Photographs Across Time: Studies in Urban Landscapes

Establishing a Visual Record

Author(s): Mary J. Thornbush and Sylvia E. Thornbush

Pp: 87-99 (13)

DOI: 10.2174/9781608059843115010009

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The use of photography in research has enabled the preservation of several important features historical monuments such as headstones. This established visual record creates a gateway to studying the past in a more accessible way. Yet, these have also been used for more sentimental reasons, in the remembrance of the dead; by establishing a seriation in their use on headstones, which commence in the mid-1980s and then in the 1990s in Oxford, UK cemeteries.

Keywords: Cemeteries, headstones, photograph, portraiture, seriation.

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