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Current Chemical Biology

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Volume 19 , Issues 3, 2025

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Aims & Scope

Current Chemical Biology aims to publish full-length and mini reviews as well as research papers on exciting new developments at the chemistry-biology interface, covering topics relating to chemical synthesis, science at the chemistry-biology interface, and chemical mechanisms of biological systems.

Current Chemical Biology covers the following areas:

Chemical Synthesis, including the synthesis of biologically important macromolecules, such as proteins, polypeptides, oligonucleotides, oligosaccharides, and others; asymmetric synthesis; combinatorial synthesis; diversity-oriented synthesis; template-directed synthesis; biomimetic synthesis; solid-phase biomolecular synthesis; synthesis of small biomolecules like amino acids, peptides, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleosides; and natural product synthesis.

Science at the Chemistry-Biology Interface, including chemical informatics; macromolecular catalysts and receptors; enzymatic synthesis; biosynthetic engineering; combinatorial biosynthesis; plant cell-based chemistry; bacterial and viral cell-based chemistry; the chemistry of cellular processes in plants/animals; receptor chemistry; cell signaling chemistry; drug design through the understanding of disease processes; synthetic biology; new high-throughput screening techniques; small molecular array fabrication; chemical genomics; chemical and biological approaches to carbohydrate, protein, and nucleic acid designs; chemical and biological regulation of biosynthetic pathways; and unnatural biomolecular analogs.

Chemical Mechanisms of Biological Systems, including mechanisms of drug design; molecular recognition; enzyme inhibition mechanisms; chemical mechanisms of biological functions; molecular machines; chemical ecology; metal ions in biological systems; metalloenzymes; chemical mechanisms in proteomics and metabonomics; chemical imaging; small molecule-biological target interactions; biologically active natural products; elucidation of biosynthetic pathways; and simulation and modeling of biomolecules.
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