Salt stress is one of the main environmental stresses occurring all over the
globe. Soil salinity is a serious issue in arid and semi-arid areas, causing significant
ecological disruption. Excess salts in the soil have an impact on plant nutrient intake
and osmotic equilibrium, causing osmotic and ionic stress. Complex physiological
features, metabolic pathways, enzyme synthesis, suitable solutes, metabolites, and
molecular or genetic networks all play a role in plant adaptation or tolerance to salinity
stress. Sugar beet is a well-known crop in terms of salt tolerance and for reclaiming
such soils, even for the growth of other crops. Natural endowments, accumulation of
organic solutes, sodium potassium ions accumulation in vacuoles, and osmotic
tolerance potential are some of the key mechanisms involved in providing tolerance to
sugar beet. A greater understanding of sugar beet tolerance and response to salt stress
will open up new avenues for increasing crop performance in these conditions. The
mechanisms involved in sugar beet adaptation to salt stress conditions, as well as the
response to such conditions, are discussed in this chapter.
Keywords: Osmotic adjustment, Mechanism, SOS Pathway, Sugar beet, Tolerance.