
stressful conditions, plants need to adjust their physiological and metabolic processes.
Adjustments in these processes involve complex changes at the molecular level
resulting in a plant’s adaptation at a morphological and developmental level, which in
turn impacts agriculture yields (biomass). Here in this chapter, we are emphasizing
molecular dissection of the physiological responses towards salt and drought stress.
The study of salt and drought stress responses in plants is also important from an
agricultural perspective. We aim to provide up-to-date advancements in the molecular
biology field to explain ‘stress sensing to stress response’ in plants which involves
multifaceted pathways and networks. We will be covering the process starting from
sensing, transfer of signals, regulation of gene expressions, synthesis of osmolytes-metabolites, ROS scavenging pathways, etc.., involved in the survival of plants. This
chapter will specifically address information regarding salt and drought stress effects
and responses in plants.
Keywords: Drought, Environmental Stress, Molecular Physiology, Salt, Signaling.