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Important points to remember while submitting clinical trials:
Each manuscript should clearly state an objective or hypothesis; the design and methods (including the study setting and dates, patients or participants with inclusion and exclusion criteria, or data sources, and how these were selected for the study); the essential features of any interventions; the main outcome measures; the main results of the study; a comment section placing the results in context with the published literature and addressing study limitations; and the conclusions. Data included in research reports must be original.
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References must be listed in the ACS Style only. All references should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission.
See below few examples of references listed in the correct ACS Style:
Zeremski, M.; Petrovic, L.M.; Chiriboga, L.; Brown, Q.B.; Yee, H.T.; Kinkhabwala, M.;
Jacobson, I.M.; Dimova, R.; Markatou, M.; Talal, A.H. Intrahepatic levels of
CXCR3-associated chemokines correlate with liver inflammation and fibrosis in chronic
Zhang, W.; Brombosz, S.M.; Mendoza, J.L.; Moore, J.S. A high-yield, one-step synthesis of
o-phenylene ethynylene cyclic trimer
Hoppert, M. Microscopic Techniques in Biotechology; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim,
Schmidt, L.D. The Engineering of Chemical Reactions, 2nd ed.; Oxford University Press:
New York,
Wheeler, D.M.S.; Wheeler, M.M. Stereoselective Syntheses of Doxorubicin and Related
Compounds In:
Ford, H.L.; Sclafani, R.A.; Degregori, J. Cell Cycle Regulatory Cascades. In: Cell Cycle
and Growth Control: Biomolecular Regulation and Cancer, 2nd ed.; Stein, G.S., Pardee,
A.B., Eds.; Wiley-Liss: Hoboken, NJ,
El Nadi, L., Ed. Modern Trends in Physics Research: First International Conference on
Modern Trends in Physics Research, MTPR-04, Cairo, Egypt, 4-9 April 2004; AIP Conference
Proceedings 0748; American Institute of Physics: Melville, N.Y.,
Christensen, S.; Oppacher, F. An Analysis of Koza’s Computational Effort Statistic for
Genetic Programming. In: Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th
European Conference on Genetic Programming 2002 April 3-5; Kinsdale, Irland; Foster,
J.A., Lutton, E., Miller, J., Ryan, C., Tettamanzi, A.G., Eds.; Springer Berlin,
National Library of Medicine. Specialized Information Services: Toxicology and
Environmental Health.
[Accessed May 23,
Hoch, J.A.; Huang, S. Screening methods for the identification of novel antibiotics. U.S. Patent 6,043,045, March 28, 2000.
Mackel, H. Capturing the Spectra of Silicon Solar Cells. PhD Thesis,The Australian
National University: Canberra, December
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2.0 pt (0.071cm, 0.0278in)
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0.6 pt (0.021cm, 0.0084in)
Margin width
1.6 pt (0.096cm)
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2.5 pt (0.088cm, 0.0347in)
Times New Roman
8 pt
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The text of every submitted manuscript is checked by using the Content Tracking mode in iThenticate. The Content Tracking mode ensures that manuscripts with an overall low percentage similarity (but which may have a higher similarity from a single source) are not overlooked. If the similarity level is significantly high, then the manuscript is returned to the author for paraphrasing the text and citing the original source of the copied material.
It is important to mention that the text taken from different sources with an overall low similarity percentage will be considered as a plagiarized content if the majority of the article is a combination of copied material.
There may be some manuscripts with an overall low similarity percentage, but a higher percentage from a single source. For instance, a manuscript may have less than 20% overall similarity but there may be 15 % similar text taken from a single article; the similarity index in such cases is higher than the approved limit for a single source. Authors are advised to thoroughly rephrase the similar text and properly cite the original source to avoid plagiarism and copyright violation.
We all know that scholarly manuscripts are written after a thorough review of previously published articles. It is therefore, not easy to draw a clear boundary between legitimate representation and plagiarism. However, the following important features can assist in identifying different kinds of plagiarized content. These are:
Reproduction of others words, sentences, ideas or findings as one’s own without proper acknowledgement.
Text recycling, also known as self-plagiarism. It is an author’s use of a previous publication in another paper without proper citation and acknowledgment of the original source.
Paraphrasing poorly: Copying complete paragraphs and modifying a few words without changing the structure of original sentences or changing the sentence structure but not the words.
Verbatim copying of text without putting quotation marks and not acknowledging the work of the original author.
Properly citing a work but poorly paraphrasing the original text is considered as unintentional plagiarism. Similarly, manuscripts with language somewhere between paraphrasing and quoting are not acceptable. Authors should either paraphrase properly or quote and in both cases, cite the original source.
Higher similarity in the abstract, introduction, materials and methods, and discussion and conclusion sections indicates that the manuscript may contain plagiarized text. Authors can easily explain these parts of the manuscript in many ways. However, technical terms and sometimes standard procedures cannot be rephrased; therefore Editors must review these sections carefully before making a decision.
Published manuscripts which are found to contain plagiarized text are retracted from the journal website after careful investigation and approval by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. A ‘Retraction Note’ as well as a link to the original article is published on the electronic version of the plagiarized manuscript and an addendum with retraction notification in the journal concerned.
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