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Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1871-5249
ISSN (Online): 1875-6166

Research Article

Evaluation of Nootropic Potential of Aerva persica Roots against D-galactose-induced Memory Impairment

Author(s): Mohammad Asif, Kaneez Fatima*, Sadaf Jamal Gilani, Mohamad Taleuzzaman, Syed Salman Ali and Samera Ali Siddiqui

Volume 23, Issue 2, 2023

Published on: 25 August, 2023

Page: [126 - 136] Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/1871524923666230822100016

Price: $65


Background: The primary phytoconstituents reported to have neuroprotective effects are flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Aerva persica roots are reported to be rich in flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the nootropic potential of Aerva persica roots.

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the nootropic potential of Aerva persica roots against D-galactose-induced memory impairment.

Methods: In this study, the roots of Aerva persica were extracted with 70% ethanol. The obtained extract was evaluated for total phenolic content using the Folin-Ciocalteu method and total flavonoid content using the aluminium chloride colorimetric assay. Afterward, the acute oral toxicity of the extract was determined following the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guideline 423. Additionally, two doses of Aerva persica (100 and 200 mg/kg body weight (BW)) were evaluated for their nootropic potential against D-galactose-induced memory impairment. The nootropic potential of the crude extract was assessed through a behavioural study and brain neurochemical analysis. Behavioural studies involved the evaluation of spatial reference- working memory using the radial arm maze test and the Y-maze test. Neurochemical analysis was performed to determine the brain’s acetylcholine, acetylcholinesterase, glutathione (GSH), and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels.

Results: The total phenolic content and total flavonoid content were found to be 179.14 ± 2.08 μg GAE/mg and 273.72 ± 3.94 μg QE/mg, respectively. The Aerva persica extract was found to be safe up to 2000 mg/kg BW. Following the safety assessment, the experimental mice received various treatments for 14 days. The behavioural analysis using the radial maze test showed that the extract at both doses significantly improved spatial reference-working memory and reduced the number of total errors compared to disease control groups. Similarly, in the Y-maze test, both doses significantly increased the alteration percentage and the percentage of novel arm entry (both indicative of intact spatial memory) compared to disease control. In neurochemical analysis, Aerva persica at 200 mg/kg significantly normalised the acetylcholine level (p<0.0001) and GSH level (p<0.01) compared to disease control. However, the same effect was not observed with Aerva persica at 100 mg/kg. Additionally, Aerva persica at 200mg/kg BW significantly decreased the acetylcholinesterase level (p<0.0001) and decreased the brain’s MDA level (p<0.01) compared to the disease control, whereas the effect of Aerva persica at 100 mg/kg BW in reducing acetylcholinesterase was non-significant.

Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that the nootropic potential of Aerva persica was comparable to that of the standard drug, Donepezil, and the effect might be attributed to the higher content of flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

Keywords: Aerva persica, radial arm test, Y-maze test, acetylcholine, acetylcholinesterase, memory impairment.

Graphical Abstract
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