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Current Chinese Science

(Continued as Current Science, Engineering and Technology)

Volume 5 , Issues 4, 2025

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Editorial Board

ccs Executive Editor-in-Chief ccs_a-rahman_f_001 Shu Jie School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Ningbo University Ningbo China Orcid Scopus Executive Editor ccs_a-rahman_f_001 Atta-ur-Rahman Honorary Life Fellow Kings College University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Kings College, University of Cambridge (1968), and Sc.D. (University of Cambridge) has 1315 international publications in several fields of organic chemistry including, 349 books (11 authored, 338 edited) published largely by major U.S. and European presses. He is Editor of the "Studies in Natural Products Chemistry", 78 volumes of which have been published by Elsevier under his Editorship in last 3 decades. He was elected as Fellow prestigious of Royal Society (London) (2006) and won the UNESCO Science Prize (1999). The Austrian government honoured him with its high civil award ("Grosse Goldene Ehrenzeischen am Bande") (2007) in recognition of his international services to the cause of science. Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman was appointed Academician (Foreign Member) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2015) and Fellow (Foreign Member) of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology. He won the "Friendship Award of China" (2014) and was conferred the highest scientific award of China, the International Science & Technology Cooperation Award, by President Xi Jinping (2020). The leading Chinese University on Traditional Medicine in Changsha, Hunan has established the "Academician Professor Atta-ur-Rahman One Belt and One Road TCM Research Center" in October 2019. The largest university in Malaysia, Universiti of Technologi, Mara, Malaysia (UiTM), has established an institution entitled, "Atta-ur-Rahman Institute on Natural Product Discovery (AuRins)" in 2013. He has served as the Vice President of The World Academy of Science (TWAS, Trieste, Italy), and Coordinator General of COMSTECH (OIC Ministerial Committee on Science and Technology). He is President of Pakistan Academy of Science and is President of Network of Academies of Science of Islamic Countries (NASIC).

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Honorary Senior Advisor(s) ccs_Zhisheng-sh_001 An Dr. Zhisheng Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Earth Environment Beijing China

Prof. An Zhisheng, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), is a well-known scientist of Earth Sciences in the world. He is a leading researcher in Asian monsoon dynamics and global climate change, with a focus on the evolution of Asian monsoon, its mechanisms and environmental effects. Based on his pioneering study on loess and other records and their climatic significance, he proposed the “monsoon control theory” which hypothesized that East Asian environmental changes were largely controlled by monsoon variations since late Cenozoic. His multidisciplinary research from classical Quaternary geology to Earth System Science is considered to be one of the important achievements in global change research. An has published more than 450 peer-reviewed articles and co-authored several books. An’s publications have resulted in more than 35,000 citations, with an h-index of 86. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Chunli-bai_001 Bai Dr. Chunli Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Tsinghua University Beijing China

Prof. BAI Chunli is a well-known chemist and leading scientist in nanoscience, and a former President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). His research areas include the structure and properties of polymer catalysts, X-ray crystallography of organic compounds, molecular mechanics and EXAFS research on electro-conducting polymers, scanning tunneling microscopy and molecular nanotechnology. Dr. Chunli has won more than twenty prestigious awards and prizes for his academic achievements. He has been elected as a member or foreign member of world-known academies of science or engineering, including US National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the Royal Society, the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Australian Academy of Science (AAS), the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS), the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech), the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Honorary Member of the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) etc. He also serves as the Chief Scientist for the National Steering Committee for Nanoscience and Technology and was the Founding Director of China National Center for Nanoscience and Technology. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Ping-Cheng_001 Cheng Dr. Ping Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China

Dr. Ping Cheng, a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, is Professor Emeritus of Shanghai Jiaotong University. He served as Chairman of Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Hawaii (1989-1994), and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (1995-2003). He obtained his MS degree from MIT in 1960 and his PhD degree from Stanford University in 1965. He has been active in research work in porous-media heat transfer, microscale heat transfer, and phase-change heat transfer. A Fellow of both American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), he was recipients of 1996 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award, 2003 AIAA Thermophysics Award, and 2005 ASME/AIChE Max Jakob Memorial Award. He was the Chair of the 16 th International Heat Transfer Conference held in Beijing in 2018. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Huiming-Cheng_001 Cheng Dr. Huiming Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute Shenzhen China

Prof. Hui-Ming Cheng graduated from Hunan University, China in 1984 and received his Ph. D in 1992 from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMR CAS). He is a Professor and the founding director of both the Advanced Carbon Research Division of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, IMR CAS since 2001, and the Low-Dimensional Material and Device Laboratory of the Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University since 2016. His research activities focus on carbon nanotubes, graphene, other 2D materials, energy storage materials, photocatalytic materials, and bulk carbon materials. He has published over 700 papers with a WoS h-index of 136 and is a Highly Cited Researcher in both chemistry and materials science fields. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Junhao-Chu_001 Chu Dr. Junhao Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Insitute of Technical Physics, CAS Fudan University Shanghai China

Dr. Chu Junhao is a Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2005, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a professor at Fudan University. He received his PhD from the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1984 and has remained at the institute ever since. Dr. Junhao received the Humboldt Foundation for postdoctoral research at the Department of Physics of the Technical University of Munich, Germany in 1988. From 1993 to 2002, he served as the director of the State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics. He has long been engaged in infrared photo-electronics physics and semiconductor research, narrow band semiconductor physics and ferroelectric thin-film material device physics, new photoelectric devices and interdisciplinary research. He has published more than 800 scientific papers, more than 100 patents, 5 monographs, edited 10, won the National Natural Science Award three times, ministerial-level award 12 times. In 2014, he was named one of the top ten outstanding science and technology workers in China, and in 2017, won the first National New Competition Medal. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Wave and a Fellow of the International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE).

褚君浩博士是中国科学院院士(2005年当选),中国科学院上海技术物理研究所研究员,复旦大学教授。他于1984年在中国科学院上海技术物理研究所获得博士学位,此后一直留在该研究所工作。 褚君浩博士于1986-1988年获得洪堡基金会基金在德国慕尼黑工业大学物理系从事博士后研究。从1993年至2002年,他担任红外物理国家重点实验室的主任。他长期从事红外光电物理学和半导体研究,窄带半导体物理学和铁电薄膜材料器件物理学,新型光电器件和跨学科研究。他发表过科学论文800余篇,专利100余项,专著5部,编著10部。三度获得国家自然科学奖,十二次获得部级奖。 2014年,他被评为中国十佳优秀科学技术工作者之一; 2017年,他获得了首届全国创新争先奖章。他目前是中国《红外与毫米波学报》的主编,也是国际光学工程学会(SPIE)的会士。

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ccs_Peng-Cui_001 Cui Dr. Peng Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory for Mountain Hazards and Earth Surface Process Institute of Mountain Hazards & Environment Sichuan China

Dr. Peng Cui is an academician (member) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a leading scientist in physical geography and water and soil conservation. He currently serves as the Co-Director General (Chinese side) of China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences, Co-Director of Alliance of International Science Organizations on Disaster Risk Reduction (ANSO-DRR), Science Committee Member of IRDR of ISC/UNDRR. He has published more than 400 papers, including 128 SCI papers, 122 EI papers, 272 CSCD papers and 37 ISTP papers. He owns 16 patents, 3 software copyrights, 7 monographs. Dr. Cui has long been engaged in geo-hazards research with a focus on debris flow, landslide, and dammed lake, as well as in water and soil conservation studies. He has led over 30 major national projects. He has made outstanding achievements in hazard formation and movement mechanism, fostering condition, risk assessment, monitoring and early warning. His integrated disaster risk reduction and mitigation theories and techniques have been widely adopted during the mega natural hazards treatment in China and other countries. As an eminent scientist in China, he has also made great contributions to the scientific and technological collaborations between China and Pakistan. He has a profound affection for Pakistan and its people, being dedicated to the bilateral scientific collaborations and disaster risk reduction and mitigation along the Karakoram Highway.He co-initiated the China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences with Professor Asif Khan, aiming to establish a national science, technology and education platform, contributing to the CPEC construction and China-Pakistan S&T collaborations.

男, 1957年8月生,博士,研究员,中国科学院院士。现任中巴地球科学研究中心中方主任,“一带一路”国际科学组织联盟专题联盟——国际防灾减灾科学联盟(ANSO-DRR)共同主席、联合国减灾署灾害风险综合研究计划(IRDR of ISC/UNDRR)国际科学委员会委员、川藏铁路建设专家咨询委员会线站总体组副组长、中国水土保持学会副理事长、中国青藏高原研究会副理事长、中国第四纪科学研究会副理事长等。先后获得中国科学院杰出科技成就奖、国家科技进步奖二等奖、全国创新争先奖状、世界水土保持协会(WASWC)“杰出研究者奖”、中国科协“全国优秀科技工作者”、四川杰出创新人才奖等荣誉和奖励。共发表论文500余篇,其中SCI 136篇、EI 122篇,CSCD 280篇;主持撰写专著6部;获发明专利16项、软件著作权3项。 崔鹏主要从事泥石流、滑坡、堰塞湖等山地灾害与水土保持领域的研究。先后主持30余项国家重大项目,在灾害形成机理、运动规律、成灾机制、风险分析、监测预警与综合防治原理方面取得了系统的理论成果;提出多尺度灾害风险评估方法,构建灾害全过程运动模拟平台,创建灾害过程监测与精细化险情预警技术;发展了山区城镇、道路、风景区等减灾模式与风险防控关键技术,形成了综合减灾技术。研究成果在汶川地震、舟曲泥石流、委内瑞拉泥石流、巴基斯坦堰塞湖以及尼泊尔地震等重大灾害应急减灾和风险防控实践中取得成效,为防灾减灾事业做出贡献,得到国际同行和相关国家政府的认可。目前,致力于重大工程减灾、“一带一路”自然灾害风险防控与山区综合灾研究,旨在解决基础设施建设和重大工程风险与民生安全领域面临的科技问题,服务区域可持续发展与韧性社会构建。 崔鹏作为中国杰出的科学家,也为中巴科技合作做出了巨大贡献。他对巴基斯坦及其人民有着深厚的感情,致力于喀喇昆仑公路沿线的双边科学合作和减少灾害风险。他与阿西夫•汗教授(Professor Asif Khan)共同发起了中巴地球科学研究中心,旨在建立一个国家科学、技术和教育平台,为中巴经济走廊建设和中巴科技合作做出贡献。

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ccs_Yihan-Chen_001 Chen Yihan Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Tongji University Shanghai China

Dr. Yi-Han Chen is a professor of Tongji University School of Medicine and chief physician in the Department of Cardiology, Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University. His research focuses on the mechanisms and interventions of arrhythmias and heart failure. He has discovered multiple genetic mechanisms of arrhythmias, confirmed that cardiac pacemaker cells possess glutamate neuronal properties, discovered that endogenous glutamate transmitter system in atrial cardiomyocytes can control atrial bioelectrical activity, and identified signaling pathways of myocardial regeneration and repair after myocardial injury and new drug prodrugs. He has won many awards, including the second prize of the National Natural Science Award and the National May 1 Labor Medal. Currently, he is vice President of Tongji University, Director of Department of Cardiology, Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University, Director of Key Laboratory of Arrhythmia of Ministry of Education and director of Basic Science Center of National Natural Science Foundation of China. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a member of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

陈义汉博士是同济大学医学院教授和同济大学附属东方医院心脏内科主任医生 。他的研究领域主要包括心律失常和心力衰竭的机制和干预。他发现了心律失 常的多个遗传学机制,证实了心脏起搏细胞具备谷氨酸能神经元属性,发现了 心房心肌细胞内源性谷氨酸递质系统可以控制心房生物电活动,识别出了心肌 损伤后修复的信号通路和新药前药。他获得过包括国家自然科学奖二等奖和全 国“五一”劳动奖章在内的多项奖项。现任同济大学副校长、同济大学附属东方 医院心脏内科主任、心律失常教育部重点实验室主任和国家自然科学基金委员 会基础科学中心负责人。他是中国科学院院士、中国医学科学院学部委员和全 国政协委员。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Runsheng-Chen_001 Chen Runsheng Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Biophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Professor Runsheng Chen is now a Professor in the Systems Biology Research Center and State Key Laboratory of Biomacromolecules at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also a member of Human Genome Organization (HUGO), and a member of the biomacromolecule group of The Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA). From 1992 to 1996, he was a member of the biophysics professional committee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), and is now the General-Secretary and Vice President of Chinese Society of Biophysics. He graduated in 1964 from the Department of Biophysics, University of Science and Technology of China. From 1985 to 1987, he studied the electronic structure of biomacromolecules from the University Erlangen-Nurnberg, as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation. After that he has been engaged in research cooperation with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Osaka University in Japan, Erlangen-Nurnberg University, University of California, Los Angeles, and Harvard University. In 1996, Prof. Chen was invited to give a lecture called “From DNA sequence database to protein three-dimensional structure” at the 15th international CODATA conference, and won the “Kotani Prize”. In 2007, he was elected as a Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Chen was awarded” Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize” in 2008. And he won the “Tan Jiazhen life science and Achievement Award” in 2012. He has further established statistical DNA sequence analysis, fractal dimension analysis, and work on neural networks, complexity, local area degeneracy factor analysis, cryptology and other methodologies. Among these, prof. Chen was the first to establish cryptology studies in China. He also took part in the sequencing of 1% of the human genome and computer analysis of the rice genome draft. For 20 years, Prof. Chen has taken a systematic study in the field of bioinformatics, and published more than 120 SCI papers; besides, several times, he has been invited to give reports at the international academic conferences.

陈润生先生现为中国科学院生物物理研究所系统生物学研究中心和生物大分子国家重点实 验室研究员、博士生导师,中国科学院院士。国际人类基因组组织(HUGO)会员;国际数据 库组织(CODATA)生物大分子专业组委员。国际纯粹及应用物理学会(IUPAP)生物信息学 专业委员会委员;曾任国际纯粹及应用物理学会(IUPAP)生物物理专业委员会委员(1992-1996); 中国生物物理学会秘书长、副理事长;中国物理学会理事。1964 年毕业于中国科学技术大学生 物物理系。毕业后至今一直在生物物理所从事研究工作。1985-1987 年获洪堡奖学金作为访问 学者在德国纽伦堡大学从事生物大分子电子结构研究。此后不断地在香港科技大学、中文大学, 日本大阪大学、德国纽伦堡大学、美国落杉矶加州大学、哈佛大学等从事合作研究。1996 年 10 月在日本筑波召开的第十五届国际科学技术数据委员会(CODATA)大会上应邀发表题为"从 DNA 序列数据到蛋白质三维结构"的"小谷正雄"纪念演讲,同时获得“小谷正雄”奖。2007 年当 选为中国科学院院士;2008 年获得何梁何利基金奖。2012 年获谈家桢生命科学与成就奖 陈润生院士长期从事生物信息学研究。完成了我国第一个细菌完整基因组的组装、基因标 识等分析工作,同时建立了 DNA 序列的统计分析、分维分析、神经网络、复杂性、局域简并 度、密码学等多种方法,其中密码学方法是在国际上首次提出的。参加了人类基因组 1%的测 序任务和水稻基因组工作草图的信息分析工作。二十多年来在生物信息学领域进行了系统的研 究,共发表 SCI 收录学术论文 120 余篇,并多次在国际学术会议上应邀做报告。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Xiangqun-Cui_001 Cui Xiangqun Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology Nanjing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Keji-Chen_001 Chen Keji Chinese Academy of Sciences Xiyuan Hospital Beijing China Scopus ccs_ebm_Heshengc-Sheng_001 Chen Heshengc Sheng Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Chai-zha_001 Chai Zhaifang Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Lab. of Nuclear Analytical Techniques Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing China

Prof. Zhifang Chai is a radiochemist working at the Institute of High Energy Physics and Ningbo Institute of Material and Technical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection, Soochow University. He was graduated from Fudan University, China, in 1964. As a fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, he worked at Cologne University from 1980 to 1982. Later, he stayed at Purdue University, the USA, Strassburg Nuclear Research Centre, France, Delft University and ECN, the Netherlands, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, etc. as a visiting professor. He is closely engaged in nuclear energy chemistry, radiation medicine and nuclear analytical techniques. He authored or co-authored over 799 papers in peer-review journals, including Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Chemical Society Review, JACS, PNAS, Nano Letter, Anal Chem, Environ Sci Technol. etc. and 13 books in English and/or Chinese in the field of nuclear techniques and their applications. He is a member of many domestic and international scientific communities. He is a co-editor of Radiochim Acta and advisor of 4 international and 10 national journals. In 2005, he was awarded the George von Hevesy Award - the premier international award of excellence to honor outstanding achievements in radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. In 2007, he was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Besides, he is also listed as a highly-cited author by Thomson-Reuters and Elsevier Science since 2014.

柴之芳,1942 年 9 月生亍上海,籍贯浙江鄞县。放射化学家。1964 年毕 业亍复旦大学物理二系。现任中科院高能所研究员/苏州大学教授/中科院宁波材 料所首席科学家, 放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室主任等。1980 获洪堡基 金资助,在德国科隆大学工作。后在美国、欧洲和日本等地短期工作。2007 年 当选中国科学院院士。 长期致力亍放射化学与核技术研究,并将其应用亍交叉学科中,在若干重要 元素活化分析,铂族和其他微量元素的丰度特征,纳米安全性、锕系元素化学等 方面取得了一批成果。现从事核能放射化学和放射医学研究。共发表 SCI 论文 700 余篇,包括 Nature 及其子刊等。曾任或现任国际纯粹与应用化学联合会的 领衔委员等;Radiochim Acta 的 co-editor 等。曾获全国科学大会奖、 国家 自然科学二等奖和国家科技进步二等奖等。2005 年获国际放射分析化学和核化 学领域的最高奖-George von Hevesy 奖, 是发展中国家第 1 个获奖人。2014 年以来一直获汤森路透及爱思唯尔高被引科学家称号。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Shuxing-sh_001 Chen Prof. Shuxing Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Mathematical Sciences Fudan University Shanghai China

Dr. Chen Shuxing is a professor at the Fudan University and has been a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2013. His main research areas include partial differential equations and their applications, (hyperbolic system of conservation laws, shock theory, mathematical analysis in fluid mechanics) and microlocal analysis. He was awarded the National Science and Technology Prize of Chinese Educational Committee twice, in 1985 and 1987. He was also awarded the National Natural Science Prize of China in 1982 and 2005. Dr. Shuxing has published more than 50 articles, many of which have gained reputable citations. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_CHEN-Hong-sh_001 CHEN Dr. Hong-Yuan Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing University Nanjing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Guo-Qiang_001 Chen Dr. Guo Qiang Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Shanghai China

Dr. Guo-Qiang Chen received his Ph.D from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, SJTU-SM in 1996. He visited the Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris in 1997 and Mount-Saint Medical Center in New York as a visiting assistant professor from 1999 to 2001. He has been working successively as a director at the department of pathophysiology, the Key Lab of Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis of Chinese Ministry of Education and State Key Lab of Oncogene and related genes in SJTU-SM since 2002. In 2015, he was elected as an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 2010-2020, he also acted as the president of SJTU-SM and Vice President of SJTU. Dr. Chen's research is primarily based on hematology and oncology, and he has published more than 200 research articles in international academic journals. He also received several national awards, including the Second Prize of the National Natural Science Award by the State Council of China. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Youwei-du_001 Du Youwei Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences State Key Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures Nanjing University Nanjing China

Dr. You Wei Du is currently serving as a professor of Physics at Nanjing University and as an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). His research interest include Magnetism and magnetic materials, Spintronics materials, the magnetic properties and magneto transport properties of nanostructured materials and dependence on their microstructure, small-dimension effect and surface effect of magnetic nano-particles, the magnetic properties of nanowire array, magnetoresistance effect, magneto optical effect, abnormal Hall’s effect of thin films and granular films, the soft and hard magnetism of nanocrystalline materials, magnetocaloric effect of magnetic materials and the studies of half/semi metals, diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors etc. He got Second Award of the National Nature Science etc. He has more than 900 articles published in SCI journals by the Nano-magnetism group led by Y.W.Du. His articles have been cited more than ten thousand times.

南京大学物理系教授,中国科学院院士。 他主要从事磁学与磁性材料研究,开展了自旋电子学材料,纳米结构材料的磁性、输运 性质与微结构的关系,例如:磁性纳米颗粒的小尺寸效应与表面效应;纳米线阵列的磁 性;薄膜与颗粒膜的磁电阻效应与磁光效应以及反常霍尔效应;纳米晶软、硬磁复合材 料;半金属材料与磁性半导体的研究等。 他获得国家自然科学二等奖等奖项。他与他领导的纳米磁性科研组在SCI刊物上已发表 了900余篇,被引用一万余次。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Zixin-sh_001 Deng Dr. Zixin Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan Institute of Biotechnology Wuhan China

Dr. Deng Zixin is a professor of microbiology and chemical biology at Wuhan University/Shanghai Jiaotong University. He is the current president of the Chinese Society of Microbiology. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, fellows of the World Academy of Sciences (formally the Third World Academy of Sciences, TWAS), the American Academy of Microbiology (AAM), and Royal Society Fellow of Chemistry (FRSC). He was born in Hubei Province, China, in 1957. He received his BS degree in microbiology from Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China, in 1982, and a Ph.D. degree in microbial genetics from the University of East Anglia, UK, in 1987, while working on Streptomyces group at John Innes Centre. Dr. Zixin’s major interest is in Streptomyces genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology of antibiotic biosynthesis, and DNA backbone modification by sulfur (phosphorothiolation). He is also an associate editor for ACS Chemical Biology and an editorial board member of a number of journals, including Cell Chemical Biology and Applied & Environmental Microbiology (ASM). Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Fang-ch_001 Fang Dr.Cheng Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing University Nanjing China

Cheng Fang, a professor in Nanjing University, an astrophysician, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Fellowship of the academy of sciences for the developing world (TWAS). He served as the director of the Department of Astronomy of Nanjing University, the president of the Chinese Astronomical Society, and the vice-president of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). He was in charge of the design and the construction of the Solar Tower Telescope of Nanjing University, as the only one of its kind in China, and the Optical and Near-infrared Solar Eruptive Telescope. He was pioneered in making use of non-LTE theory to establish a series of semi-empirical atmospheric models of solar active phenomena. He and his colleagues developed innovative methods for the spectral diagnostics of non-thermal particles in solar flares and constructed a set of hydrodynamic models of solar flares. He has won several awards.

方 成 南京大学教授,天体物理学家,中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士 。曾任南京大学天文系主任、中国天文学会理事长、国际天文学联合会副主席 等职。 他主持研制成中国第一座塔式太阳望远镜和光学近红外太阳爆发探测望远 镜。他系统掌握和运用非局部热动平衡理论,建立了一系列太阳活动体的半经 验模型,与合作者提出了由光谱诊断耀斑非热高能粒子的新方法,并建立了一 些太阳耀斑的动力学模型。曾获首届国家科技进步二等奖(1985)、国家自然科 学三等奖(1997)和4次国家教育部科技进步一等奖、何梁何利科学与技术进步奖 (2004),以及国际空间委员会赵九章奖(2016)等。2008年获法国巴黎天文台授 予的荣誉博士学位。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Enguo-sh_001 Fan Enguo Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Peking Union Medical College Beijing China

Dr. Enguo Fan is currently a Professor at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, China. He obtained his PhD from Martin-Luther University, Germany in 2008. He was originally interested in the determination, quantification, and supplementation of natural products for health purposes. His current research interests focus on the biogenesis of membrane proteins, pathogenic protein translocation across bacterial outer membranes, as well as the development of new antibiotics combining membrane proteins and natural products. He is also interested in the development of outer membrane protein related biotechnological products. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Congbin-sh_001 Fu Dr. Congbin Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing University Nanjing China

Dr. Fu Cnngbin is an Academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Foreign member of Finish Society of Science and Letter, Professor at Nanjing University and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of CAS. He has long been engaged in the study of climate variability and dynamics, including air-sea, air-land and climate–ecosystem interactions in the domain of earth system science and has published more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers. He has been actively involved in the development of an international global change research program. He was also a member of Executive Board of ICSU, the president of the Pacific Science Association, and a vice-president of Chinese Association for Science and Technology. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Congbin-sh_001 Fang Wei-Shuo Institute of Materia Medica Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Beijing China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Huadong-Guo_001 Guo Huadong Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Guo Huadong is the Director General of the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS), and a professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Aerospace Information Research Institute. He is an Academician of CAS, a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a Foreign Member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, and a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). He presently serves as Honorary President of the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), Director of the International Center on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage under the Auspices of UNESCO, Member of the International Science Council (ISC) Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability, Chair of Digital Belt and Road Program (DBAR), and Editor-in-Chief of two scientific international journal of Digital Earth and Big Earth Data. He served as a member of UN 10-Member Group to support the Technology Facilitation Mechanism for SDGs (2018-2021), Chairman of the International Committee of Remote Sensing of Environment (2017-2020), President of ISDE (2015-2019) and ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology (2010-2014). Prof. Guo has done specialization in remote sensing, radar for earth observation, and Digital Earth science. He has published more than 500 papers and 24 books, and is the awardee of 19 international and domestic prizes.

郭华东,可持续发展大数据国际研究中心主任,中国科学院空天信 息创新研究院研究员。中国科学院院士、俄罗斯科学院外籍院士、 芬兰科学与人文院外籍院士、发展中国家科学院院士。现任国际数 字地球学会名誉主席、联合国教科文组织国际自然与文化遗产空间 技术中心主任、国际科学理事会全球可持续发展科学使命高级别委 员会委员、“数字丝路”国际科学计划主席、《国际数字地球学报 》和《地球大数据》主编,曾任第二届联合国可持续发展目标技术 促进机制10人组成员(2018-2021)、国际环境遥感委员会主席 (2017-2020)、国际数字地球学会主席(2015-2019)、国际科技 数据委员会主席(2010-2014)等职。从事空间地球信息科学研究, 在遥感信息机理、雷达对地观测、数字地球科学等方面取得系列成 果。发表论文500余篇,出版著作24部,获国内外科技奖励19项。 郭华东,可持续发展大数据国际研究中心主任,中国科学院空天信 息创新研究院研究员。中国科学院院士、俄罗斯科学院外籍院士、 芬兰科学与人文院外籍院士、发展中国家科学院院士。现任国际数 字地球学会名誉主席、联合国教科文组织国际自然与文化遗产空间 技术中心主任、国际科学理事会全球可持续发展科学使命高级别委 员会委员、“数字丝路”国际科学计划主席、《国际数字地球学报 》和《地球大数据》主编,曾任第二届联合国可持续发展目标技术 促进机制10人组成员(2018-2021)、国际环境遥感委员会主席 (2017-2020)、国际数字地球学会主席(2015-2019)、国际科技 数据委员会主席(2010-2014)等职。从事空间地球信息科学研究, 在遥感信息机理、雷达对地观测、数字地球科学等方面取得系列成 果。发表论文500余篇,出版著作24部,获国内外科技奖励19项。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Maochun-Chuna-Hong_001 Hong Maochun C. Fujin Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM) Chinese Academy of Sciences Fuzhou China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Chung-Y-Hsu_001 Hsu Chung Y. Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences China Medical University Taichung Taiwan

Prof. Chung Y. Hsu, MD, PhD is the Chair Professor at the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Science, China Medical University and Healthcare System since 2008. He did MD from National Taiwan University School of Medicine in 1070 and PhD in Pharmacology in 1975 from the University of Virginia Graduate School of Arts and Science, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. His expertise is in ischemic stroke; spinal cord injury of the nervous system; age-dependent degeneration of the cerebral blood vessels. Since 2014, he is a Trustee of the Board of Trustees, Chang-Hai Tsai Education Foundation. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Health Clinical Trial and Research Center of Excellence since 2010. He is the Principal Investigator, Ministry of Health Clinical Trial and Research Center of Excellence since 2010 and Principal Investigator, Taiwan Stroke Registry since 2006. He has been the editorial board member of different high repute journals such as Antioxidants, Vessel Plus Journal of Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diagnosis, Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health etc. He received different awards such as NIH-NINDS Javits Neuroscience Investigator Award, USA (1991 – 1998), NIH-NINDS Teacher-Investigator Award, USA (1983-1988), Bob and Vivian Smith Foundation Distinguished Research Award, USA (1992-1993) etc. He has 438 papers to his credit. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Huanming-sh_001 Huanming Dr. Yang Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences James D. Watson Institute of Genome Sciences Hangzhou China

Dr. Yang Huanming is a director and chairman of BGI Group, co-founded BGI with the other three scientists. Dr. Yang is an academician and a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Developing Countries, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Meanwhile, Dr. Yang is also a foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the German National Academy of Sciences, the Indian Academy of Sciences, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, and the European Molecular Biology Organization. He obtained his PhD from the University of Copenhagen, and completed his postdoctoral research in France and the United States.Dr. Yang and his teams have made great contribution to various genome research projects, such as the Human Genome Project, the Human Hologram Project, the Thousand Human Genome Project, the International Cancer Genomics Project, the Chinese Genome Map project, the human pan-genome map etc. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Buxing-sh_001 Han Dr. Buxing School of Chemical Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Buxing Han has been a Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) since 1993. He received his Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering at Hebei University of Science and Technology in 1982, M.S. in Inorganic Chemistry and PhD in Physical Chemistry from CAS in 1985 and1988 respectively. His research interests include physicochemical properties of green solvent systems and application of green solvents in green chemistry. He has published more than 700 papers, 40 patents, and has presented more than 200 plenary or invited lectures at different conferences. He is a Chief Scientist of China Innovation Think Tank; Chairman of Green Chemistry Division, Chinese Chemical Society. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Xian-Tu-He_001 He Dr. Xian-Tu Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Peking University Beijing China

Dr. Xian-Tu He has been a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1995. He is also serving as the director at the Center for Applied Physics and Technology and is also associated with the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics as a professor. He has received two National Sci-Tech Advance awards in 1985 and 1993 and has also won The National Nature Science Award in 1991 for his contribution in science and technology. Dr. Tu's research areas include theoretical physics, high energy density physics and Plasma Physics. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the Communications of Computational Physics (CiCP) and has published more than 400 scientific papers in international Journals.

贺贤土教授, 理论物理学家, 一直在北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 从事科学研究工作。他是浙江大学和北京大学等校兼职教授。他在 理论物理、高能量密度物理、激光驱动惯性约束聚变科学等研究领 域已经发表了500多篇论文。他曾作为高级访问科学家工作在美国 马里兰大学(1986-1987)。1995年他当选为中国科学院院士 ;2019年当选为俄罗斯科学院外籍院士。2018年俄罗斯科学院授予 他荣誉科学博士学位。2005-2007年间他任中国科学院数学物理学 部主任和中国科学院学部主席团成员和执行委员会委员。他先后获 得国家自然科学奖(1991)和国家科学技术进步奖(1985和 1993)。2019年他获得美国核学会Edward Teller奖。由于他的科学 贡献,2018年他获得国际永久编号79286小行星命名为贺贤土星殊 荣。

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ccs_Jiecai-Han_001 Han Dr. Jiecai Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China

Dr. Jiecai Han received his Ph.D. from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1992. He was promoted to the position of a full professor in 1995 and is the recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He became a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. Currently, he is the standing vice president of Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests focus on growth (synthesis) and applications of large size optical crystal, and ultra-high temperature ceramics.

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ccs_He-Mingyuan_001 He Mingyuan Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences East China Normal University Shanghai China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Jin-yaq_001 Jin Yaqiu Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory for Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves Fudan University Shanghai China

Ya-Qiu Jin (SM’89, F’04, LF18) graduated from Peking University, Beijing, China in Atmospheric Physics, 1970, and received the M.S., E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA in 1982, 1983 and 1985, respectively. All these degrees were from Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He was the Research Scientist of AER (Atmospheric Environmental Research, Inc., Cambridge) in 1985, Research Associate Fellow of City University of New York in 1986-1987, and Visiting Professor at the University of York, UK in 1993 sponsored by the UK Royal Society. He was also awarded by the Senior Research Associateship in NOAA/NESDIS by USA National Research Council, 1996. He is currently the Te-Pin Professor, and Director of Key laboratory for Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves (MoE), and Institute of EM Big data and Intelligence Remote Sensing, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Dr. Jin is the Academician of CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences), and the Life Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of TWAS (the Developing Countries Academy of Sciences), and IAA (International Academy of Astronautics). He is a IEEE GRSS Distinguished Speaker and Associate Editor of IEEE Access. His main research interests include electromagnetic scattering and radiative transfer in complex natural media, microwave satellite-borne remote sensing, as well as theoretical modeling, information retrieval and applications in earth terrain and planetary surfaces, and computational electromagnetics. He has published more than 870 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings and 17 books. He received a number of prizes and awards.

金亚秋,1946年9月出生于上海市。他是中国科学院院士、发展中 国家科学院院士、国际宇航科学院院士 、IEEE终身会士。现任复旦大学教授、电磁 波信息科学教育部重点实验室主任。 1970年毕业于北京大学、1978年作为中国科 学院首批公派出国研究生,分别于 1982、1983、1985年获美国麻省理工学院 (MIT)电气工程与计算机科学系(EECS) 科学硕士(MS)、电气工程师(EE)、博士 (Ph.D.)学位。 他的研究领域为复杂自然环境中电磁波散射辐射传输与传播、 星载微波遥感与对地对空目标监测信息理论与技术、复杂系统中计 算电磁学、大数据与智能信息感知与获取等。他是国家重点基础研 究973项目首席科学家、加强基础重点研究项目的技术首席。 他在国内外已发表850多篇学术论文、17本中英文专著与文集 。他提出了自然地表全极化电磁散射的理论建模、数值与成像模拟 、特征参数反演与目标重构,形成了“星载微波遥感全极化电磁散射 与定量信息”的系统理论;发展了“自然介质矢量辐射传输理论”、及 其在地球环境星载微波遥感、探月与深空探测等领域的应用;发展 了“复杂背景环境与特征目标复合电磁散射”的理论建模、数值模拟 、空天地海目标智能信息识别的“微波视觉”理论方法与技术应用。 他获得IEEE GRSS杰出成就奖、IEEE GRSS教育奖、国家自 然科学奖二等奖、首届创新争先奖、光华科技奖一等奖、国家图书 奖、上海市科技功臣奖、三次国家教育部自然科学奖一等奖、国家 973计划先进个人、全国优秀科技工作者、等二十多项科技奖励。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Jia-Guanqing-sh_001 Jia Dr. Guanqing Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Crop Sciences Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Guanqing Jia graduated from China Agricultural University (CAU) in 2004 and received his bachelor's degree. He got Ph. D from the college of agricultural technology of CAU in 2009 and then worked at the institute of crop sciences of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) to date. He is the director of the national key R and D program of China focusing on “Determination and regulation modes of stress tolerance and quality formation in minor cereals”. His research activities mainly focus on germplasm evaluation and the establishment of model research platforms of foxtail millet, an ancient traditional crop species that originated from China. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Shibo-sh_001 Jiang Dr. Shibo Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fudan University Shanghai China

Shibo Jiang graduated from the First and Forth Military Medical University and obtained his M.S. and M.D. degrees. He received his postdoctoral training in the Rockefeller University in New York from 1987 to 1990, worked in the LFK Research Institute of the New York Blood Center as Member and Laboratory Head from 1990 to 2010, and joined Fudan University as a professor in late 2010. His major research interest is the research and development of antiviral vaccines and drugs against HIV, HPV, coronaviruses, and influenza viruses. So far, he has published 516 peer- reviewed papers in high-profile SCI journals (e.g., Science, Nature, Cell, Lancet, etc) with 30,729 citations and h-index of 89. He has obtained 24 US patents and 18 Chinese and PCT patents, 11 of which have been licensed out and several medical products are in the market.

姜世勃在毕业于中国第一和第四军医大学并获得硕士和博士学位。1987-1990年 在美国纽约洛克菲勒大学接受博士后培训,1990-2010年在纽约血液中心LFK研 究所担任研究员和实验室主任,2010年底加入复旦大学担任教授。他的主要研 究兴趣是研发抗艾滋病毒、人乳头瘤病毒、冠状病毒和流感病毒的疫苗和药物 。迄今为止,他已在高档次SCI杂志(如Science, Nature, Cell, Lancet等)发表了 516篇同行评议论文,论文被引30,729次(h指数:89)。他已获得24项美国专 利和18项中国和PCT专利授权,其中11项专利已成功转让,多项医疗产品上市。
ccs_ebm_Yunqi-Liu_001 Liu Yunqi School of Chemical Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Yiyi-li_001 Li Yiyi Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Yiyi Li, born in Beijing in 1933, a scientist in metallurgy and metal materials. An academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993, and an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Developing Countries in1999. From 1990 to 1998, she remained the Director of the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences for two consecutive terms. She was a member of the International Society of Cryogenic Materials. She was the honorary chairman of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and the Liaoning Provincial Association for Science and Technology and a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Society for Metals. She was also the Director of the Academic Committee and the Chairman of the Academic Degrees Committee of IMR. She has won more than 20 first and second prizes of national and ministries science and technology, published more than 200 papers, more than 40 patents, and trained more than 60 doctors and masters. Prof. Li is mainly engaged in the research study of a series of hydrogen-resistant alloys, the processing technology of engineering materials and large castings AMP; forgings. In recent years, Prof. Li has devoted herself to the promotion of the new forging method, new rare earth steel technology, ATF accident fault-tolerant fuel, and the research of structural materials and processes for nuclear power.

女,1933年出生于北京,原籍江 苏苏州,中共党员,冶金与金属材 料科学家,1993年中国科学院院 士,1999年发展中国家科学院院 士。1990~1998年连任两届中国 科学院金属研究所所长。曾任中国 科协与辽宁省科协主席及中国金属 学会与中国材料研究会常委、中国 科学院金属研究所学术委员会主任与所学位委员会主席、 国际低温材料学会委员。获国家和部委科技一、二等奖20 余项,发表论文200余篇,专利40余项,培养博士及硕士60 余名。 李依依院士主要从事新材料研究、抗氢合金系列与三 峡转轮材料与工程制备等。近年来,李依依院士致力于推 广金属构筑成形新技术、新稀土钢技术、ATF 事故容错燃 料以及核电结构材料与制备工艺的研究。
ccs_ebm_Yuliang-li_001 Li Yuliang Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shandong University Jinan China

Yuliang Li is a Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He worked as a visiting scholar and visiting professor at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, the Radiation Lab at University of Notre Dame, and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Hong Kong. He won several awards such as, the second prize of National Natural Science Foundation of China, three times in 2002, 2005 and 2014 respectively, he twice won the first prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award (Natural Science) and the second prize of Natural Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests are in the fields on chemistry of carbon and rich carbon, design and synthesis of low dimension and large scale molecular aggregated structures based carbon and rich carbon materials with particular focus on the in multi-scale catalysis, energy storage and conversion.

李玉良,中国科学院化学研究所研究员、中国科学院大学教授、博士生导师,中国科学院院士。曾 在荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学化学系、美国Nortre Dame (圣母) 大学国家放射实验室和香港大学化学系 从事研究及合作研究。2002年、2005年和2014年三次获得国家自然科学二等奖,两次获北京市科学 技术奖(自然科学)一等奖和中国科学院自然科学二等奖一次,2017获首届全国创新争先奖,2017 年获何梁何利科学与技术进步奖。研究领域为碳基和富碳分子基材料定向、多维、大尺寸聚集态结 构和异质结构自组织生长、自组装方法学以及在能源、催化和光电等领域的应用。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Luo-ju-sh_001 Luo Dr. Ju Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Department of Technology Transfer China National Rice Research Institute Huazhong China

Dr. Ju Luo graduated from Huazhong Agricultural University in 1993 and received his PhD degree from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) in 2014. He is serving as a deputy director of the Division of Technology Transfer of China National Rice Research Institute (CNRRI). He has been working on rice quality genetics and breeding in CNRRI since 1993. He has received National Sci-Tech Invention Award in 1997 and three National Sci-Tech Advance awards in 2009, 2012 and 2020 respectively. Dr. Luo has developed more than 30 rice varieties which were widely extended in China. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Wanyee-sh_001 Lau Dr. Wan yee Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin Hong Kong

Professor Lau Wan Yee Joseph is currently Research Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Master of Lee Woo Sing College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His medical qualifications are MBBS, HK 1972, FRCS Edin 1977, FRACS 1979, FACS 1985, FICA 1989, FHKAM Surg 1993, MD CUHK 1995, FRCS England 1997, FRCS Glasgow 1997, FAMM 1999 and DSc CUHK 2010. He holds key positions internationally, in Mainland China and Hong Kong. He was President of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association for 2002-2004, elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and awarded an Honorary Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2003. He was President of the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association for 2009-2011, and Honorary Fellow of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong in 2011. He became Chairman of The Medical Council of Hong Kong since 2012, was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong Government in 2013. He became the President of the Asia Pacific Hepatic Advisory Board in 2015. Professor Lau has won many scholarships and awards, the important awards include the Overseas Gold Medal in 2006 and Gold Medal in 2012 by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (the only person to receive two gold medals from this College), Certificate of Outstanding Service by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2008, the Living Legend by the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association 2010 and the Wu Jie-Ping Medical Prize in 2012. He is honorary/visiting professor to almost all top-ranking universities/hospitals in China, and internationally in Sweden, South Africa, Singapore, Australia, USA and United Kingdom. He has published over 680 peer-review articles in international medical journals, 54 articles in Chinese journals, over 90 books/book chapters, 3 monographs, 51 reviews/editorials/letters to editor, 59 editor perspectives and over 270 abstracts. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Xiaolin-Lei_001 Lei Dr. Xiaolin Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China

Lei Xiaolin was Born in November 27, 1938 in Guilin, Guangxi Province, China and graduated from the Department of Physics, Peking University in 1963. After teaching at Shandong University from 1963 to 1976, he joined the research staff of Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in late 1978. He was a visiting scientist (1983-1984) at University of Houston, a visiting associate professor (1984-1985) at City University of New York, and a visiting professor (1985-1987) at Stevens Institute of Technology, USA. He was a research professor (1986-2000) at Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, CAS and elected the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997. He is currently a professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Dr. Lei has been the leading author of more than 160, and the coauthor of more than 130 academic papers published in major journals in the field of condensed matter physics. He was awarded a First- Class CAS Prize of Natural Sciences (1994), a Second-Class National Prize of Natural Sciences (1995), and a Ho-Leung-Ho-Lee Prize for Science and Technology Progress in Physics (2006).

1938年11月27日出生于中国广西桂林,1963年毕业于中国北京大学物理系。 历任中国山东大学物理系助教(1963-1976),中国科学院上海冶金研究所助理研究员(1978-1982), 美国休斯顿大学高级访问学者(1983-1984),美国纽约市立大学客座副教授(1984-1985), 美国斯梯文理工学院客座教授(1985-1987)。1986-2000年任中国科学院上海冶金研究所研究员。 2000年起任上海交通大学教授。 雷啸霖长期从事凝聚物质的电子输运和超导电性研究,在凝聚态物理学刊物上发表论文300多篇, 出版了《Balance Equation Approach to Electron Transport in Semiconductors》等专著。 他的研究成果获得1994年中国科学院自然科学奖一等奖和1995年中国国家自然科学奖二等奖。 1997年他当选为中国科学院院士,2006年获得何梁何利科学与技术进步奖。

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ccs_Gao-lin_001 Lin Dr. Gao Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Dalian University of Technology Dalian China

Dr. LIN Gao is an expert in Hydraulic Engineering and Earthquake Engineering. He received his Bachelors degree in Structural Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1951. He pursued postgraduate study during the period from Nov. 1951 to June 1954 in Harbin University of Technology and Dalian Institute of Technology. He got the position of professor in 1980 at Dalian University of Technology, China and became one of the first group of PhD supervisors in China, approved by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, one year later. In 1997, he was elected as a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He currently serves as the leading professor for the state key discipline of hydraulic structure engineering in Dalian University of Technology. His research interest is related to the seismic response analysis and safety evaluation of large dams and nuclear power plant structures. Dr. Lin is the author and co-author of more than 500 academic papers published in international and domestic periodicals and supervised over 60 doctoral and over 60 master theses. He has been honored with the National First Prize and Second Prize of China for Progress.

林皋教授是水利工程和地震工程领域专家。他于1951年在北京清华大学获得结构工程学士学位,于1951年11月至1954年6月在哈尔滨工业大学和大连理工大学攻读研究生。 1980年,他获得了中国大连理工大学的教授职位,并在一年后经国务院学位委员会批准成为中国首批博士生导师之一。 1997年,他当选为中国科学院院士。目前,他是大连理工大学水工结构工程国家重点学科的首席教授。他的研究兴趣与大型水坝和核电站结构的地震反应分析和安全评估有关。林教授是国际和国内期刊上发表的500多篇学术论文的作者和合著者,并指导了60余篇博士论文和60余篇硕士论文。他曾获国家科技进步一等奖和二等奖。
ccs_Jiaqi-Liu_001 Liu Dr. Jiaqi Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Geology and Geophysics Beijing China

Professor Liu Jiaqi graduated from Changchun College of Geology in 1967, received his Master’s degree from the Institute of Geophysics, CAS in 1981, and a PhD from Institute of Geology, CAS in 1986. He is currently affiliated with Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China. He has been a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1991. His research interests include Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environmental Science, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Energy, Chemical Engineering, Physics and Astronomy Computer Science, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Materials Science and Medicine.

Lu Dr. Jianhua Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Tsinghua University Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId Liu Dr. Shenggang Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Lu-Ruqian_001 Lu Ruqian Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Qun-Lin_001 Lin Qun Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Qun Lin is a researcher of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Developing Countries, American Industry and a fellow of the Applied Mathematics Society. His research area includes computational mathematics and has devoted his life to popularizing mathematics. He is a representative of the Ninth and Tenth National People's Congress, People's Education Edition and the Editor-in-chief of junior high school mathematics. He has won several awards including the first prize of the Natural Science Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Bolzano Gold Award for Achievement in Mathematical Science.

中科院数学与系统科学研究院研究员,中科院院士,发展中国家科学院院士, 美国工业与 应用数学会会士。研究计算数学,并致力于数学普及。九届、十届全国人大代表,人教版 初中数学主编。曾获中科院自然科学奖一等奖,波尔查诺数学科学成就金奖,何梁何利科 技进步奖,华罗庚数学奖,2015年度十大科普人物,2016年度中国科学十大新闻人物 ,2017年全国首届创新争先奖,2020年被科技部、中央宣传部、中国科协评为“全国科普 工作先进工作者”。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Shengming-Ma_001 Ma Shengming Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fudan University Shanghai China Scopus RsearcherId Ouyang Dr. Ziyuan Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Jilin University Changchun China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Jianwei_001 Pan Jianwei University of Science and Technology Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences Microscale Hefei China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Shanghai_Xiongli_001 Shanghai Xiongli Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fudan University Shanghai China Scopus RsearcherId Shang Dr. Yongfeng Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Peking University Health Science Center Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId SHU Dr. Degan Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Northwest University Xi'an China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Sen-Fang-Sui_001 Sui Sen-Fang Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Tsinghua University School of Life Sciences Beijing China

Sen-Fang Sui received his Ph.D. from Technical University Munich, Germany in 1988. Currently, he is serving as a Professor at the School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University since 1991. He was elected to be a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009 in the field of Medicine. His research areas include biophysics and structural biology, cryo-electron microscopy and membrane biology.

隋森芳,生物物理学家,清华大学教授,中国科学院院士。 学士学位: 1964-1970年,清华大学;硕士学位:1978-1981年,清华大学;博 士学位:1985-1988年,德国慕尼黑工业大学。副教授: 1989-1991年,清华大 学生物科学与技术系;教授:1991至今,清华大学生命科学学院(2009年之前 为生物科学与技术系)。2009年当选中国科学院院士。主要研究领域: 生物物 理与结构生物学,冷冻电子显微学,膜生物学 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Yong-Tang_001 Tang Yong Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Tung-ch_001 Tung Chenho Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId Tan Dr. Weihong Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hunan University Changsha China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Benzhong_001 Tang DR. Ben Zhong Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Sai Kung Hong Kong

Prof. Ben Zhong Tang, Ph.D. in polymer chemistry from Kyoto University (1988), was elected as Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Asia Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM), and World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries (TWAS). He is also the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). He has published >1,600 papers. His publications have been cited >115,000 times, with an h-index of 154. Prof. Tang is now serving as Editor-in-Chief of Aggregate (Wiley). He has been listed by Clarivate Analytics as Highly Cited Researcher in both areas of Chemistry and Materials Science since 2014-2020. Prof. Tang was bestowed with the State Natural Science Award (1 st Class) from the Chinese Government (2017), Scientific and Technological Progress Award from Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation (2017), Senior Research Fellowship from Croucher Foundation (2007), etc.

唐本忠教授于1988年在日本京都大学取得高分子化学博士学位。唐教授目前是 中国科学院院士、发展中国家科学院院士、亚太材料科学院院士、英国皇家化 学会会士。唐教授已在国内外顶尖杂志上发表论文1600余篇,他引十一万余次 ,h指数为154。目前唐教授担任德国Wiley出版社发行的Aggregate杂志的主编。 自2014年起,唐教授已连续7年入选化学和材料双领域高被引用科学家。唐本忠 教授曾获国家自然科学一等奖(2017)、何梁何利科学与技术进步奖(2017)、 裘槎高级研究成就奖(2007)等。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Tong-Tan-Jun_001 Tong Dr. Tan-Jun Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Peking University Beijing China

Dr. Tanjun Tong graduated from Beijing Medical College (Now Peking University Health Science Center)in 1959,he then studied under the Chinese academician Dr.Sizhi Liu,in the Department of Biochemistry in 1964. From April 1964 to present, he has stayed on as a lecturer (1978), associate professor(1985), and professor (1988). In 1978, he was selected to be a member of the first group of visiting scholars to the U.S. by the Chinese Ministry of Education prior to full development of China-U.S. diplomatic relations. He first did research at Johns Hopkins University, and then did postdoctoral research training at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). From 1986 to 1988 he visited the U.S. as a visiting associate professor at the University of California, Davis and New York University. In 2005, he was elected as an Academician of the Institute of Life Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became a Medical Faculty Fellow. Dr. Tong is engaged primarily in basic research in geriatric medicine, and he has published more than 200 research papers in international academic journals.He has trained more than 50 PhD students. He is the chief editor of "Medical Gerontology", "Medical Molecular Biology" and "Biochemistry" and associate chief editor of Encyclopedia of China (third edition)Modern Medicine Volume.

童坦君教授于1959年毕业于北京医学院(现北京大学医学部),毕业后即在中国科学院院士刘思职的带领下在生物化学系学习。1964年4月至今,他连续担任了讲师(1978年),副教授(1985年)和教授(1988年)。 1978年,在中美关系全面发展之际,他被中国教育部选为第一批访问美国的学者。他首先在约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)进行研究,然后在美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)进行博士后训练。1986年到1988年,他以美国加州大学戴维斯分校和纽约大学客座副教授身份再次访美。 2005年,他当选为中国科学院生命科学和医学部院士,2019年任中国医学科学院学部委员。童院士主要从事老年医学基础研究,在国际学术期刊上发表了数以百计的研究论文,培训了50多名博士生。他是《医学老年学》和《生物化学》的主编;《中国大百科全书(第三版)》,《现代医学》卷副主编。

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Tao Dr. Ruibao Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Department of Physics Fudan University Shanghai China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Chengshan-Wang_001 Wang Chengshan Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) China University of Geosciences Beijing China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Erkang-Kang-Wang_001 Wang Erkang K. Changchun Institute Of Applied Chemistry Chinese Academy of Science Changchun China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Baowen-Wei_001 Wei Baowen Institute of Modern Physics(IMP) Chinese Academy of Sciences Lanzhou China Scopus ccs_ebm_Wu-Guo_001 Wu Guoxiong Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Prof. WU is mainly engaged in weather dynamics, climate dynamics and atmospheric general circulation. He is closely involved in studies on the effects of the Tibetan Plateau on atmospheric general circulation, weather and climate, on the formation and variation of the subtropical anticyclones, and on the dynamics of the Asian summer monsoon. He has published more than 300 scientific papers. Over the past 20 years, WU has been actively involved in the international climate community, which includes the Ordinary Member of the Executive Board of International Council of Science (2011- 2014), president of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (2007- 2011), Officer of WMO/ICO/ICSU Joint Science Committee, World Climate Research Program (2005-2010). He was elected Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, UK in 2012, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union in 2015, and Honorary Fellow of IUGG in 2015.

吴国雄教授主要从事天气动力学、气候动力学及大气环流研究。他深入研究青藏高 原对大气环流、天气和气候的影响、副热带高压的形成和变化以及亚洲夏季季风的动力 学研究。他发表了300多篇科学论文。在过去的20年中,他一直积极参与国际气候界的合 作,其中包括国际科学理事会执行委员会的常委(2011-2014),国际气象和大气科学协 会主席(2007-2011),世界气候研究计划(WCRP) WMO / ICO / ICSU联合科学委员会 常委(2005-2010),国际研究计划GEWEX和CLIVAR科学指导委员会委员等。1997年 当选为中国科学院院士,2012年当选为英国皇家气象学会荣誉会士,2015年当选为美国 地球物理联合会会士,2015年当选为IUGG荣誉会士。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Wang-Wei_001 Wang Weihua Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Wang-guan_001 Wang Guanghou Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences State Key Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures School of Physics Nanjing University Nanjing China

Guanghou Wang is a professor of physics at Nanjing University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He went to the State University of New York at Albany, USA as a visiting scholar from 1980 –1982, and a guest professor of University of Saarlands, Germany from 1990 – 1991. His research career covers the physics of particle- solid interaction and atomic clusters physics. He has been engaged in studies of cluster science both theoretically and experimentally in China since 1984, which was the first group in studying cluster physics in China. Together with his colleagues, he made several cluster machines and obtained many fine achievements on cluster- assembled materials and cluster-based nanostructures and won 9 awards including the Second Class of National Natural Science of China (2021) and more than 10 patents. He has written two volumes of the book “Physics of Particle – solid Interaction” published by Science Press and “Cluster Physics” published by Shanghai Press of Science and Technology. He was a member of the International Advisory committee of International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC) (1997- 2016) and the chairperson of ISSPIC-12 (2004) and became an emeritus member of ISSPIC after 2016. Recently, he has concentrated on cluster-based quantum devices and set up “Nanjing Research Institute of Atomic Clusters and Devices Fabrication” (2019) as its president.


现为南京大学物理学院和固体微结构物理国家重点实验室教授,博士研究生导师。国际小颗粒与无机团簇会议国际委员会资深委员,《材料科学论坛》(Materials Science Forum)(瑞士)国际顾问编委。英国《Advances in Physics X》编委。1980.6-1982.8在美国纽约州立大学(奥巴尼)物理系访问学者, 1990.10 – 1991.10在德国萨尔兰大学新材料研究所和BASF研究中心作客座教授。


著有《粒子同固体相互作用物理学》两卷本(上、下册,科学出版社,1988,1991)和《团簇物理学》(上海科学技术出版社,2003)等学术著作。培养研究生47名,其中毕业博士生34名。 主持了国家自然科学基金重大项目(原子团簇的化学和物理)等10多个科研项目。主持了包括"第十二届小颗粒与无机团簇国际会议"(ISSPIC-12)在内的4次国际学术会议。近年来,集中于研究团簇为基的量子材料和量子器件并建立了"南京原子团簇和器件制造研究"。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Jianxiang-wang-sh_001 Wang Dr. Jianxiang Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Hematology Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) Beijing China

Dr. Jianxiang Wang is a professor of medicine and deputy director of Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS). He used to serve as President of Chinese Society of Hematology and editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Hematology. From 2019, he has chaired the National Clinical Research Center for Blood Diseases. He has been engaged in both clinical and basic research of leukemia, illustrated some underlying mechanisms for leukemia progression. In clinical research, he is particularly interested in developing novel therapies for acute leukemia including risk stratified therapy and immunotherapy. He has also developed several CAR-T techniques targeting CD19, CD33, CD22 etc., and conducted clinical trials to evaluate safety and efficacy. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Chi-Wu_001 Wu Dr. Chi Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences The Food Science and Processing Research Center The Shenzhen University Shenzhen China

Professor Chi WU, Ph.D., Emeritus Wei Lun is a Professor of Chemistry and Honorary Professor of Physics in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Currently, he is the Director of The Food Science and Processing Research Center, The Shenzhen University. In 1982, he graduated in Chemical Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China. After obtaining his Ph.D. in 1987 and then remaining as a postdoctoral both under the supervision of Professor Benjamin Chu in the State University of New York at Stony Brook, he moved to BASF (Ludwigshafen, Germany). In 1992, he resigned from BASF to join the Department of Chemistry in the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a Lecturer (British System). He became a Professor of Chemistry in 1999 and an Honorary Professor of Physics in 2003; and was further appointed as a Wei Lun Professor of Chemistry in 2010. His research mainly combines synthetic chemistry, polymer physics and molecular biology to design and execute decisive experiments to address certain important problems in biology, macromolecules and polymer colloids. His current research interest has mainly moved to food science and processing, especially profound processing of soy proteins. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Zhijiang-sh_001 Wang Dr. Zhijiang Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan China

Dr. Zhijiang Wang is a professor at the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Over the years, Professor Wang has made significant contributions to optical design, aberration theory and imaging quality evaluation theory. In terms of laser science and technology, he led the development of China's first laser device by innovations in technology and principles. In the 1970s, he led the completion of a high-energy, high-brightness neodymium glass laser system. Professor Wang has played a profound role in China's optics and laser science and technology. He initiated and promoted many national projects including optical information processing and optical computing. He was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991.

王之江院士,物理学家, 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所研究员。在光学设计方面,发展了象差理论和象质评价理论,形成了新的理论体系,完成了大批光学系统设计(如照相物镜系统、平面光栅单色仪、长工作距反射显微镜、非球面特大视场目镜、105#大型电影经纬仪物镜等);在激光科学技术方面,领导研制成中国第一台激光器,并在技术和原理上有所创新。70年代领导完成了高能量、高亮度钕玻璃激光系统。在这项工作中解决了一系列理论、技术及工艺问题。关于某些激光重大应用对亮度要求的判断,使工作避免了盲目性,对于中国激光科学技术起了积极作用。倡议和具体领导了中国“七五”攻关中激光浓缩铀项目。对中国光信息处理和光计算起了倡导作用。 1991当选为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Jingxiu_001 Wang Jingxiu Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Henry-Wong_001 Wong Dr. Henry N.C. Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen China

Professor Henry N.C. Wong is an Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and a Research Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he had also served as Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President for Research of the University (2009-2013), Dean of Science (2012-2018), and Head of New Asia College (2002-2010 and 2014-2020). Professor Wong received a D.Sc. degree from The University of London (1994). He is currently also the Presidential Chair Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Dr. Wong's research interests include organic syntheses of natural and non-natural molecules. He has published more than 260 research papers, invited reviews and book chapters. He also presented more than 80 plenary and invited lectures in international symposia and conferences. He serves as an editorial board member of many international journals. He is also Guest Professor and Honorary Professor of many mainland universities. Scopus
ccs_Kui-Wang_001 Wang Dr. Kui Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences Peking University Beijing China

Dr. Kui Wang is serving as a Professor of Chemical Biology at Peking University, China. He received his BSc degree from Yenching University in 1949 and completed postgraduate studies from Peking University in 1952, China. His research interests are in bioinorganic chemistry from molecular level to cell level, aiming at the cytochemical basis of biological effects of inorganic substances integrating the studies with biomedical problems and explore the mechanisms of cell response to diverse inorganic species in relation to their pathological/pharmacological effects. He has also been recognized with awards and honours such as Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (elected 1991), Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize (2000) and Awards of Ministry of Education. Scopus RsearcherId
Wu Dr. Xiang-Ping Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Shanghai China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId Wang Dr. Zhengmin Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences The Eye and ENT Hospital Fudan University Shanghai China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Shuoxian-Wu_001 Wu Dr. Shuoxian Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences South China University of Technology Guangzhou China

Dr. Wu Shuoxian received his bachelor's and PhD degrees from the Department of Architecture, Tsinghua University in 1970 and 1984 respectively. He joined the teaching and research staff of Zhejiang University from 1984-1998 and worked as a professor at the South China University until now. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Sydney from 1987-1988 and the University of Innsbruck from 1991-1992. He served as a Vice-chairperson of the Division of Technological Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He also served as the director of the state key laboratory of Subtropical Building Science of China. Dr. Shuoxian has designed more than 70 buildings, including concert halls and theaters. He has published more than 200 papers and authored 12 books.

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ccs_ebm_Xu-Ruren_001 Xu Ruren Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Jilin University Changchun China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Xia-Jun_001 Xia Jun Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Institute for Water Security(RIWS) Wuhan University Wuhan China

Prof. Jun Xia is the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Chair Professor and Director, The Research Institute for Water Security (RIWS), Wuhan University, also Director, Center for Water Resources Research (CWRR), CAS. He has ample experience in leading hydrology, water resources research, managing and consulting jobs in China and internationally since 1987. Since 2019, he served as the President of International Water Resources Association (IWRA, 2009-2012), Board Governor of World Water Council (WWC, 2009-2015), Co-Chair, InterAcademy Council for Water Programme (2004-2010), and Bureau Member for International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). He was awarded “International Hydrological Prize -Volker Medal”, given by IAHS, UNESCO and WMO in 2014, the 2017’s State Natural Science Award in China and 2019’s IUGG Elected Fellow. His expertise is hydrology, nonlinear system approach coupled with environment changing and human activity and water resources management and policy.

夏军,中国科学院院士,武汉大学教授、水安全研究院院长。1976 年毕业于 武汉水利电力学院, 1985 年获水文学及水资源博士学位。2000 年入选中科院“百 人计划”,曾任国家 973 项目首席科学家、水资源水电工程科学国家重点实验室 (武汉大学)主任。2015 年当选中国科学院院士。 长期从事水文水资源研究。在径流形成与转化的时变非线性理论与实践方面 取得系统的研究成果。他发现了受控于土壤湿度、降雨强度和下垫面多要素组合 的时变增益产流规律,揭示了水文径流的非线性机理;他发展了分布式时变增益 水文模型及其与水环境、水生态和社会经济耦合的水系统理论与方法,推动了水 科学基础与水安全应用研究。成果应用到我国长江、黄河、淮河等流域水管理以 及西北地区与城市防洪减灾、应对气候变化的重大水工程管理、海绵城市建设等, 产生了显著的社会经济和生态环境效益。已发表 SCI 收录论文 158 篇,EI 收录 论文 169 篇;出版专著 12 部。2009 年当选为国际水资源协会(IWRA)主席。现 任国际大地测量及地球物理学联合会(IUGG)执行局委员、IUGG 中国国家委员会 主席,中国地理学会副理事长、中国自然资源学会副理事长等职。2017 年获国家 自然科学二等奖。在国际上,2011 年获“国际水资源管理杰出贡献奖”;2014 年 获国际水文科学领域的最高奖“国际水文科学奖(IHP-Volker Medal)”;2018 年获“国际大地测量及地球物理学联合会(IUGG)”会士(Fellow)荣誉;被评 价为“在发展水文科学和国际合作方面做出了杰出的贡献,并且应用他的研究和 水文学知识,使得社会受益”。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Haiquan-xu-sh_001 Xu Dr. Haiquan Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Food and Nutrition Development of Ministry of Agriculture Beijing China

Haiquan Xu, is a Ph.D. in nutrition and a professor at the Institute of food and nutrition development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China. Dr. Xu graduated from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and received Ph.D in Nutrition in 2012. He has three years of working experience in the Student Nutrition Department, national institute for Nutrition and Health, Chinese CDC, and more than six years of working experience at the Institute of food and nutrition development of MOA. His research Interests are on childhood nutrition,nutrition intervention and cost-effectiveness, and nutrition economic and policy. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Qikun-xue_001 Xue Dr. Qikun Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Qi-Kun Xue received his BSc degree from Shandong University in 1984, and PhD in condensed matter physics from the Institute of Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1994. He became a professor at Institute of Physics, CAS in 1999. He was elected into The Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. Since 2005, he has been a distinguished professor at the Department of Physics, Tsinghua University. He has been the President of Southern University of Science and Technology since 2020. He has been the Director of Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences since 2017. He was elected as a Fellow of American Physical Society in 2016. He won several academic awards including the State Natural Science Award (the First Prize) in 2018, The Fritz London Memorial Prize in 2020, Outstanding Contribution Zhongguancun Award, Beijing Science and technology Award in 2020, Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award in 2020. His research interests include scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, molecular beam epitaxy, low-dimensional and interface-related superconductivity, topological insulators, and quantum size effects in various low-dimensional structures. He has authored/co-authored ~500 papers. He has presented 180 plus invited/keynote/plenary talks at international meetings/conferences. Currently, he is the Associate Editors-in-Chief of National Science Review, the Editors-in-Chief of Surface Review & Letters several reputed international journals. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Tao-Xiang_001 Xiang Dr. Tao Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Tao Xiang is a Professor of Physics at The Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), where he served as the Director of the Key Laboratory of Condensed Matter Theory and Computation, CAS from 2010 to 2017. He is currently also the Co-President of Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences and the Chief Editor of Chinese Physics Letter. Prof. Xiang received his BSc (1984) and Masters (1986) from Tsinghua University, PhD (1990) from the Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS. He became a professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS in 1998. He was elected as a Fellow of American Physical Society in 2011, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013, and a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences in 2015. His field of interests include condensed matter theory, emphasized on theoretical investigation of high-temperature superconductivity, density-matrix and tensor renormalization, and quantum computing.

ccs_XinCheng-Xie_001 Xie Xin Cheng Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Professor Xin-Cheng Xie obtained his Ph. D. from the University of Maryland in 1988. He became a faculty member in the Department of Physics at Oklahoma State University in USA in 1991 and was named Regents Professor in 2004. Professor Xie joined Peking University in 2010 as Chair Professor and Founding Director of the International Center for Quantum Materials. He was Dean of the School of Physics at Peking University during 2011 and 2018. Professor Xie assumed the role of Divisional Director of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2016, and Vice President of NSFC in 2018. Professor Xie’s main research interests include quantum Hall effect, quantum transport, topological matter and strongly correlated electron systems. He is an editorial board member of several international peer-reviewed journals, such as the Editor-in-Chief of Science China Physics, Mechanics; Astronomy. Prof. Xie was elected as a Fellow of American Physical Society in 2008, a Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015, and a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences in 2018.

个人简介: 谢心澄,中国科学院院士,发展中国家院士,美国物理学会会 士,北京大学讲席教授。现任国家自然科学基金委员会副主任 。1982年中国科技大学近代物理系毕业。1988年在美国马里兰 大学获博士学位。曾任美国俄克拉荷马州立大学校董事会讲座 教授、中科院物理所凝聚态理论与材料计算研究室主任、中科 院国际量子结构中心主任、北京大学量子材料科学中心创始主 任、北京大学物理学院院长、国家自然科学基金委员会数学物 理科学部主任等职。长期从事凝聚态物理理论研究。主要研究 领域包括量子霍尔效应、电荷及自旋输运、低维量子体系等。 现任《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》主编及多项国际重要学 术期刊编委。

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ccs_ebm_Xueming-ya_001 Yang Xueming Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences College of Sciences Shenzhen China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Ye-sh_001 Ye Shuhua Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai China

Shuhua Ye is a Research Professor at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980, Director of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS from 1981-1993. She was elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Astronomical Society, UK in 1985, a Vice President of the International Astronomical Union from 1988-1994, and a President of the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology from 1996-2001 and Chairman of the International Program “Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics” (APSG) from 1996-2007. She has been the Advisor of the VLBI Group for Lunar Exploration in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory since 2005 and Honorary Director of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory since 2013. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Qing-yang-sh_001 Yang Dr. Qing Institute of Plant Protection and Shenzhen Agricultural Genome Research Institute Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Beijing China

Qing Yang is a professor affiliated to the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and the Shenzhen Agricultural Genome Research Institute, CAAS. She received her Ph.D. degree at Dalian University of Technology in 2002. During 2005−2007, she worked at Harvard Medical School and University of California, Berkeley as a Postdoctoral and visiting research fellow. Dr. Qing Yang has long been engaged in exploring novel molecular targets, which usually are vital enzymes in chitin metabolism in insect pests or plant pathogens, for the green agrochemical development. She also pays great attention to insect cuticle proteins.

杨青,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所、深圳农业基因组研究所研究员。长期致力于针对病原菌、有害昆虫的几丁质代谢相关酶开发绿色农药分子靶标的研究。此外,杨青博士也致力于昆虫表皮蛋白质及其应用的研究。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Yang_001 Yang Xiongli Institutes of Brain Science Fudan University Shanghai China

Xiong-Li Yang, is a professor of neuroscience at Fudan University. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the Shanghai University of Science and Technology in 1963, and a Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience from Shizuoka University and National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan in 1982. He was a foreign fellow at Harvard University during 1985 - 1986, and a visiting professor at Baylor College of Medicine during 1987 - 2003. He was appointed as a professor at the Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1986 and served as the director of that institute from 1988 - 1999. Since 2000, he has been working as a professor at the Institute of Neurobiology, the Institutes of Brain Science, Fudan University. He was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (1991) and the Academy of Sciences for Developing World (2006). He is editorial board member of the Progress of Retinal and Eye Research since 2020. His research has been focused on the mechanisms underlying information processing and synaptic transmission in the vertebrate retina and the pathogenesis of major retinal diseases. He has published many papers in peer-reviewed international journals, such as Science, J. Neurosci., Glia, J. Physiol., Neuroscience, J. Neurophysiol., IOVS etc. He has received numerous honors and awards.

杨雄里,中国科学院学部委员(院士)(1991), 发展中国家科学院院士(2006)。神经生物学家 。1963年毕业于上海科技大学,1982年在日本获学 术博士学位。曾在美国哈佛大学(1985-1986)、贝 勒医学院(1987-2003)从事合作研究。 现任复旦大学脑科学研究院学术委员会主任,国家 眼科临床中心顾问,上海市视觉损害与重建重点实 验室学术顾问,“大辞海”、“辞海”副总主编 ,“Progress in Retinal and Eye Research”( 眼科和视网膜研究影响因子最高的杂志,IF~15)编 委,国家自然科学基金委首个眼科重大项目“神经性视觉损伤及修复的机制 ”(2018-2022)负责人。曾任中国科学院生物学部副主任,中科院上海生理研 究所所长,复旦大学脑科学研究院院长,中国生理学会理事长,《生理学报》 主编,《中国神经科学杂志》主编等,主持、组织多个国家级重大项目(如973 项目)。 长期从事视网膜神经机制和重要视网膜疾病发病机制的研究。已发表学术 论文250余篇,专著、译著多部。曾获各种奖励。 Scopus RsearcherId
YIN Dr. Xiang-Chu Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology Xining China Scopus RsearcherId Yao Dr. Xi Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Tongji University Shanghai China Scopus RsearcherId Ye Dr. Shuhua Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Chaohui-Ye_001 Ye Chaohui Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Professor Chaohui Ye is a member of Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS, Wuhan, China and an Academician at Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include magnetic resonance and its optical detection, magnetic resonance in biomedicine, precision measurement in physics. From 2004-2017, he was the Director of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics.

叶朝辉 研究员,中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院,武汉 研究兴趣:磁共振及光抽运,生物医学磁共振,精密测量物理。 2004-2007年任武汉光电国家实验室(筹)主任。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Qi-F-Zhou_001 Zhou Qi F. College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering Peking University Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Weijian-Zhou_001 Zhou Weijian Institute of Earth Environment Chinese Academy of Science Xi'an China Scopus ccs_ebm_Xiaojing-Zheng_001 Zheng Du Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Xiaojing-Zheng_001 Zheng Xiaojing Research Center for Applied Mechanics Xidian University Xi'an China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Zhao-zhen_001 Zhao Zhengguo Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Department of Modern Physics University of Science and Technology of China Hefei China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Chunhua-Zhao-sh_001 Zhao Dr. Robert Chunhua Academician, Chinese Academy Medical Sciences Shanghai University Beijing China

Dr. Zhao is Chairman and Professor of Medicine, and Cheung Kong Scholar, The Center of Excellence in Tissue Engineering, Chinese Academy Medical Sciences, and Peking Union Medical College. Chief scientist of National 973 Basic Research Program of the MOST. Dean, School of life sciences, Shanghai University. President, International Society on Aging and Disease(USA), Academician, European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Regional Editor, Stem Cells and Development(USA), Director, The Beijing Key Laboratory of New Drug Development and Clinical Trial of Stem Cell Therapy. He is selected into Elsevier's list of highly cited scholars in the disciplines of " biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology" in China for 7 consecutive years from 2014 to 2020, Dr. Zhao has made significant progress in understanding the biological characteristics of MSCs as well as stem cell clinical trials in China,and he has published more than 200 full scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Zhao also received several national awards, including the Second Prize of the National Invention Award by the State Council of China. Scopus RsearcherId
Zhu Dr. Shining Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing Star-Shining Technology Company Limited Nanjing China Scopus RsearcherId ccs_Zhonghe_001 Zhou Dr. Zhonghe Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology Beijing China

Dr. Zhonghe Zhou, senior research fellow of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on the early evolution of birds and its geological background. He was elected a foreign associate by the National Academy of Sciences of USA in 2000, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011, He served as the president of the International Palaeontological Association from 2014-2018.

周忠和,主要从事早期鸟类演化及其地质背景的研究。现任中国科学院古 脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员。2010年当选为美国科学院外籍院士,2011 年 当选中国科学院院士。2014-2018担任国际古生物学会主席。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Yong-Lian-Zhang_001 Zhang Dr. Yong-Lian Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences Shanghai China

Dr. Yong-Lian Zhang was born on February 20, 1935 at Shanghai China. Since she graduated from the Department of chemistry, Fu-Dan University in 1957, she has been working in Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) which later on changed its name to 'Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology', Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS. 2001, she was selected as the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

张永联博士于1935年2月20日出生于中国上海。 自1957年毕业于复旦大学化学系以来,她一直在中国科学院上海生物化学研究所工作,后来更名为上海“生物化学与细胞生物学研究所” 中国科学院生物科学研究所。 2001年,她被选为中国科学院院士。

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ccs_Xu-Zhang_001 Zhang Xu Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Advanced Research Institute Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangdong Institute of Intelligence Science and Technology Beijing China

ZHANG Xu is a neurobiologist, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the World Academy of Sciences. He was conferred the Bachelor degree of Medicine from the Fourth Military Medical University (FMMU) in Xi'an, China, in 1985. He received Ph.D. from the Department of Neuroscience at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1994. Now he is a professor and principal investigator at the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS and the president of Guangdong Institute of Intelligence Science and Technology, the director of Shanghai Brain-Intelligence Project. He serves as the president of Chinese Neuroscience Society, and vice president of Chinese Society for Cell Biology, and vice director of the Expert Committee of Chinese Association for the Study of Pain.

He has identified new regulators of pain transmission, such as the endogenous agonist of Na + /K + -ATPase, providing a new theoretical basis for clinic analgesia and drug discovery. He has also found the interaction between different types of opioid receptors in nociceptive sensory neurons, and their correlations with the tolerance of morphine analgesia, expanding the scope of the function and drug research of receptor complex. Beyond pain research, he has discovered the fibroblast growth factor 13 (FGF13) as a microtubule-stabilizing protein that regulates the neuronal and brain development, elaborating the mechanism of mental retardation induced by FGF13 deficiency. Dr. Zhang has published 120 research articles. He has also contributed to many prominent books such as the iconic Textbook of Pain. He has been honored with several awards, including the Prize for Science and Technology from the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation, the China Youth Science and Technology Award, and the Shanghai Peony Award for Natural Science.

张旭,神经科学家。中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士。1985年毕业于第四军 医大学,1994年获瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院博士学位。现为中国科学院上海高等研究院研究 员,广东省智能科学与技术研究院院长,上海脑-智工程中心主任,中国神经科学学会理事 长,中国细胞生物学学会副理事长,中华医学会疼痛分会副主任委员等职

张旭研究员长期从事神经系统疾病的分子细胞生物学机理研究。系统性地研究了慢性 痛的背根节和脊髓基因表达谱,发现了内源性钠钾泵激动剂等新的痛觉信息调控系统,为 临床镇痛及药物研发提供了新的理论基础。发现了伤害性感受神经元中阿片受体亚型间的 相互 作用,及其与吗啡镇痛耐受的相关性,拓展了受体复合体功能及药物研究方向。发现 了成纤维细胞生长因子13(FGF13)通过稳定微管调控神经元和大脑的发育,阐明了 FGF13基因缺陷造成智力障碍的机理。已发表论文127篇,参编疼痛学经典教科书 《Textbook of Pain》等专著。曾获何梁何利科学与技术进步奖、中国青年科技奖和上海市 自然科学牡丹奖等 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Wanxie-Zhong_001 Zhong Wanxie Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences Dalian University of Technology Dalian China

Wanxie Zhong is a Professor of Engineering Mechanics and Computational Mechanics at Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China and an Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He graduated in Bridge and Tunnel Engineering from Tongji University in 1956. He has worked as a Research Assistant at the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Professor Zhong developed the first finite element software (JIGFEX, 1975) in China and introduced the group method to structural analysis. He also proposed the sequential quadratic programming for the structural optimization, developed the parametric variational principles for the elasto-plastic structures and contact problems. Moreover, Dr. Zhong found the analogical relation between structural mechanics and optimal control, proposed the precise integration method for dynamical systems and established the symplectic solution system in mechanics.

钟万勰 工程力学和计算力学教授,中国科学院院士 1952-1956 毕业于同济大学桥梁与隧道工程专业; 1956-1962 中科院力学所助理研究员; 1962-1978 大连理工大学,讲师; 1978-现在 大连理工大学,教授。 钟万勰的学术成果包括:编制了中国第一款有限元软件JIGFEX(1975年);首 次将群论引入结构分析;提出分析结构优化问题的序列二次规划算法;提出分 析弹塑性问题和接触问题的参变量变分原理;发现了结构力学与控制理论的模 拟关系;提出动力学问题求解的精细积分方法;建立了力学问题求解的辛力学 体系,等。 Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Zhi-Zheng_001 Zheng Zhi Academician, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Peking Union Medical College Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId
Section Editor-in-Chief(s)
Geology geology gly
Zhaochong-Zhang-ab_001 Zhang Zhaochong School of Earth Sciences and Resources China University of Geosciences Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId
Radiology radiology rdlgy
Ping-Kun-Zhou-ab_001 Zhou Ping-Kun Department of Radiation Biology Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId
Pharmaceutics pharmaceutics phrmct
air_Yinghuai-Zhu-ab_001 Zhu Yinghuai Sunshine Lake Pharma Co., Ltd Dongguan China Scopus RsearcherId
Medical Sciences medicalsciences msci
air_Xingzhi-Xu-ab_001 Xu Xingzhi School of Medicine Shenzhen University Shenzhen China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Nanomaterials nanomat nanomaterials
Yongmei-Zheng-ab_001 Zheng Yongmei School of Chemistry Beihang University Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId
Cognitive Sciences cognitivesciences cgntvsci
Zhen-Yuan-ab_001 Yuan Zhen Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences University of Macau Macao China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Statistical Science statisticalscience stsci
air_Lijian-Yang-ab_001 Yang Lijian Department of Industrial Engineering Center for Statistical Science Tsinghua University Beijing China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Materials Engineering materialsengineering mseng
air_Huaming-Yang-ab_001 Yang Huaming School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering Central South University Changsha China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Optics optic optc
air_Han-Zhang-ab_001 Zhang Han College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering Shenzhen University Shenzhen China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Immunology immunology immunology
am_ce_Qinge-Ma-be_001 Wen Zhenke Institutes of Biology and Medical Sciences Soochow University Suzhou China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Phytochemistry Phychem phytochemistry
am_ce_Qinge-Ma-be_001 Ma Qinge Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nanchang China

Dr. Qinge Ma received his Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2013. He worked as a visiting scholar at The University of Chicago in 2021. His research interest is focused on chemical constituents and bioactivities of medicinal and edible plants, especially in the extraction, separation, structural identification, pharmacological screening and evaluation of active components. He has published more than 30 SCI-indexed papers and granted 10 invention patents.

Coordination Chemistry coochem coordination-chemistry
am_ce_zeng-ming-be_001 ZENG Ming H. Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Guangxi Normal University Guilin China

Dr. M. H. Zeng received his PH. D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China in 2004. Currently, he is working as a full Professor in the School of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin. His research focuses on the rational design, synthesis and characterization of novel organic, inorganic and organic-inorganic hybrids and the study of their structural, sorption, electronic, magnetic and optical properties. Dr. Zeng has published more than 150 research articles or review papers in national and international journals. He has been a member of various renowned journals including Current Microwave Chemistry, Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, Journal of Guangxi Normal University and so on.

Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Traditional Medicine tm traditional-medicine
am_ce_chung-leung_001 Chung Leung Pingcheung Centre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine Institute of Chinese Medicine The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Dr. Ping Chung Leung received his DSc degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1994. Currently, he is serving as the director at Centre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine, Institute of Chinese Medicine, CUHK and a Research Professor at the Institute of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Leung is also associated with several journals as an Editorial Board Member including POJ Oncology Research and Practice, Annals of Burns and Trauma, British Journal of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, etc. Moreover, he is a reviewer for several journals such as Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Biological Research, Nutrients and so on. He has received several awards for his efforts such as Pioneer of Hand Surgery by Hand Surgery Society and Humanity Award by Hong Kong Red Cross. His research interests include Orthopaedics, Osteoporosis, Surgery, Microsurgery, Health, Traditional Chinese Medicine and General Education. He has published over 1,200 scientific manuscripts in referee journals, 15 books and 130 book chapters.

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Applied Materials am applied-materials
Qiangying-Yi-ab_001 Yi Qiangying National Engineering Research Center for Biomaterials Sichuan University Chengdu China

Dr. Qiangying Yi received her PhD from the University of London Queen Mary and Westfield College, United Kingdom in 2013. She is currently a Full Professor at the National Engineering Research Center for Biomaterials, Sichuan University, P. R. China. Her research interest mainly focuses on construction of magnetic functional composites for the identification and enrichment of disease-related markers, and design and preparation of intelligent drug carriers for tumor therapy. She has published more than 30 journal publications with the h-index of 16.

am_ce_Lai_001 Lai Wen-Yong Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications Nanjing China

Dr. Wen-Yong Lai is a full professor at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He received his PhD from Fudan University in 2007. He then joined the Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics & Information Displays, Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. His research mainly focuses on the design, synthesis, and application of organic polymer optoelectronic materials for organic/flexible electronics, including organic semiconductor lasers, organic light-emitting diodes, et al. He is also interested in the exploration of novel materials and processes for printed electronics. He has published more than 170 refereed journal publications with SCI citations over 5,000 and h-index of 33.

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am_ce_Tan_001 Tan Zhan'ao College of Materials Science and Engineering Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Bioengineering bioeng bioengineering
am_ebm_chaozong-liu_001 Lou Wen-Yong South China University of Technology Guangzhou China Scopus RsearcherId
Biotechnology biotech biotechnology
am_ebm_chaozong-liu_001 Yang Jialiang Geneis Beijing Co., Ltd. Beijing China Orcid Scopus
Oncology onco oncology
air_Junmin-Zhang-ab_001 Zhang Junmin School of Pharmacy College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Lanzhou University Lanzhou China

Dr. Junmin Zhang is currently a full associate professor in the School of Pharmacy of Lanzhou University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Medicinal Chemistry & Biology (2017) from Lanzhou University. He then engaged in postdoctoral research at State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine of Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau (S.A.R.), China. He is a member of the Chinese Pharmacological Society and Chinese Chemical Society. His research interests focus on the discovery of small molecules targeting cellular redox systems or protein kinases as potential therapeutic agents and the elucidation of their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic mechanism.

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air_Haojie-ab_001 Jin Haojie Shanghai Cancer Institute Renji Hospital Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Shanghai China

Dr. Haojie Jin received his Ph.D. degree from Medical College of Shanghai JiaoTong University. He was engaged as a postdoctoral fellow in the Nertherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. Currently, he is a principal investigator of State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes, Shanghai JiaoTong University. His research interests mainly focus on using CRISPR-Cas9 functional genetic approaches to identify powerful drug combinations, new drug targets and mechanisms of resistance to cancer drugs. His major research work has been published in Nature (2019,2021), Gastroenterology, Cell Research, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces and Elife.

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Rock Engineering rckeng rock-engineering
Quanle-Z-ab_001 Zou Quanle College of Resources and Safety Engineering State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control Chongqing University Chongqing China

Dr. Quanle Zou graduated from China University of Mining and Technology and earned his Ph.D. degree in Safety Science and Engineering in 2016. Dr. Zou focuses on rock mechanics and engineering, coal mine gas disasters control. He has won the honorary Young Talent Promotion Project & Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents in the Field of Mining, Petroleum and Safety Engineering in National Colleges and Universities. He has presided over 12 scientific research projects, published a total of 126 papers, obtained the Scopus h-index of 31, and obtained 38 authorized invention patents.

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Biosensors biosnc biosensors
air_Lu-ab_001 Lu X. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Dalian China

Prof. Xianbo Lu is currently working at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Science and Technology of China. His current research interests focus on electrochemical biosensors and sensors, environmental analysis, etc. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed papers in top-class and core journals with over 3500 citations. Dr. Lu holds 10 licensed invention patents and has received several scientific and technological awards from governments and associations. Prof. Lu is the editorial board member or associate editor of several academic journals.

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Electroluminescence electoscns electroluminescence
air_Shengjun-ab_001 Zhou Shengjun Wuhan University Wuhan China

Shengjun Zhou received the Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2011. He is now a Professor at Wuhan University. His current research interests lie in the areas of GaN-based blue/green/ultraviolet LEDs. He was a research fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, during 2014 to 2015. He received many academic awards including National Youth Talent Support Program, IAAM Scientist Medal, IOP Publishing CHINA TOP CITED PAPER AWARD 2020, distinguished Young Scholar of Hubei province, and Chutian Scholar of Hubei province. He has published more than 76 papers and holds more than 20 patents.

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Pediatrics pdts pediatrics
air_Yeh-ab_001 Yeh Tsu Fuh Department of Pediatrics Taipei Medical University Taipei Taiwan

Dr. T.F. Yeh completed his pediatrics and pediatric neonatology training from Cook County Children's Hospital and University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago in 1975. Currently, he is an Endowed Chair Professor of Pediatrics at China Medical University and Taipei Medical University in Taipei. Dr. Yeh received a Ph.D. degree of Medical Science from National Nagasaki University in Japan in 1992. He was the former president of Taiwan Pediatric Association and was the Asian representative at the International Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology. He was awarded as Best Pediatrician in Asia by Asian Congress of Pediatrics in 2000. Dr. Yeh has published more than 200 papers, most of them published in United States. He has edited two books. Dr. Yeh focused, in the earlier days, on some pioneer works on pharmacological closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus by using prostaglandin inhibitor, indomethacin. His recent research has been focused on designing a new therapeutic regimen, by using surfactant as vehicle so that glucocorticoids can be effectively delivered to the lung peripheries and dramatically decreased the lung inflammation and decreased the incidence of BPD.

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Artificial Intelligence and Robotics air artificial-intelligence-and-robotics
air_chen-cyc-as_001 Chen Calvin Yu-Chian Sun Yat-sen University Shenzhen China

Prof. Calvin Yu-Chian Chen is the Director of Intelligent Medical Center and a professor of school of intelligent systems engineering, Sun Yat-sen University. He also serves as an advisor and researcher in China Medical University, Asia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a guest professor in Peking University, University of Pittsburgh, and adjunct professor in Zhejiang University. He had built the world’s largest traditional Chinese medicine database ( and the world’s first cloud-computing CADD system ( He also built the world first integrated TCM and combine docking, molecular dynamics cloud-computing systems, iSMART ( Prof. Chen’s laboratory focuses on interdisciplinary issues, such as artificial intelligent technology application in medicine, bioinformatics, systems biology, chemoinformatics, and pharmainformatics. Now his research focuses on building an expert system to help doctors for clinical medical treatment by using deep learning and big data technology from all the databases and new artificial algorithms that he had built. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
air_h-Qiao-sh_001 Qiao Hong Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Hong Qiao is currently the Deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She received her Ph.D. degree from De Montfort University Leicester in 1995. She is an internationally-recognized and highly-cited pioneer researcher in high-precision robotic manipulation and biologically-inspired robotic cognition and manipulation. Her theory of “Attractive Region in Environment (ARIE)” —reported as “Qiao’s Concept” —has been widely applied in industrial robots in China. She has been selected as the Member of the Administrative Committee of IEEERobotics and Automation Society. She also serves as AEs of 6 IEEE Transactions and Editor-in-chief of Assembly Automation (SCI). Scopus RsearcherId
Analytical Chemistry ac analytical-chemistry
ac_Huanwen-ab_001 Chen Huanwen Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine Nanchang China

Huanwen Chen received his Ph.D at Jilin University, China (2001). He was a postdoc in the group of Prof. Graham Cooks at Purdue University (2003–2005), and a Simon Fellow hosted by Prof. Renato Zenobi at ETH Zurich (2006–2008). He worked as full professor of Analytical Chemistry (2008-2017) and vice president (2017-2022) at East China University of Technology, where he founded the Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry and Instrumentation. Now, he serves as the vice president of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine. The research interest of his team is focused on the fundamentals, instrumentation, and applications of mass spectrometry, especially on molecular mechanisms of life processes. Professor Chen has completed over 20 projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and international organizations, with 76 patents and more than 300 peer-reviewed papers, including 6 NPG papers and more than 20 cover papers. COVID-19 expiratory detector developed by his team has been approved by the market. His results have been highlighted in Nature, acknowledged by internationally leading experts and presented in handbooks and textbooks on Analytical Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry. He received more than 10 awards, including 4 first-class awards from Jiangxi Provincial Government, 2 first-class awards from the Chinese society of Analytical Chemistry and 2 first-class awards from Jiangxi Provincial Program for Research at Universities, etc.

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ac_Caifeng-Ding-sh_001 Ding Caifeng Department of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering Qingdao University of Science and Technology Qingdao China

Dr. Caifeng Ding is currently a Professor at Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China and also the chief director of Key Laboratory of Optic-electric Sensing and Analytical Chemistry for Life Science (Ministry of Education), Head of Innovation Team of Biochemical Analysis (Ministry of Education), and Member of Pharmaceutical Analysis Committee of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association. She received her PhD in the biological functional materials from Nanjing Tech University in 2006. She was awarded the distinguished young investigator grant of Shandong in 2010, and published more than 60 research papers in top-class and core magazines. Her general research interests lie in photoelectric analysis of tumor markers, drug delivery strategy via multifunctional materials and organic fluorescent probes. Scopus RsearcherId
Automation and Control Systems autocs automation and-control-systems
autocs_Shen-yin-sh_001 Yin Shen Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China

Dr Shen Yin received his doctorate from the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Germany in 2012. He is currently a Full Professor at School of Astronautics and also the Director of Lab on Advanced Learning Aided Diagnosis and Control, Harbin Institute of Technology. His interest majorly focuses on Data-driven control/diagnosis and system identification, Machine learning and artificial intelligence, Safety, reliability, the security of complicated systems, Big data and intelligent human healthy diagnosis, Nonlinear system and theory and Applications in cyber-physical systems and autonomous systems. He was honoured with Highly Cited Researcher award in 2019 as well as Outstanding Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control in 2015. He has three patents and more than 100 international publications. He is also an Associate Editor or Editorial member of IE Technology News and Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
autocs_Shen-yin-sh_001 Yin Shen Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Bioinformatics bioinfo bioinformatics
bioinfo_Dongqing-Wei-sh_001 Wei Dongqing Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai China

Dr. Dong-Qing Wei is a Professor of Bioinformatics at the Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, College of Life Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. He received his PhD degree in 1987 from the University of Puerto Rico. Over the past three decades he has made many grand breaking contributions to the development of bioinformatics techniques and their interdisciplinary applications to systems of ever-increasing complexity. Prof. Wei has published more than 300 journal papers, 9 monographs with around 7000 SCI citations. He was invited to give invited and plenary talks in more than 100 conferences, he also organized 10 international conferences, for example, Theory and Computational Chemistry (ACC2008), AI and Precision Medicine (2017-2018) and International Conference on Computational and System Biology (ICCSB)(2009-2015), among others. Dr. Dong-Qing does research in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, protein-protein interactions and networks, molecular machines, proteins-drug interactions and drug designs, membrane protein dynamics, deep learning and precise medicine, CYP450 and personalized medicine.

魏冬青 男,1962年生,长聘教授,博士生导师。就职于上海交通大学生命学 院及微生物代谢国家重点实验室,Nature-Springer期刊“Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences”主编(科学院2区)。长期从事生物信息 学,生物体系的分子模拟,药物代谢与个性化药物, 疾病与生物标志的精准模 型,计算机辅助药物设计,蛋白质相互作用与识别, 蛋白机器等领域的研究工 作。主持国家重点研究领域项目,自然科学基金重点项目和多项国家自然科学 基金面上项目。发表SCI文章400篇,主编专著9部,引用超过9000次,H因子 55。中国交叉科学学会副理事长,中国卫生信息学会大数据应用评估与保障专 业委员会副主委,中国运筹学会计算系统生物学常务理事。获得横山亮次奖、 中华医学二等奖、计算机协会自然科学二等奖,上海市科学技术一等奖和上海 市优博导师称号。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Biomaterials biomats biomaterials
biomats_Pei-Feng-sh_001 Feng Pei College of mechanical and electrical engineering Central South University Changsha China

Dr. Feng is currently an Associate Professor at the Central South University. He works as Chief Editor and Editorial Board Member of many international journals, such as Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Nanoscience and Nanometrology, etc. He also works as invited reviewer for more than 40 international journals. He has published more than 60 papers and obtained 30 patent declaration and authorization. Among these papers, more than 55 papers are indexed by SCI. He also published 5 monographs written in English. He won one First Prize of Achievements in Medical Science and Technology issued by Hunan Province, one Second Prize at the provincial or ministerial level. His research interests include Materials Science, Biomaterials, Nanotechnology, Biofabrication, 3D Printing. Orcid Scopus
Biomechanics biomech biomechanics
biomech_Ji-Huan-He-sh_001 He Ji-Huan Soochow University Suzhou China

Ji-Huan He is an expert on nonlinear science, nanotechnology, surface chemistry and biomechanics, he is the owner of some famous analytical methods, such as the semi-inverse method, the variational iteration method, the homotopy perturbation method, the exp-function method, and He’s frequency formulation. The coupled method of the homotopy perturbation method and Laplace transform is called as He-Laplace method in literature. Dr. He is also the owner of the bubble electrospinning, which is the potential technology for mass-production of various functional nanofibers. The macromolecular electrospinning proposed by Ji-Huan He and his student can well control the macromolecular orientation in a nanofiber. His geometric potential theory can explain well many boundary-induced phenomena, e.g., super-hydrophobicity and selective absorption. His two-scale thermodynamics and two scale mathematics (fractal calculus) view any a phenomenon in two different scales, in a large scale the continuum assumption works, while in a smaller scale, saying a molecule size, discontinuous phenomena occur, and the fractal calculus has to be adopted. He has published more than 400 articles with an h-index of 67, and he has been listed as a highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics and Elsevier for many years, and was also one of the World's Hottest Researchers.

何吉欢是非线性科学、纳米技术、表面化学和生物力学方面的专家,提出了半反推法、变分迭代法、同伦摄动法、exp函数法等著名的解析方法和频率公式。同伦摄动法与拉普拉斯变换的耦合方法在文献中称为He-Laplace方法。何博士还是提出了气泡静电纺丝新方法,可以制备各种功能纳米纤维。何吉欢和他的学生提出的大分子静电纺丝方法可以很好地控制纳米纤维中大分子的取向。他的几何势理论可以很好地解释许多边界诱发的现象,如超疏水性和选择性吸收。他提出的双尺度热力学和双尺度数学(分形微积分)用不同的尺度来分析同一物理问题,大尺度下可以得到连续介质力学的基本规律,而在小尺度上,连续假设不再成立,可以分形微积分来描述必须被采用。他发表了400多篇的文章,H-index达67。多年来一直被科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)和爱思唯尔(Elsevier)列为高度引用的研究人员,也是全球最热门的研究人员之一。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Biochemistry biochem biochemistry
biochem_q-Han-sh_001 Han Qian Hainan University Haikou China

Qian Han is currently a Full Professor in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry, Vector Biology) at the Hainan University, Haikou, China. He received a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. His field of expertise/area of interest include Anopheles, Aedes, Enzyme Activity, Proteins, Enzymes, Enzymology, Protein Characterization, Protein Expression, Protein Purification, Enzyme Kinetics, Mosquitoes, Protein Crystallography, Molecular Biology, Anopheles gambiae, Veterinary Medicine, Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Protein Structure, Parasitology, PCR, Cell Culture, Aedes aegypti, Substrate Specificity, Eimeria tenella, Eimeria, Parasitic Diseases, Site-Directed Mutagenesis, Recombinant Protein Expression, Affinity Chromatography, Protein Engineering, Protein Biochemistry, Recombinant Proteins Production & Purification, Size Exclusion Chromatography, Ion Exchange Chromatography, SDS-PAGE, Protein Crystallization, Protein Chromatography, and Enzymatic Catalysis. However, Dr Han has published more than 20 research/review articles in well-reputed journals.

韩谦,博士,海南大学生命科学与药学院教授、博士生导师、副 院长,海南大学学术委员会委员。现任学术兼职有《Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences》Associate Editor、《中国媒介生物学及 控制杂志》编委、《寄生虫与医学昆虫学报》编委、《中国兽医科 学》编委、《中国兽医学报》编委等职 从事病媒生物和寄生虫防控相关的研究工作。在基础研究方面, 以芳香族氨基酸代谢为切入点,研究色氨酸代谢与蚊虫传播病原能 力的关系和酪氨酸代谢在蚊虫先天免疫中的作用。在应用研究方面 ,从事大环内酯类抗寄生虫药的制剂及应用研究,制定了我国规模 化猪场寄生虫防控程序,并纳入了国家标准。获得第六届中国农学 会青年科技奖、中国畜牧兽医学会奖、北京市优秀教师称号、中国 畜牧兽医学会兽医寄生虫分会杰出贡献奖等奖励。共发表论文160余 篇,其中包括90余篇SCI收录论文。 主译、参译、参编专著、教材 及国家标准共计12部;获授权国家专利5项。 Scopus RsearcherId
biochem_q-Han-sh_001 Jia Aiqun Department of Pharmacy Hainan University Hainan China

Dr. Aiqun Jia obtained his Ph.D from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China in 2004. He is currently working as a professor in the Department of Pharmacy, Hainan University, China. His research interests include Quorum sensing based novel antibiotic drug candidates R and D Extraction, isolation, identification and bio-active evaluation of natural products, Total synthesis and semi-synthesis of natural products. He has won several awards including the Xibu Scholar Award of CAS and Di’Ao Traditional Chinese Medicine Award of CAS in 2003. Scopus RsearcherId
Biomedical Engineering biomedeng biomedical-engineering
biomed-eng-Zhang_001 Zhang W.J. (Chris) Division of Biomedical Engineering College of Engineering University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon Canada

Dr. Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Delft University of Technology in 1994. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. His current research area is resilient robotics, soft robotics, computational design, mechatronics, and engineering informatics. He has published over 500 refereed technical publications, among which over 330 papers have appeared in refereed journals and over 200 papers in refereed conference proceedings. He holds dozens of patents, including three US patents. He is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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Biophotonics biophoto biophotonics
biophoto_biophoto_Hongbao-sh_001 Xin Hongbao Institute of Nanophotonics Jinan University Guangzhou China

Dr. Hongbao Xin is currently a professor and Vice Director of the Institute of Nanophotonics, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. He received his BS degree in 2011 and Ph.D degree in 2016 from the Sun Yat-Sen University. After graduation, he continued his research at the University of California, Berkeley and the National University of Singapore. He joined Jinan University in 2018. His research interests focus on biophotonics, such as optical manipulation and detection, bio-micromotor, nanoplasmonics, etc. He has published about 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, including Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Light: Science and Applications, Nano Letters, etc. He was awarded the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award in Optics of China and the Distinguished Young Scholar by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biophoto_Tymish-Y-Ohulchanskyy-sh_001 Ohulchanskyy Tymish Y. Shenzhen University Shenzhen China

Dr. Tymish Y.Ohulchanskyy is a distinguished professor at the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Optics and Laser Physics in 2001, he joined the Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics (ILPB) at the State University of New York, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA. Dr. Ohulchanskyy’s research broadly involves photophysics of organic and inorganic materials in conjunction with their applications in biophotonics. The main focus is on the development of molecular and nanoparticular photoactive agents for targeted optical/multimodal bioimaging and light induced therapy. Dr.Ohulchanskyy has published more than 130 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, including Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA. He has one U.S. patent granted and licensed.

Tymish Y.Ohulchanskyy博士是中国深圳大学物理与光电子工程学院的杰出教授。 获得博士学位后 他于2001年获得光学和激光物理学博士学位,并加入了纽约州立大学,美国纽约州布法罗大学的激光,光子学和生物光子学研究所(ILPB)。 Ohulchanskyy博士的研究广泛涉及有机和无机材料的光物理及其在生物光子学中的应用。 主要焦点是用于靶向光学/多峰生物成像和光诱导疗法的分子和纳米颗粒光敏剂的开发。 Ohulchanskyy博士在科学期刊上发表了140多篇同行评审文章,包括《自然光子学》,《自然通讯》和美国国家科学院院刊。 他拥有一项已授予和许可的美国专利。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Computer Science cs computer-science
cs_ebm_Jun-Ye-sh_001 Ye Jun Ningbo University Ningbo China

Jun Ye is a professor at the Ningbo University, P.R. China. He has more than 30 years of expe- rience in teaching and research. His research interests include soft computing, neutrosophic theory and applications, fuzzy decision making theory and methods, intelligent control, robotics, pattern recognition, medical diagnosis, fault diagnosis, and rock mechanics. He has published more than 260 papers in various journals, written a few books related to his research work, and finished a few pro- jects sponsored by the government of P.R. China. He is the editorial board member of “Current Chi- nese Computer Science Journal” (Co-Editor in Chief), “Neutrosophic Sets and Systems” (Editor), “Journal of New Theory” (Area Editor), and “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence” (Area Editor). He was selected as “Elsevier Chinese Most Cited Researchers” in 2019.

叶军现为宁波大学土木与环境工程学院特聘教授、岩石力学研究 所副所长。2015年至目前兼任印度巴拉蒂尔大学(Bharathiar University)、巴基斯坦国际伊斯兰大学(International Islamic University)博士学位考试团成员;2020年以来担任土 耳其安卡拉大学(Ankara University)博士生导师(现带博士 生1人)。目前主要研究方向为中智理论与应用、软计算、模糊 决策理论与方法、机器人智能控制、模式识别与故障诊断、智能 医学诊断、岩石力学与工程建模。在国内外发表学术论文260余 篇,其中,SCI/SSCI/EI收录论文共计171篇(其中SCI/SSCI收录 论文121篇,EI收录论文50篇,进入ESI高被引用论文11篇,进入 Web of Science 数据库总引频次5560余次、h-index 论文40篇 );获得国家发明专利10余项。叶军建立的“欠驱动多指节机器 人手的运动分析与设计方法”、“复合正交神经网络与控制”与 “工程中智理论与应用为主要原创性贡献”。现担任国际期刊《Current Chinese Computer Science》主编,8家国际期刊编委/编辑。2019年荣获浙江省留联会“最美留学 报国之星”称号。依据斯坦福大学John P. A. Ioannidis教授团队2018年发布的全球高被 引学者排行榜中,叶军教授在全球10万科学家中排名为17030位,其中,全球人工智能科学 家排名第248位,中国人工智能科学家排名第18位。叶军教授入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)2019 中国高被引学者(Chinese Most Cited Researchers)榜单(计算机科学)。现担任国际中 智科学学会(NSIA)中国分会副理事长。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
cs_ebm_Ying-Tan-sh_001 Tan Ying Peking University Beijing China

Ying Tan is a full professor at Peking University, director of Computational Intelligence Laboratory at Peking University, and the inventor of Fireworks Algorithm (FWA). He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of IASEI Transactions on Swarm Intelligence, and International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (IJCIPR), the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (CYB), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System (NNLS), International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), etc. His research interests include computational intelligence, swarm intelligence, deep neural networks, machine learning, data mining, intelligent information processing for information security and financial prediction, etc. He has published more than 340+ papers in refereed journals and conferences in these areas and authored/co-authored 12 books, including “Fireworks Algorithm” by Springer-Nature in 2015

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Corrosion Science corr corrosion-science
corr_Lei-Guo-sh_001 Guo Lei Tongren University Tongren China

Professor Lei Guo received his PhD in Chemical Engineering and Technology from Chongqing University, China in 2015. He is currently working as a Professor at the Department of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Tongren University, China. He has conducted a series of studies in various areas of the field of physical chemistry: electrochemistry, corrosion science, density functional theory, as well as molecular dynamic simulation. He recently focuses on metal-air batteries, organic corrosion inhibitors, and the first principle calculation. He has authored over 100 papers published in international journals, 2 book chapters and 50 patents.He is also a member of the editorial board of 5 international journals.

郭雷,男,1987年6月生,铜仁学院教授,西南石油大学博士后, 2015年博士毕业于重庆大学,贵州省“千”层次创新型人才,四川轻 化工大学兼职硕导,主要深耕材料腐蚀与防护、化学电源、电化学 分析方法、分子模拟计算、表界面材料等领域的研究。目前担任 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Corrosion Science、International Journal of Energy Research、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 等100多个期刊杂志评审专家,担任 Journal of Materials and Environmental Science、Colloid and Surface Science等多个杂志编委,主持国家自然科学基金、贵州省 科技厅项目、贵州省教育厅拔尖人才计划、四川省材料腐蚀与防护 重点实验室开放基金以及企业委托研发项目等共计10余项,已发表 SCI收录论文100余篇,获授权国家专利50余件(其中美国发明专利 1项),参编学术专著2部。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
corr_Yunping-Li-sh_001 Li Yunping Central South University Changsha China

Dr. Yunping Li is currently a Professor at the Powder Metallurgy Research Institute, Central South University, China. He completed his PhD from the Department of Materials Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 2007. He was also a Specially Appointed Professor of Shonan Scholar at Chunan University His research interests include Metallic Materials; Corrosion, Plastic deformation. He has over 140 publications and has publications in Nature: NGP Asia Mater, Acta Mater, Electrochimica Acta, Corros Sci, etc. Scopus RsearcherId
Cybernetics Cybernetics cybernetics
cybernetics_Zhiwu-Li-sh_001 Li Zhiwu Xidian University Xi’an China

Zhiwu Li is currently a Professor at the School of Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, China. He obtained a PhD in Manufacturing Engineering from the School of Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, China. He has published more than 100 articles in Automatica and IEEE Transactions and 24 patents in several US and Australian publications. His research interests focus on Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems, Scheduling and Control of Production Systems, Petri Net Theory and Applications, Production Process Optimization, and Granular Computing.

李志武,博士,西安电子科技大学机电工程学院的教授。在Automatica和IEEE Transactions发表学术论文150多篇,拥有24项美国和澳大利亚项专利。 研究领域有离散事件系统的监督控制,生产系统的调度和控制,Petri网理论和应用,生产过程优化以及颗粒计算。当选2016年度IEEE Fellow。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Electrical Engineering ee electrical-engineering
elect-eng-zhang_001 Zhang Yiyi Electrical Engineering College Guangxi University Nanning China

Yiyi Zhang received bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 2008 and 2014, respectively from Guangxi University, Nanning, China, and Chongqing University, Chongqing, China. In 2014, he joined Guangxi University where he is a Bagui talent of Guangxi, an assistant rector, and a professor of the College of Electrical Engineering. Dr. Yiyi Zhang is the author and co-author of over 60 papers published in SCI journals. His current research interests include the intelligent diagnosis for electric equipment.

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elect-eng-zhang_001 Jia Hongjie School of Electrical and Information Engineering Tianjin University Tianjin China

Yiyi Zhang received bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 2008 and 2014, respectively from Guangxi University, Nanning, China, and Chongqing University, Chongqing, China. In 2014, he joined Guangxi University where he is a Bagui talent of Guangxi, an assistant rector, and a professor of the College of Electrical Engineering. Dr. Yiyi Zhang is the author and co-author of over 60 papers published in SCI journals. His current research interests include the intelligent diagnosis for electric equipment.

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Electronic and Crystal Structures ecs electronic-crystal-structures
ecs_Lei-Chen-sh_001 Chen Lei Hefei University of Technology Hefei China

Dr. Lei Chen is professor at Hefei University of Technology. He received his Ph.D. from University of Science and Technology of China in 2007 with major in Nuclear Science and Applications. He was engaged in postdoctoral research at National Taiwan University in Taiwan and took visiting-professor at University of Alberta in Canada. His research interests focus on condensed-mater physics, solid- state inorganic chemistry, solid-state luminescence, crystal and electronic structures, synchrotron radiation technology and application, phosphors for light-emitting diodes (LED), and quantum dots display. He has published 65 peer-reviewed papers.

陈雷,合肥工业大学教授、博导。2007年6月于中国科学技术大学获得核科 学与技术专业博士学位,曾在台湾大学从事博士后研究、在加拿大阿尔伯特大 学从事国家公派访问学者研究。主要从事半导体照明与量子点显示研究,精通 发光材料与发光物理,掌握核心技术,拥有自主知识产权,具备在国际一流期 刊发表高水平论文的研究能力,已在 Materials Today、Advanced Science、Chemistry of Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、Nano Energy等期刊发表SCI论文65篇,总被引用2045次(Google Scholar),单篇最高 引用439次,h指数20;申请发明专利23件、PCT专利4件、实用新型2件,获发明 专利授权8件。主持国家自然科学基金青年、面上与大科学装置联合基金项目, 以项目组副组长(总26人排名第二)与子课题负责人承担国家863计划1项,承担 安徽省科技攻关、安徽省重点研发计划、广东省协同创新等项目。研究论文分 别被ACS Combinatorl Science 和Luminescecne刊登为期刊封面,被 Luminescecne期刊选为Featured article,被Advanced Science期刊选为 Frontispiece。积极开展产学研合作、产业技术转移与成果转化,并取得良好 经济效果。以排名第一分别荣获2020中国轻工业联合会科技进步一等奖和2018 安徽省科技进步二等奖,以排名第六荣获2019广东省科技进步二等奖。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Environmental Engineering eengr environmental-engineering
eengr_wenbin-yu-as_001 Wenbin Yu Shandong University Jinan China

Currently, Dr. Yu Wenbin is a Full Professor in the School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University. Before that, he worked as a Senior Research Fellow at National University of Singapore for 7 years. He mainly focuses on Combustion in engines, Electronic control for engines, Fluid dynamics and CFD modeling, Spray, etc. He has published more than 70 articles and more than 15 patents. He is now the editorial board member of several International journals. As a reviewer of more than 20 world top journals, he obtained the Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award in many top journals.

于文斌博士现为山东大学能源与动力工程学院教授。 在此之前,他曾在新加坡国立大学担任高级研究员7年。 他发表了70多篇文章和15多项专利。 现在,他是几本国际期刊的编辑委员会成员。 作为20多种世界顶级期刊的审稿人,他获得了许多SCI顶级期刊的“杰出评论贡献奖”。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Environmental Science esci environmental-science
esci_Changsheng-Peng-sh_001 Peng Changsheng Zhaoqing University Zhaoqing China

Dr. Peng Changsheng is currently a Distinguished Professor at the Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Zhaoqing University, China. He received his PHD from the University of Science and Technology Beijing in March 2003. His research interests include Restoration of soil and groundwater pollution, seawater desalination and resource utilization of seawater (salt water), new environmental (environmental) materials and environmental protection equipment. He has published more than 170 articles and has more than 100 articles by SCI. He has obtained 11 patents. He is a Member of Chinese Society of Mechanics, Member of American Chemical Society, Member of Water Treatment and Recycling Committee of China Environmental Science Society, Member of Shandong Environmental Science Society, Mexican Researcher (Level I). Scopus RsearcherId
esci_Salama-sh_001 Salama El-Sayed Lanzhou University (LZU) Occupational and Environmental Health Department Lanzhou China

Dr. El-Sayed Salama obtained his BSc in Science from Benha University and received his MSc, PhD degrees, and Post-Doc from Hanyang University (South Korea) under “BK21 plus” in the area of “Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering”. Currently, he is working as a Professor in Public Health School, Lanzhou University under “High-Level Foreign Talents” and he is considered a Distinguished Expert of Science and Technology in the Ecological Industry of Gansu Province (China). He has published 70-SCI papers (with avg. IF=7.66) and most of his papers are appeared in high-reputed journals such as “Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (IF=29.394)”, “Trends in Plant Science (IF=18.313)”, and “Trends in Microbiology (IF=17.079)”. He also serves as an editorial board member for several international journals. Environmental Science Orcid Scopus
esci_xiubin-he-as_001 He Xiubin Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu China

Dr Xuibin He is currently a Professor at the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, China. He obtained PhD in Soil Science in 1998 from the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation (ISWC), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China. He received an award entitled, ‘Pioneer for migration settlement in TGR’ from the State Council (2012). Besides, he has published 25 articles and 8 patents in several well-reputed journals. His research areas revolve around Watershed management, Soil-water conservation, Water pollution control, Ecological, restoration, and Global Change. Scopus RsearcherId
Enzymology enz enzymology
ccs-Guang-Bo-ab_001 Ge Guang-Bo Institute of Interdisciplinary Medicine Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shanghai China

Guang-Bo Ge received his Ph.D. degree in biochemical engineering in 2009 from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is a full professor at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Integrative Medicine Research, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. His research interests are focused on the development of the specific ligands for target enzymes and their biomedical applications. Now he is the author/coauthor of more than 230 publications in scientific journals. Scopus RsearcherId
Food Biotechnology fbiot food-biotechnology
fbiot_Haifeng-Zhao-sh_001 Zhao Haifeng South China University of Technology Guangzhou China

Dr. Haifeng Zhao is currently a Professor at the School of Food Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. from the School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University with Major in Microbial Fermentation Engineering in 2008. His research interests involves food biotechnology, brewing science and technology, protein chemistry and bioactive peptide, and natural products chemistry. He has a Strong background in GC, HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS, NMR for extraction, isolation,purification, structure identification and quantitative analyses of phenolic compounds. He has published more than 80 articles and has received First Prize of Guangdong province Science & Technology Progress: Key Technologies of fermentation and metabolic regulation for soy sauce, beer and threonine production in 2011.

赵海锋,男,博士,研究员,博士生指导教师。2008年3月毕业于江南大学 发酵工程专业,获工学博士学位;2008年5月任职于华南理工大学轻工与食品学 院,2009年被聘为广东省省部企业科技特派员,2012年9月晋升为副研究员,2013年7月被遴选为硕士生指导教师,2014年7月入选广东省高等学校“千百 十人才培养工程”校级培养对象,2015年7月被破格遴选为博士生指导教师,2015年8月作为访问学者被国家公派至丹麦哥本哈根大学进行为期一年的访问 学习,2017年9月晋升为研究员,2018年11月入选盐城市创新创业领军人才。主要从事食品生物技术、食品风味化学与稳定性等领域的研究与教学工作,具体涉及食品发酵与代谢调控技术、食品风味评价及其稳定化技术、蛋白质 化学与生物活性肽、食品质量安全评价与控制技术、天然产物活性因子分离、鉴定与活性评价技术等方面。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Food Science fSci food-science
fsci_Wuyang-Huang-sh_001 Huang Wuyang Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Nanjing China

Wuyang Huang is currently a Professor at the Institute of Farm Product Processing, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China. He received his PhD, Major in School of Biological Sciences from Faculty of Science, the University of Hong Kong. He has published several articles and conference abstracts in various well-reputed journals. However, his research interests include Food function, Phenolic Compounds, and Antioxidant Effects.

黄午阳,研究员,博士,2008年毕业于香港大学,2008-2009在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学开展博士后 研究,2019-2020曾在美国哈佛大学医学院做访问学者一年,现在江苏省农业科学院农产品加工 研究所营养与健康研究室工作,2017年聘为研究员。主要从事果蔬营养与功能研究,包括功能成 分快速检测与结构鉴定、生物活性评价,及其在加工过程中的稳定性调控。已发表学术论文80余 篇,H指数24。 Scopus RsearcherId
Genetics genetics genetics
gen_Tao-Huang-sh_001 Huang Tao Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai China

Dr. Tao Huang is an Associate Professor and Director of Bioinformatics Core Facility at Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2014. From 2012 to 2014, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Genetics and Genomics Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, USA. His research interests include bioinformatics, computational biology, systems genetics and big data research. He has published over 150 articles which have been cited for 6221 times with an h-index of 35 and an i10-index of 123.

黄涛,中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所青年研究员,曾在美国纽约西奈山伊坎医学院遗传与基因组科学系从事博士后研究。研究方向为机器学习和网络分析在精准医学中的应用。累计引用超过8618次,H指数43。担任超过25份杂志的编委或客座编辑,担任超过130份杂志的审稿人,主编了Methods in Molecular Biology丛书Computational Systems Biology - Methods and Protocols和Precision Medicine分册。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Geotechnical Engineering geoengr geotechnical-engineering
geoengr_ebm_Hang-Lin-sh_001 Lin Hang Central South University Changsha China

In recent 5 years, as the first/ communication author, Prof. Lin has published 34 papers indexed by SCI. Wherein, 2 papers were included in the ESI top 1‰ hot papers, 8 papers were selected as the ESI top 1% high cited papers, and 4 papers were considered as the top academic papers of Chinese high-quality science and technology journals. Besides, Prof. Lin was appointed as the subeditor/editor of the international SCI journals of Front Earth Sci, Adv Civ Eng and Geofluids, as well as the editor-in-chief of 2 academic monographs, one of which is the approximations of China Water and Hydropower Press. In addition, Prof. Lin has also won the National Xu Zhilun Outstanding Teacher Award in Mechanics, the Outstanding Young Science and Technology Talent Award in the Fields of Mining, Petroleum and Safety Engineering, the second prize of Natural Science Award of Hunan Province, the second prize of the Natural Science of the Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, the Natural Science Award of Zhejiang Institute of Geomechanics and Engineering, and the outstanding advisor of master's degree thesis of Hunan Province. The project aims to explore the evolution mechanism and regulation mechanism of anti-shear resistance of the structure surface under non-uniform load through the large-scale structural surface direct shear tests, so as to lay a theoretical foundation for the local regulation technique of rock joints. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Heterocyclic Compounds hetcom heterocyclic-compound
hetcom_Xing-Hai-Liu-sh_001 Liu Xing-Hai Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou China

Xing-Hai Liu is currently an Associate Professor at the College of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, China. He received his PhD in Chemistry from the Nankai University, Tianjin, China. His current research interests mainly focus on Design and synthesis of Bioactive Heterocyclic Compounds, new synthetic method of Heterocycles, and computer Aid Drug Design (High Throughput Receptor-Based Virtual Screening, Docking and QSAR). However, he has published 140 peer-review and research papers in different well-reputed journals. Besides, he is the Region Editor of Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, an Editorial Broad Member of Heteroatom Chemistry, Current Organic Chemistry, and Letters in Organic Chemistry. Also, he is a Reviewer of Current Drug Discovery Technologies, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Communications and so on. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Nanomedicine nanom nanomedicine
nanom_Jinfeng-Zhang_001 Zhang Jinfeng Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing China

Dr. J. ZHANG received her M.Sc. degree in Organic Chemistry in 2013 from Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and her Ph.D. in the Department of Biology and Chemistry at City University of Hong Kong, in 2017. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the School of Life Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology, China. Her research interests mainly focus on the design and fabrication of multifunctional nanomaterials for drug delivery, bioimaging and treatment of various diseases. She has authored or co-authored more than 40 peer-reviewed journal papers with an H-index of 20. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Imaging imaging imaging
Yang Jiquan School of Electrical & Automation Engineering Nanjing Normal University Nanjing China

Dr. Jiquan Yang is currently serving as a professor of Electrical and Automation Engineering at Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu, China. At the same time, he is also a part of several other institutions including Jiangsu Key Laboratory of 3D Printing Equipment and Manufacturing (director), School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University (Dean), Jiangsu Province 3D Printing Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (Chairman). His research focuses on 3D printing technology (also known as 3D printing, rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing, etc.), technology development, industrial transformation and application work, digital design modeling, digital droplet injection molding, high-performance composite material design and preparation, 3D Printing equipment research and development. His publications include 11 edited books and 60 journal articles. In the past 5 years, he has presided over 20 scientific research projects, such as National Key R&D Program Projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China Projects, and so on. Scopus
Signal Processing sp signal-processing
sp_Tsiftsis-sh_001 Tsiftsis Theodoros A. School of Intelligent Systems Science & Engineering Jinan University Zhuhai China 0000-0002-4856-3932 35613331800

Dr. Theodoros A. Tsiftsis received the BSc degree in physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1993, the MSc degree in digital systems engineering from the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K in 1995, the MSc degree in decision sciences from the Athens University of Economics and Business, in 2000, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2006. He is currently a Professor in the School of Intelligent Systems Science \& Engineering at Jinan University, Zhuhai, China, and also Honorary Professor at Shandong Jiaotong University, Jinan, China. His research interests fall into the broad areas of communication theory and wireless communications with emphasis on energy efficient communications, smart surfaces, ultra-reliable and low-latency communication, and physical layer security. He has served as a senior or Associate Editor in different international journals.

获理学学士学位,1995年在英国赫瑞·瓦特大学获数字系统工程硕士学位,2000年在希腊 雅典经济与商业大学获决策科学硕士学位,2006年在希腊帕特雷大学获电子工程博士学 位。现为暨南大学智能科学与工程学院全职教授,同时也是山东交通学院名誉教授。其 研究领域包括认知无线电、通信理论、无线携能通信、节能通信,智能表面,超可靠 和低延迟通信以及物理层安全。 Theodoros Tsiftsis博士曾担任IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Communications Letter, IET Communications和IEICE Transactions on Communications 等编 辑委员会的高级或副编辑。目前是IEEE Transactions on Communications的Wireless Communications II区域编辑和IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 的副编辑。Tsiftsis教 授连续两年(2018-2019)被IEEE车载技术协会聘为杰出讲师(IEEE VTS DL)。 Orcid
sp_sun_x_001 Sun Xian Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Xian Sun is a Professor at the Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received the B.Eng. degree from BeiHang University, Beijing, China, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2009. His research interests include machine learning in vision, image/video analysis and remote sensing image understanding. He has published more than 120 papers in these areas, and won several National Scientific and Technological Progress Awards. He serves as Associate Editor, Guest editor and reviewer for more than 30 international journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Energy Energy energy
energy_ebm_Yinglong-sh_001 Wang Yinglong College of Chemical Engineering Qingdao University of Science Qingdao China

Dr. Yinglong Wang is a Professor at Qingdao University of Science and Technology and has been selected as one of the World’s Top 2% Scientists (Chemical Engineering). He is the associate editor of the special issue of multi criteria decision making (special section of frontiers in sustainability). He received his PhD from Ocean University of China in 2006. His research focuses on green and sustainable process intensification, environmental pollution control and waste recycling, energy- saving process optimization, etc. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and been cited more than 2600 times with the H-index of 29. Orcid
energy_Zhen-Fang_001 Fang Zhen Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing China

Dr. Zhen Fang is currently a Professor, Leader (PI) of biomass group, College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University. He obtained his PhDs from China Agricultural University (Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Beijing) and McGill University (Materials Engineering, Montreal) as well as received further postdoc training in Chemical Engineering in Spain (Marie Curie Fellowship, Universidad de Zaragoza). He is the inventor of “fast hydrolysis” process. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries. He has made major contributions to the fields of hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass, biodiesel synthesis and liquid biofuel production, supercritical fluid processes, catalyst synthesis and nanomaterials. He is listed in the “Most Cited Chinese Researchers” in energy in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 (Elsevier-Scopus). Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
energy_shengchun-q-as_001 Qu Shengchun Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Shengchun Qu is currently a Full Professor at the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained his B.Sc. and Ph.D. from Department of Physics, Jilin University in 1994 and 1999, respectively. His research interests include the crystallization dynamics mechanism of materials, optimization of materials stability, plasmon-enhanced light absorption, organic solar cell, perovskite solar cell, flexible device and encapsulation technologies, and so on. Currently, he has published more than 100 SCI papers in Energy Environ. Sci., Adv. Energy Mater., Small, Nano Energy and other journals. He has more than 30 patents. Scopus RsearcherId
energy_Yanqing-as_001 Niu Yanqing Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an China

Dr. Yanqing Niu is a researcher at Xi’an Jiaotong University and was a visiting scholar at CRF in Sandia National Laboratories. His research is mainly focused on Clean and Efficient Combustion and Solid Waste Melting Utilization, including ash related problems during combustion and gasification (slagging, agglomeration, corrosion, and utilization) with experiment and modeling, reaction kinetics of fuel particle, pollution (NOx, SOx, and PM) formation and control during combustion, as well as D#x0026;R of low-NOx industrial burner (coal, gas, and dual fuel) and resource utilization of MSW and its incineration fly ash, etc. Orcid Scopus
Ecology ecology ecology
energy_ebm_Ling-Zhang.ab_001 Zhang Ling Jiangxi Agricultural University Nanchang China

Dr. Ling Zhang is professor at Jiangxi Agricultural University, China, supervising graduate students. He received his Ph.D in soil science from Nanjing Agricultural University. He is working as Associate Editor of SCI journals Plant Ecology, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change and editorial board member of Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. His research area is soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and global climate change. He has published over 60 papers and 3 books/book chapters.

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Limnology limnology limnology
limno_Hucai_ab Zhang Hucai Institute for Ecological Research and Pollution Control of Plateau Lakes School of Ecology and Environmental Science Yunnan University Kunming China

Dr. Hucai Zhang obtained his PhD degree from Catholic University de Louvain, Belgium in 2002. Currently, he is a Distinguished Professor at Yunnan University in Kunming, China and the Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN). Professor Zhang has worked on Late Pleistocene palaeolake evolution and environmental changes in arid Western China and Eastern Sahara Desert, the relationship between environmental changes and faunas (human) in the Middle-Late Pleistocene in Northeast China, limnology and its implications for changes in the Asian monsoon and regional ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet and Yunnan- Guizhou Plateaus, changes in the southern African monsoon regime and its relationship to human evolution, and heavy metal pollution and eutrophication in plateau lakes. He has published more than 300 scientific papers, including Nature C, Radiocarbon, PAPAP, QR, and JGR. He is the Vice Editor of Journal of Watershed Ecology and the Environment, and editor of the International Journal of Lakes and Rivers.

Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Materials Science mats materials-science
matsci_Bai-Yang-sh_001 Yang Bai Jilin University Changchun China

Dr. Bai Yang is a professor at the State Key Lab of Supramolecular Structure and Materials, the College of Chemistry at Jilin University. He received his PhD in Polymer Chemistry and Physics in 1991 at Jilin University. His research interests related with polymeric nanostructured building blocks such as Carbonized Polymer Dots and Polymer Composite with Quantum Dots and its related functional materials including optical, photonic, photo-electric and photo-responsive materials. He has co authored over 600 papers published with more than 26000 sum cited times. Scopus RsearcherId
matsci_Xiao-Wang-sh_001 Wang Xiao Chinese Academy of Sciences Chongqing China

Dr. Xiao Wang is an Associate Professor in Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained his PhD degree from Loughborough University, UK. His main research interests include nanomaterials, polymer composites, carbon materials and membrane materials. He is currently a PI of several research projects on materials science, in national and international level. He has published numerous international research and review papers in reputed journals. He is a regular reviewer of several international journals. He won the “Light of West China” award in 2015.

王啸,博士,副研究员,就职于中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院微纳制造 与系统集成研究中心。中国科学院“西部之光”人才计划入选者;主持国家自然 基金委、中国科学院、重庆市科技局以及企业横向项目10余项;发表SCI论文30 余篇。主要从事高分子纳米复合功能材料的研发与应用工作,在碳纳米光学涂 层材料、高分子纳米复合纤维、高性能树脂复合材料、膜分离材料等方面取得 了突破,部分成果已实现商业应用。 Scopus RsearcherId
Management Sciences mgt-sc management-sciences
ccs-Qingyu-ab_001 Zhang Qingyu Department of Management Sciences Shenzhen University Shenzhen China

Dr. Qingyu Zhang is a Full Professor and Director of the Research Institute of Business Analytics and Supply Chain Management at Shenzhen University, China. He is a Distinguished Professor of Pearl River Scholar. Prior to this, he was a Tenured Professor at Arkansas State University, USA. He earned his PhD in Manufacturing Management and Engineering from the University of Toledo, USA, and M.E., B.E. & B.A. from Tsinghua University, China. His research interests include supply chain management, sustainable operations, and social responsibility. He won the Jack Meredith Best Paper Award in the Journal of Operations Management in 2016. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Mathematics maths mathematics
cmc_e_Yongjin-ab_001 Li Yongjin School of Mathematics Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou China

Yongjin Li graduated from Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen University with a bachelor's degree in mathematics during 1986-1989. He received a master's degree in basic mathematics from the mathematics department of Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen University. He then obtained a PhD in Mathematics from Harbin Institute of Technology during 1989-1992. Dr. Yongjin Li is working as a professor at the School of Mathematics, Sun Yat-sen University. His area of specialization is Functional Analysis, and Differential Equations. Under his guidance, 06 students are working for a Ph.D., and 03 post doctors are working in his group. He has published 150 research papers, 06 books and completed 03 projects for the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Marine Sciences marsci marine-science
marsci_Qiong-Shi-sh_001 Shi Qiong BGI Academy of Marine Sciences Shenzhen China

Professor Qiong Shi has been working as the director of BGI Academy of Marine Sciences, VP & Chief Scientist of BGI Marine Group, and a PhD supervisor at BGI Education Center under University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.Receiving his PhD degree from Sun Yat-Sen University. His research interests focuses on aquatic genomics, marine medicine, and fish molecular endocrinology. By far, he has published over 150 academic papers and 13 monographs, has been awarded with 13 Chinese patents, and acquired 2 certificates of new aquatic breeds from China Ministry of Agriculture.

石琼教授现任深圳市华大海洋研究院院长、华大海洋集团首席科学家、中国科学院大学华大教育中心博士生导师。1997年获中山大学博士学位。研究方向涉及水产基因组学、海洋药物、鱼类分子内分泌学。到目前为止,已在国内外学术刊物发表论文160余篇,出版专注13部,获批25项中美欧专利,获得农业部认定的水产新品种证书2件。兼任老挝华大水产公司法人和深圳大学生命与海洋科学学院访问教授。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Medicinal Chemistry medi-chem medicinal-chemistry
marsci_Qiong-Shi-sh_001 He Bin School of Pharmacy Guiyang Medical College Guiyang China

Dr. Bin He obtained his PhD degree in Natural Medicinal Chemistry in 2009 from West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, China. From 2009-2013, he was a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Hening Lin's lab at Cornell University, USA. In 2013, he joined the faculty of School of Pharmacy at Guizhou Medical University (China) as a professor of Medicinal Chemistry. His lab works on chemical biology, medicinal chemistry and natural product chemistry aiming at discovery and development of first-in-class drugs. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers in high-profile journals and received five issued patents for potential transformation. His work is recognized by the First Prize of Natural Science Award in the Ministry of Education (China) in 2017, Guizhou Youth Science and Technology Award in 2018, and the First Prize of Natural Science Award in Guizhou province (China) in 2019. Scopus RsearcherId
Microbiology microbio microbiology
ccs_ebm_Ling-zon_001 Ling Zongxin State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine Zhejiang University Hangzhou China

Prof. Zongxin Ling, focused on the research of microbial ecology for nearly 16 years, is the principal investigator of Zhejiang University. He has authored or co-authored over 90 peer reviewed publications with the total IF more than 255 and participated in editing three books. His research work has been published in Hepatology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, EbioMedicine, Microbial Ecology, BMC Genomics, Frontiers in Immunology, and has been cited for more than 4500. His H-index is 28 excluding the self-citations. He also serves on the Editorial Boards of PLoS One, EC microbiology and Chinese Journal of Microecology, associate editor of Frontiers in Immunology. He is also awarded with “Xinglin Academic Star of Zhejiang University” and “Taishan scholar”. Orcid Scopus
microbio_tianyu-z-as_001 Zhang Tianyu Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou China

Dr. Zhang is mainly engaged in Mycobacteria and super drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria. There are five directions of his research fields: 1) Establishment of new drug screening and evaluation model and study on mechanism of action of drugs. 2) Development of rapid clinical diagnosis of live mycobacterial infection technology and drug sensitivity testing technology. 3)Development of new therapeutic vaccines and new therapeutic vaccines/strategies. 4) Synthetic biology related to diagnosis and treatment of pathogenic bacteria. 5) Invention of relevant scientific research instruments and equipment. Scopus RsearcherId
microbio_Zhen-Ming-Chi-sh_001 Chi Zhen-Ming Ocean University of China Qingdao China

Dr Zhen-Ming Chi holds a PhD degree in Microbiology and serves as a PhD guider for several students. Currently, he is working as a Professor of Microbiology at the Ocean University of China. His main interests are Microbiology and Marine yeasts. He has been contributing in the field of science since 2006 and has published more than 50 articles in well-reputed journals. Scopus RsearcherId
Mineralogy mineralogy mineralogy
mine-huan-ab_001 Li Huan School of Geosciences and Info-Physics Central South University Changsha China

Prof. Huan Li received his PhD from Kyushu University (Japan) in 2014, and has been working at the School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central South University (China) as a full professor since 2018. He is focusing on economic geology-related subjects including tectonics, structural geology, petrology, mineralogy, and mineral prospecting/exploration. Prof. Li has participated in more than 20 international conferences and given oral presentations, and published more than 20 international conference papers. He has won Best Paper Award by the Nonferrous Metals Society of China in 2012. He has been associated with several journals as an editorial board member, such as Journal of Earth Science, Minerals, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology.

Orcid Scopus
Nanotechnology nanotec nanotechnology
nanotec_Zaizhu-Lou-sh_001 Lou Zaizhu Jinan University Guangzhou China

Dr. Zaizhu Lou is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Nanophotonic Material Lab at Jinan University, China. He completed his PhD from Sate Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University in 2014. He was a Fellow Researcher at Osaka University, Japan from 2015-2017. He has received an "Outstanding Youth Fund of Guangdong Province" in 2018. His research interests include Nanophotonic, Crystal Materials. He has more than 20 publications and has received many other awards too.

娄在祝,男,暨南大学纳米光子学研究院教授,博士生导师,纳米材料光子学实验室主任 。曾获日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助。2018年获广东省杰出青年基金、广东省青年珠江 学者。以第一/通讯作者在PNAS,ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Mater., JPCL, Appl. Catal.B-Environ. Nanoscale Horizon等国际知名学术期刊发表论文24篇。主持国家 自然科学基金-面上、青年、广东省杰出青年基金、青年珠江学者等科研项目。研究课题为 金属及非金属表面等离子体共振效应及其在太阳能转化中的利用,人工光合作用,纳米材 料光子学等。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Natural Products np natural-products
np_Wei-Wang-sh_001 Wang Wei Hunan University of Chinese Medicine Changsha China

Prof. Dr. Wei Wang is National Talent Program Candidates of China, Furong Distinguished Professor of Hunan Province, China, director of TCM and Ethnomedicine Innovation & Development International Laboratory of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Executive Editor of Current Traditional Medicine (Bentham Science). He received his Ph.D. degree from Peking University in 2006. He had worked in National Center for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi from 2007 to 2012. He and his group focus on the isolation and discovery of novel bioactive natural products from Chinese medicine or other ethnomedicine, design of new analytical chemistry methodology and innovation on targeting and increasing efficiency of bioactive products of Traditional Medicine. He has more than 150 SCI publications and 10 patents.

王炜教授,湖南中医药大学药学院副院长、中药民族药物创新发展国际实 验室主任,国家级人才计划入选者,湖南省芙蓉学者特聘教授。主要从事中药 天然药物药效物质基础与活性分析研究。主持国家级、省部级及国际合作课题 30余项,制定国家标准、行业标准及企业标准6项,获授权专利10项,撰写中药 专著1部。共发表论文200多篇,SCI论文150篇。担任国际期刊 Current Traditional Medicine执行主编,Current Chinese Science (Natural Products Section) 主编。担任中国民族医药协会民族医药教育专业委员会副会长、湖南中医药学 会民族医药专业委员会副主任委员等;多所国内外高校客座教授。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Remote Sensing remsens remote-sensing
remsens_tang-bohui-as_001 Tang Bo-Hui Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences China

Dr Bo-Hui Tang received his PhD degree in Quantitative Remote Sensing in 2007 from the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Currently, he is a Researcher at IGSNRR. His research interests include quantitative estimation of land surface variables from satellite data, hyperspectral thermal infrared data analysis, parameterization of land surface processes at large scale with parameters directly/indirectly accessible from space measurements, and radiative transfer modelling. He has published more than 130 peer-reviewed scientific publications. He was honoured by the Chinese government in 2019 with “the Second Prize of the State Natural Science Award.”. Scopus RsearcherId
remsens_yuanzhi-zhang-as_001 Zhang Yuanzhi Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology Nanjing China

Dr. Yuanzhi Zhang is currently working as a Professor at the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China. He received his Doctor of Science from the Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland in 2005. His research interests include marine remote sensing and coastal studies, hyperspectral remote sensing of water and minerals, environmental remote sensing and applications, optical and microwave remote sensing of earth observation. Moreover, due to his contribution in his relevant field, he received several awards and has published some articles in well-reputed journals. Scopus RsearcherId
Structural Engineering se structural-engineering
se_Yufei-wu-as_001 Wu Yufei Shenzhen University Shenzhen China

Professor Yu-Fei Wu is currently a Distinguished Professor at the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, China. He obtained his BSc in 1983 and MSc in 1986 from Zhejiang University, China. He received MEng from National University of Singapore in 1994 and completed his PhD in 2002 at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He has more than ten years of industry working experience in structural engineering as a professional engineer in consulting firms in China, Singapore and Australia and is a chartered professional engineer of New Zealand and Australia (FIEAust, CPEng, NER, MIPENZ). His research interests lie in the broad field of structural engineering. Professor Wu has published more than 250 technical works, including 150 SCI indexed journal papers. Professor Wu is the inventor of numerous new structural theories and technologies and has received prestigious research awards including the Moisseiff Medal from American Society of Civil Engineers and State Scientific and Technological Progress Award of China. Professor Wu is the sole or 1st named inventor of six US patented technologies and numerous new structural theories and technologies, such as (1) the theorems for flexural design of reinforced concrete, (2) the experimental method that can directly measure shear strength components in RC member tests, (3) the compression yielding structural design approach to increase the ductility of RC members and others.

吴宇飞,深圳大学土木与交通工程学院特聘教授,博导。1983年毕业于浙江大学土木工程学系、86年于同校获硕士学位,1994年获新加坡国立大学土木工程硕士学位,2002年获澳大利亚阿德莱德大学博士学位。吴教授在中国、新加坡、新西兰和澳大利亚从事职业结构工程设计、管理工作超过10年,为澳大利亚和新西兰注册结构工程师。1989-1992任教于上海交通大学,2004-2015为香港城市大学建筑及土木工程系副教授(终身教职),2015-2019为澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学工程学院教授(Metro Chair)。主要教学和研究领域包括:钢筋混凝土结构、结构设计、复合结构、FRP结构、结构加固等。吴教授发表超过250篇学术论文,其中SCI论文近160篇,Google Scholar-H指数为46。吴教授发明了若干结构新技术并被授权美国发明专利,2018年被美国土木工程师学会ASCE授予Moisseiff 奖章,两次获中国国家科技进步二等奖。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Regenerative Medicine regmed regenerative-medicine
rm_xiaoxiao-c-as_001 Cai Xiaoxiao Sichuan University Chengdu China

Dr Xiaoxiao Cai is a Full Professor of West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University. She also serves as the Vice-director of Dental Implant Center, West China School of Stomatology. She received her PhD from Sichuan University in 2010. Dr Cai’s research focuses on adipose stem cells differentiation and vascularization of craniofacial regeneration, such as bone, cartilage, tooth, fat et al. She has published over 50 papers, reviews and book chapters, and made several seminal contributions to the stem cells fields. She has served as the Associate Editor of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters (SCI) and Editorial Board of Cell Proliferation (SCI). Besides, she received an Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Sichuan Province and Nomination of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
rm_chai-r-as_001 Chai Renjie Southeast University Nanjing China

Dr. Renjie Chai received his Bachelor degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, China in 2004. He received his PhD degree from the Baylor University in Texas, U.S.A in 2009. After that, he went to Stanford University for his postdoctoral training from 2009 to 2013. He moved back to China and was appointed as Professor in School of Life Sciences and Technology, Southeast University in 2013, and is serving as an Associate Dean of the School of Life Sciences and Technology at present. His current research focus on the regeneration of sensory hair cell and spiral ganglion neuron from inner ear stem cells and neural stem cells, respectively.

柴人杰,1982年11月出生,东南大学生命科学与技术学院二级教授,博士生导师,副 院长,支部书记;教育部长江学者特聘教授,青年千人,国家优青。2004年本科毕业于中 国科学技术大学,生物科学专业,导师施蕴渝院士。2009年博士毕业于美国Baylor大学, 生物医学专业,导师丁家桓教授,博士期间获贝勒大学第六届学生研究成果讨论会优秀研 究成果奖。2009年至2013年于Stanford大学医学院从事博士后工作,博士后期间作为项目 负责人主持的课题获美国斯坦福大学医学院院长奖励基金和美国听觉健康基金会资助。 2013年8月开始在东南大学生命科学研究院任教授,博士生导师。 Scopus RsearcherId
Agricultural Sciences agrsci agricultural-sciences
agrsci_Tian-Liu_001 Liu Tian School of Bioengineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian China

Dr. Tian Liu is a professor at Dalian University of Technology (DUT), China. He received his Bachelor and PhD from DUT in 2003 and 2009, respectively. His research interest is focused on the insect cuticle. He studies the component and formation process of insect cuticle to find new targets and technologies for pest control, to find new inspiration to design biomaterials, and to develop new biocatalysts for the utilization of biological resources. His has published more than 40 papers in reputed international journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Ocean Engineering ocengr ocean-engineering
ocengr_decheng-wan-as_001 Wan Decheng Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China

Prof. Decheng Wan received his Ph.D from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China in 1994. After successively working as a research fellow of the Royal Society at University College London, UK, a senior research fellow at National University of Singapore, and a Wissenschaftliche Angestellter at Dortmund University, Germany from 1997 to 2005, he returned to Shanghai and was appointed as a full professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006. Currently, Prof. Wan is Director of Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Lab (CMHL) at SJTU. His research interest is mainly on computational marine and coastal hydrodynamics, numerical marine basin, nonlinear wave theory, wave loads on structures, numerical analysis of riser vortex-induced vibration (VIV) and platform vortex-induced motion (VIM), etc. In these areas, he has published over 500 papers and carried out more than 50 projects on marine hydrodynamics and computational hydrodynamics. His remarkable work of development of numerical solvers in ship and ocean engineering have been recognized by the world-wide researchers in the field of marine hydrodynamics. He is awarded the most cited researchers in 2018 by Elsevier.Prof. Wan has developed more than 20 in-house CFD solvers on marine hydrodynamics, risers VIV, floating offshore wind turbine. Scopus RsearcherId
Aerospace Sciences aerosci aerospace-sciences
aerosci_xiande-fang-as_001 Fang Xiande College of Aerospace Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing China

Dr. Xiande Fang is a distinguished professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China, serving as a Vice Chairman of Academic Committee, MIIT Key Laboratory of Aircraft Environment Control and Life Support (AECLS), and Chairman of Professional Committee, AECLS and Building Environment and Energy Engineering. He received his Ph.D. from University of Science and Technology of China, M. Sci. from Tsinghua University, and B. Eng. from NUAA. His is an Associate Editor, Aerospace Science and Technology, and the Editor- in-Chief, International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology. His research area is thermofluids and its applications to various industrial sectors. He has published over 200 papers and 4 books/book chapters.

方贤德博士是南京航空航天大学(NUAA)教授,江苏省“333”跨世纪学术、 技术带头人,NUAA飞行器环境与生命保障工程、建筑环境与能源利用工程专业委员 会主任,NUAA飞行器环境控制与生命保障工程工信部重点实验室学术委员会副主任 。1982年、1984年和1990年分别获得NUAA学士学位、清华大学硕士学位,以及中国 科学技术大学博士学位。担任国际期刊《International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology》主编,国际期刊《Aerospace Science and Technology》副主编。研究领域是热流体科学技术及其在航空航天、空调制冷、能 源动力等工业领域中的应用。发表了学术论文200多篇,出版专著/教材 4部。 Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Pharmacology pharm pharmacology
pharm_Jinyong-Peng-sh_001 Peng Jinyong Dalian Medical University Dalian China

Dr. Jinyong Peng is currently working as the dean of the College of Pharmacy, Dalian Medical University. He received his PhD from The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China during the period of 2003-2006, and last received his post-doctoral degree in Analytical Chemistry from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China. As the corresponding author, he has published some papers in Theranostics, Redox Biology, Chemical Communications, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Archives of Toxicology, British Journal of Pharmacology, and Pharmacological Research. His research interests include investigating the activities, drug targets on proteins or peptide, Toxicology and mechanisms of natural products or functional foods associated with oxidative stress against organ damage and metabolic disease. He is serving as an Associate Editor or Editorial Member of more than ten reputed journals including British Journal of Pharmacology Scopus RsearcherId
Smart Materials smart-materials smart-materials
sm_Yong-Lai-Zhang-sh_001 Zhang Yong-Lai Jilin University Changchun China

Dr. Yong-Lai Zhang received his BSc (2004) and PhD (2009) from Jilin University, China. He joined Jilin University in 2010 and is currently a full professor in the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University. In 2011, he was awarded a “Hong Kong Scholar” postdoctoral fellow. His research interests include smart materials and devices, laser fabrication of graphene-based microdevices, biomimetic surfaces and Lab-on-a-Chip systems.

张永来教授毕业于吉林大学,获无机化学博士学位,2010年在吉林大学电子科 学与工程学院任教,2015年被评为教授。2011年入选首届“香江学者”计划 ,2015年获得国家优秀青年基金资助,研究领域为智能材料与器件,具体包括 激光微纳加工石墨烯智能器件、仿生表面和微流控芯片系统。 Scopus RsearcherId
Mechanical Engineering mecheng mechanical-engineering
mecheng_shen-c-as_001 Shen Changqing Soochow University Suzhou China

Dr Changqing Shen received the B.S. and PhD degrees in Instrument Science and Technology from the University of Science and Technology of China, in 2009 and 2014, respectively. He also holds another PhD degree in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management from the City University of Hong Kong, in 2014. Currently, he is an Associate Professor with the School of Rail Transportation, Soochow University, China. His research interests include machinery data mining and intelligent fault diagnosis and Signal Processing. Among many, one of his research projects is 'Machinery signal deep transfer learning and health status recognition under variable working conditions'. He has been awarded the honour of Outstanding Young Scholar of Soochow University in 2018 and Six Talent Peaks of Jiangsu Province in 2019. He has more than 60 publications. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Chemical Biology chembio chemical-biology
chembio_Jianguo-fang-as_001 Fang Jianguo Lanzhou University Lanzhou China

Dr Jianguo Fang is a Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, Lanzhou University. He has received his Doctorate in Organic Chemistry. From 2003 to 2008, he conducted postdoctoral research at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Northwestern University, Evanston and the Burnham Institute, USA. His main research fields are chemical biology and medicinal chemistry. His current interest focuses on Mechanisms of biological redox regulation and small molecules targeting cellular redox network as therapeutic agents and tools. He is a key member of the organic chemistry innovation group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In 2006, he won the first prize of scientific and technological progress in Gansu Province. He has more than 90 publications in academic journals. Orcid Scopus
chembio_Xiao-Jiang-Hao-as_001 Hao Xiao-Jiang Kunming Institute of Botany State Key laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China Chinese Academy of Sciences Yunnan China

Xiao-Jiang Hao obtained a Master’s Degree of Science from Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1985, and a Doctor’s Degree in Pharmacy from Kyoto University, in 1990. He was promoted to a full professor at KIB in 1994 and served as the Deputy Director/Director of KIB from 1997 to 2005. His research studies aim towards natural product chemistry and bioactivity. He has published more than 600 peer-reviewed SCI papers. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Organic Chemistry oc organic-chemistry
oc_ying-ming-as_001 Pan Ying-Ming Guangxi Normal University Guilin China

Dr. Ying-Ming Pan is a Professor at the Guangxi Normal University. He was born in 1972, in jiangxi, China. He received his BSc degree from Gannan Normal University and Msc degree from Guangxi University (China). He obtained his PhD degree at the Xianmen University in 2010. He was awarded Mingde Teacher Award in 2018. His present research interests focus on electrochemical synthesis and heterogeneous catalysis, Study on the modern organic synthesis methodology guided by bioactive molecules, Research and application of electrochemical organic reaction, Design, synthesis and application of porous organic polymers, Study and application of photochemical organic reaction. He has more than 190 publications. Scopus RsearcherId
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry tcc theoretical-and-computational-chemistry
tc_Wenjian-sh_001 Liu Wenjian Qingdao Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences Shandong University Qingdao China

Dr. Wenjian Liu was a Cheung Kong Professor at Peking University between 2001 and 2018 and is a Chair Professor at Shandong University since 2018. He is an elected member of International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science, fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, Asia-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists, and International Association of Advanced Materials. He is the winner of five prestigious international awards. His research focuses on fundamental theories and methodologies for computational molecular science, including quantum electrodynamics, relativistic molecular quantum mechanics, many-body theories for strongly correlated electrons, relativistic theories of electric and magnetic properties, as well as relativistic energy band theory, etc. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Oceanography og oceanography
og_selvaraj-ab_001 Kandasamy Selvaraj Department of Geological Oceanography College of Ocean and Earth Sciences Xiamen University Xiamen China

Selvaraj Kandasamy (Raj) is an Associate Professor of State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science and Department of Geological Oceanography, Xiamen University, China. Prof. Raj joined Current Chinese Science in March 2020. He has expertise in Biogeochemistry, Sediment Geochemistry, Marine Geology and Paleoscience. He did MSc and MPhil in Geology from the University of Madras (India) and then completed his doctoral research on the topic of Geochemistry of Coastal Zones from the same University. His postdoctoral research at the National Sun Yat-sen University and Academia Sinica in Taiwan focused on elemental geochemistry of particles, surface and core sediments from lake and marine environments. Currently, he is focusing on the stable isotope geochemistry of particles and sediments in the eastern marginal seas of China. He has published more than 61 papers in this area.

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Industrial Synthetic Chemistry isc Industrial-Synthetic-Chemistry
isc_Lei-ab_001 Yu Lei Yangzhou University Yangzhou China

Lei Yu received his B.Sc. from Nanjing University (2003) and his Ph.D. from Zhejiang University (2008) under the direction of Academician Xian Huang. He conducted postdoctoral research from the Yangzhou University (2008−2011) and Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Group Company Limited/Nanjing University (2011−2013) with Prof. Rong Guo and Prof. Yi Pan, respectively. He is now a professor at Yangzhou University and the chief scientist at Tianzhu Hongfu Lithium Industry Technology Development Company Limited. His research interest is in industrial synthetic chemistry.

Solar Cell sc Solar-Cell
isc_Cui-bin-be_001 Cui Bin-Bin Advanced Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Science Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing China

Dr. Bin-Bin Cui received his Ph.D. from CAS Key Laboratory of Photochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016. Currently, he is serving as an associate professor at Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interests include perovskite photovoltaic devices, hole transporting materials for perovskite solar cells and low-dimensional perovskite crystals for luminescence and molecular electronics based on amine-ruthenium complexes. He has been a reviewer for Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Science, Advanced Optical Materials, Journal of the Materials Chemistry and so on. He has published over 22 international papers.

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isc_Peng-ab_001 Gao Peng Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter Chinese Academy of Sciences Fuzhou China

Dr. Peng Gao obtained his Ph.D. in 2006 from the MPIP (Mainz, Germany) under the guidance of Prof. Müllen. In 2010, he joined the lab of Prof. Grätzel at the EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2015, he worked with Prof. Nazeeruddin at the EPFL Sion Energy Center as a group leader. He founded the Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials (LAFM) in 2017 at the Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Science, focusing on the application of rare-earth elements in organic optoelectronic and photovoltaic materials.

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Section Editor(s)
Agricultural Sciences agrscn agricultural-sciences
autocs_Shaowu-Xue_001 Cell Signaling Xue Shaowu Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan China

Dr. Shaowu Xue obtained the doctor degree from Shanxi University in 2005, and did his postdoctoral research at the University of California, San Diego during 2007-2010. He worked at Shanxi University (2002-2013) and moved to Huazhong Agricultural University in 2013. His research interests are signaling transduction and ions transport in plant cells. Recently, he focused on disclosing the biological function of hydrogen sulfide interacting with plant hormones in plant development and stress responses. He has published over 30 papers in reputed journals.

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autocs_Zhaowei-Zhang_001 Pesticides Zhang Zhaowei Oil Crops Research Institute Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Zhaowei Zhang received his Bachelor and Master degrees from Wuhan University, China and his Ph.D. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. After 2010, he worked in the Oil Crops Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China. He is the Chief Executive Scientist of the innovation team on food safety. He published over 70 peer reviewed papers and obtained over 30 innovation patents in the USA, EU, China, etc. He developed six agricultural process standards in China. His research interests are analytical chemistry in food safety, environment monitoring and healthcare. He produced test strip, test kits for chemical contaminants, such as mycotoxins, heavy metals, and pesticides, which have extensively been applied in China, USA, Italy, and other developing countries.

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Automation and Control Systems autocs automation-and-control-systems
autocs_chaoyang-chen_001 Complex Systems Chen Chaoyang Department of Automation Hunan University of Science & Technology Xiangtan China

Chaoyang Chen obtained Ph.D from the School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China in 2014. Dr. Chen Chaoyang is the Director of Institute of Complex Systems Analysis and Control Professor in the Department of Automation School of Information and Electrical Engineering Hunan University of Science & Technology, China. He presided over more than 10 national and local funds such as the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Hunan Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund, etc. The research results have been published in more than 60 domestic and foreign academic journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Scientific Reports, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, etc. He applied for more than 40 invention patents and 25 authorized patents and has published 2 monographs along with a number of scientific publications. He won the 2020 China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Award (personal award), 2020 China Invention and Entrepreneurship Achievement Award (second prize, ranking first), and so on. He is currently a standing committee member of IEEE PES iGET, a standing member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, a senior member of the Chinese Society of Automation, etc. His research interests are Smart grid reliability analysis, Complex network research and application, Networked system performance analysis, Nonlinear system analysis and control Multi-agent system collaborative control. He is a Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor in the Department of Automation, School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, China and a visiting research fellow at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China. He has been involved in a number of projects. Scopus RsearcherId
autocs_Liu-ab_001 Liu Xinzhi Department of Applied Mathematics University of Waterloo Waterloo Canada

Xinzhi Liu received the B.S. degree in mathematics from Shandong Normal University in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1988. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta from 1988 to 1990. Then he joined the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo as an Assistant Professor in 1990, where he became an Associate Professor in 1994 and a Full Professor in 1997. He has authored or co-authored more than 400 journal articles, six research monographs, and 20 edited books. His current research interests include hybrid dynamical systems, multi-agent systems, complex dynamical networks, and infectious disease modeling.

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Astrophysics astpy astrophysics
Shi Jianrong National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Jianrong Shi obtained his PhD in the field of Physics in 1998 from Shanghai Jiaotong University. He is currently serving as a professor in Stellar Astrophysics at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His main research interests are the physics of stellar atmospheres, fundamental stellar parameters, chemical abundances and non-local equilibrium line formation. His recent work focuses on accurately determining the abundances of Li, Mg, Ca, Ba and Eu etc. from the LAMOST medium resolution spectra. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Bioinformatics bioinfo bioinformatics
Genetics bioinfo_william-ccs-as_001 William C.C.S. Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kowloon Hong Kong

Dr William Cho is a Chartered Scientist (UK), Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, and Fellow Member of several institutes, including the Institute of Biomedical Science (UK), Hong Kong Institute of Biomedical Science and Hong Kong Society for Molecular Diagnostic Sciences. Dr Cho devotes in cancer research in the aspects of cancer biomarkers, non-coding RNA, genomics, proteomics, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics as well as evidence- based Chinese medicine, diabetes, meta-analysis, etc. Dr Cho has published about 300 SCI peer-reviewed papers with a total citations about 10,000 times, e.g. Lancet Oncology, Nature Communications, PNAS, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, Clinical Cancer Research, Clinical Chemistry, Annals of Oncology, Theranostics; over dozen of books including "MicroRNAs in cancer translational research", "An omics perspective on cancer research", "Supportive cancer care with Chinese medicine", and over two dozen of book chapters. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Proteomics bioinfo_william-ccs-as_001 Khanh Le Nguyen Q. College of Medicine Taipei Medical University Taipei Taiwan

Le Nguyen Quoc Khanh is an Assistant Professor with the College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taiwan. Prior to joining TMU, he was a Research Fellow at the School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. His research interests are to apply AI (machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing) in multidisciplinary studies, especially Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biomedical Informatics, and Radiomics. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Metagenomics data Mining bioinfo_-ccs-as_001 Ning Kang Huazhong University of Science and Technology School of Life Science and Technology Beijing China

Kang Ning, Professor, PI of Microbial Bioinformatics Group and Director of Department of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, School of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Prof. Kang obtained his BS in Computer Science from USTC, and PhD in Bioinformatics from NUS. He obtained his Post-Doc training in Bioinformatics from the University of Michigan. Besides, Kang has more than 20 years of experience in bioinformatics for omics big-data integration, microbiome analyses and single-cell analyses. His current research interests include AI methods for multi-omics, especially metagenomics data mining, as well as their applications. He is also interested in synthetic biology and high- performance-computation.

Kang is the leading or corresponding author of over 100 papers and reviews on leading journals including PNAS, Gut, Genome Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, Briefings in Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics, which have more than 3,000 citations. He has been the committee member of several national bioinformatics and biology big-data committees in China. He serves as an editorial board member of the journal Genomics Proteomics and Bioinformatics, and Scientific Reports, and served as reviewers for several international funding agencies including UK-BBSRC and UK- NERC. Orcid
Biomaterials biomats biomaterials
Degradable Polymers bioinfo_Yangfeng-Luo-as_001 Luo Yangfeng Chongqing University Chongqing China

Dr. Yanfeng Luo works as a professor of biomaterials at Chongqing University, China since 2008. She is now leading the Lab for Smart & Bioinspired Materials. Dr. Luo has long been engaged in biodegradable smart/bioinspired materials for bone repair and regeneration. She is good at applying biomechanical principles to direct the design of biomaterials for bone. The developed materials are featured with high mechanical properties and actively applying “mechanical loading” to bone, either by incorporating mechano-growth factor (MGF) and/or by the recovery stress of shape memory polymers. Dr. Luo also pays great attention in uncovering the physics mechanism responsible for the interfacial interactions of cell-protein-material. She has chaired about twenty projects from government and industry partners. To date, her research output consists of ~60 articles and ~40 patents. Scopus RsearcherId
Biophotonics biophoto biophotonics
Photodynamic Physiology bioinfo_william-ccs-as_001 Cui Zong Jie Institute of Cell Biology Beijing Normal University Beijing China

Dr.Zong Jie Cui obtained his PhD in 1989. He is currently working as a professor at the Institute of Cell Biology, Beijing Normal University, China. His research interests include Photodynamic action; Photobiology; Bioluminescence; G protein coupled receptors; Pancreatic acinar cells; Pancreatic stellate cells; Salivary glands; Hepatocytes; Neutrophils; Mast cells; Calcium oscillations; Genetically encoded protein photosensitizers; and Sulphonated aluminium phthalocyanine. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Computer Science cs computer-science
Complex Networks cs-Jia-Bou-liu-sh_001 Liu Jia Bou School of Mathematics and Physics Anhui Jianzhu University Hefei China

Jia-Bao Liu is currently a Professor at the School of Mathematics and Physics, Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, China. He received the B.S. degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Wanxi University, Anhui, China, in 2005, and the M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree in mathematics and applied mathematics from Anhui University, Anhui, China, in 2009 and 2016, respectively. From September 2013 to July 2014, he was a Visiting Researcher at the School of Mathematics, Southeast University, China. In March 2017, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Mathematics, Southeast University, China. He is the author or coauthor of more than 200 journal papers and two edited books. He is the guest editor of Journal of Chemistry and the guest editor of Frontiers in Neuroscience and the guest editor of Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.His current research interests include graph theory and its applications, fractional calculus theory, neural networks, and complex dynamical networks. Dr. Liu is a Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt-Math. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Cybernetics Cybernetics cybernetics
cybernetics_Liu-Ming_001 Liu Ming National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team Coordination Center of China (CNCERT/CC) Beijing China

Dr. Ming Liu is an Assistant Research Fellow at the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China (known as CNCERT/CC), Beijing, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2018 from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in the field of Computer Software and Theory. His current research interests mainly focus on Multi-agent System, Cybernetics, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Control and Decision for various applications. He also serves as reviewer member of 2 IEEE Transactions series journals. Cyber Security Technologies Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Environmental Science esci environmental-science
Wastewater Treatment nano_ebm_Kinjal-sh_001 Shah Kinjal College of Urban Construction Nanjing Tech University Nanjing China

Dr. Kinjal J. Shah currently works as an Associate Professor in the College of Urban Construction, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, China. He completed his Ph.D. in applied sciences from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan in 2015. He began his research career in 2009 at the Shah Schulman Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology (SSCSSNT), DDU, India. During his last 10 years as a research career, he has published more than 35 SCI articles and 2 books and 8 book chapters in internationally accredited journals. He received the leading Young Scientist Award from the Society of Polymer Science Japan (SPSJ), Japan, and the Mayor Award from Taiwan in 2019. One of his research projects was nominated for the ENI Award 2019 in the Advance Environmental Solutions category. In addition, he has received many national and international awards from various societies and institutions. He has been invited as the keynote speaker at many internationally accredited conferences. He is also the editor and guest editor of the Elsevier and Bentham group of journals. His research activities focus on Environmental Science and Wastewater Treatment for environmental sustainability.
Enzymology enzymology enzymology
nano_ebm_Wen-Lian-Chen-ab_001 Chen Wen-Lian Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shanghai China

Professor Wen-Lian Chen, Ph.D., is a scientist in the field of fundamental and translational studies of human cancers. By using multi-omics and molecular biology approaches, he aims to unravel the key metabolic pathways involved in cancer development and progression, and to identify new metabolic inhibitors with therapeutic potential for cancer therapy. Scopus RsearcherId
nano_ebm_Jianye-ab_001 Dai Jianye School of Pharmacy Lanzhou University Lanzhou China

Professor Dai used chemoproteomics, biochemistry, molecular biology and other technologies to deeply reveal the pharmacodynamic molecular mechanism of natural products. Specifically, Professor Dai tried to establish the following methods: 1) through the chemical proteomics technology based on active probes, the direct target of natural products was found; 2) To establish a quantitative enzyme activity detection method, and accurately explore the regulatory effect of active molecules of traditional Chinese medicine on its target protein; 3) The interaction mechanism between active molecules and target proteins is elaborated by biophysics and bioinformatics, and the small molecule protein interaction sites are described by auxiliary molecular docking technology.

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nano_ebm_Tongyi-ab_001 Dou Tongyi Biochemistry and Biophysics Center National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Bethesda Maryland United States

Tongyi Dou received his B.S. in Pharmaceutical Engineering from Tianjin University in 2009 and Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering from University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016. He then joined Dalian University of Technology as an assistant professor. In 2018, he joined Dr. Jiansen Jiang's lab at NIH as a visiting scholar, working on membrane protein and Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), as a member of the Biophysical Society. He has published over 43 research papers. Dr. Dou's research interests lie primarily in the function-structure relationship, and the protein-ligand interactions of drug ADME-related enzymes utilizing biochemistry, computational, and biophysics methodologies, with transporters SLC22 as the current focus.

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nano_ebm_Qing-Ji-ab_001 Ji Qing Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shanghai China

Qing Ji, Doctor of Medicine, Research Fellow. He has long been devoted to the molecular mechanism of tumor microenvironment regulating tumor metastasis and the mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine intervention. He has published more than 130 papers in many excellent journals including Nat Commun, J Exp Clin Cancer Res, Cell Death Dis, Br J Cancer, Phytomedicine, Front Pharmacol, Front Immunol, etc.

nano_ebm_zhu-liangliang_001 Liangliang Zhu School of life Science Anqing Normal University Anqing China

Zhu Liangliang received his Ph.D. degree in Biochemical Engineering from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics in 2013. He is now serving as an Associate Professor at the School of life science, Anqing Normal University, China. His research interests focus on modeling enzyme kinetics, development of new probing substrates, drug-drug interactions in metabolism, and synergistic effects of multi enzyme modulators. He has published more than 40 papers in reputed international journals.

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nano_ebm_Hua-ab_001 Sun Hua School of Pharmacy Henan University Kaifeng China

Hua Sun is now an associate professor of School of Pharmacy, Henan University, China. She received her Ph.D from Jinan University (Guangzhou) in 2016. Dr. Sun's research is primarily based on drug metabolism and transport, mechanisms and factors that affect expression and regulation of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters, and anticancer pharmacology of natural products. She authored or co-authored over 30 papers in peer-review journals, including Drug Metab Dispos, Biochem Pharmacol, J Agric Food Chem, and Eur J Pharm Sci. etc.

nano_ebm_Ping-ab_001 Wang Ping Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shanghai China

Ping Wang received his Ph.D. degree in biochemistry and molecular biology (successive bachelor-doctor program) in 2012 from Northeast Agricultural University. From 2014 to 2017, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is an associate professor at Institute of Interdisciplinary Integrative Medicine Research, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine . His research interests focus on the development of inhibitors and biosensors of enzymes, and their biomedical applications.

nano_ebm_Dewei-ab_001 Ye Dewei Key Laboratory of Glucolipid Metabolic Diseases of the Ministry of Education Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Guangzhou China

Dr. Dewei Ye obtained his PHD degree from The University of Hong Kong in 2011. Afterwards, he worked as post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Medicine and State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, the University of Hong Kong. In 2016, he joined the Guangdong Pharmaceutical University. Dr. Ye's research interest focuses on the investigation of mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of obesity-related metabolic disorders, especially the pathophysiological roles of novel mediators for the development of metabolic inflammation in the liver and mechanisms underlying disease progression in the context Chinese Medicine. He identified the crosstalk between macrophages and neutrophils as one of the mechanisms corresponding to the development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a clinically significant condition characterized by the evident metabolic inflammation in the liver. In addition, Dr. Ye found fibroblast growth factor 21 as a potential target for drug-induced acute liver injury in mice, which can protect mice through enhancing the antibiotic capacity in the liver. Dr. Ye has published original research papers in top-ranked peer-reviewed journals, including GUT, Hepatology, and Journal of Hepatology.

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Electrical Engineering eleng electrical-engineering
nano_ebm_yang-han_001 Power Electronics Han Yang Department of Electrical Engineering University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) Chengdu China

Yang Han received the Ph.D. degree in 2010 in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China. In 2010, he joined the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, where he became the Associate Professor in 2013, and a full professor in 2021. From 2014 - 2015, he was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. He is currently associated with the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, UESTC. His research interests include the ac/dc microgrids, active distribution networks, power quality, grid-connected converters for renewable energy systems, active power filters, multilevel converters, and static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs). Dr. Han has been listed as "World Top 2% Scientist 2020" by Stanford University in 2020. He has published a book "Modeling and Control of Power Electronic Converters for Microgrid Applications", ISBN: 978-3-030-74512-7, Springer. He served as an Associate Editor of the Journal. Scopus
nano_ebm_Dengming_001 Dielectrics Xiao Dengming Department of Electrical Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China

Dr. Dengming Xiao is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research involves in the high voltage engineering, especially in the gas discharge and gas insulation. He has led over twenty research projects sponsored by National Science Foundation of China and power grid companies in China, and has excellent achievement in his research. He made significant contributions in the protection of power equipments for utilities and academy. He also published more than 150 high quality papers and 5 monographs and textbooks and holds 10 patents so as to share his creative ideas in research in high voltage engineering. He is an IEEE senior member and a member of CSEE. In 2002, 2003 and 2009 he got three awards i.e. China Power Science and Technology Award and Guangxi Science and Technology Award of China for his contribution to the online monitoring system of power transformer. Dr. Xiao has trained more than 20 PHD and more than 20 master's students. During 1995 to 2000, he was the director of the high voltage laboratory in Shanghai Jiaotong University. He has been the member of supervisory committees for many master's and PHD students, and taught more than twelve courses.

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nano_ebm_Ahmed-Zobaa_001 Power System Analysis Zobaa Ahmed CEDPS - Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) Brunel University London Uxbridge United Kingdom

Dr. Ahmed Zobaa received his BSc (Hons), MSc, and PhD degrees from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1992, 1997, and 2002, respectively. Besides, he also received his Doctoral of Science from Brunel University, UK, in 2017. He is currently a Reader in electrical and power engineering, and a member of the Brunel Interdisciplinary Power Systems Research Centre at Brunel University London, UK. Dr. Zobaa is a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Energy Institute, UK; the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, UK; the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK; the Royal Society of Arts, UK; the African Academy of Sciences, and Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors, UK. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Food Science fSci food-science
Biotechnology and Nutraceutical plant foods fsci_paredes-lopez-as_001 Paredes-López Octavio Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional Guanajuato Mexico

Dr. Octavio Paredes-López obtained his PhD, in Plant Biotechnology, from the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Agriculture, Winnipeg, Canada, MSc, in Food Science, from the National Polytechnic Institute, School of Biological Sciences, Mexico City, MSc, in Biochemical Engineering, from the Czech Academy of Sciences, Inst. of Microbiology, Prague, and BSc (Hons), in Biochemical Engineering, from the National Polytechnic Inst., School of Biological Sciences, Mexico City. His publications include: 250 scientific papers in refereed international journals, 60 scientific reviews and chapters plus 180 popular articles as an Author/coauthor. His awards include: Institute of Food Technologists-USA Fellow. IFT-Kellogg's Award. Academy of Sciences of the Developing World (Trieste, Italy) - Award. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Food Chemistry fsci_paredes-lopez-as_001 Wan Chunpeng Jianxi Agricultural University Nanchang China

Dr. Wan is working as Professor in the College of Agronomy, Jiangxi Agricultural University (JXAU), Nanchang, China. He received his M.S. degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, and Ph.D. from Nanchang University, China. Furthermore, Dr. Wan joined the Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Rhode Island as a visiting scholar and postdoctoral fellow in 2011 and 2014. Dr. Wan's research interest includes Phytochemistry and human health benefits, Postharvest Biology and Technology of Citrus fruits. His research continues to be funded by federal, state, and other agencies. Dr. Wan edited various books, and authored over 150 publications. Dr. Wan also worked as Editor-in-Chief of World Journal of Biological Chemistry, Associate Editor of International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, Editor of Frontiers in Nutrition, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Journal of Food Quality, Open Chemistry, Advances in Agriculture, Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, Editorial Advisory Bord of Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, Folia Horticulture, and Pharmacognosy Magazine and as a Bentham Science Ambassador in 2019-2020. Orcid Scopus
Genetics genetics genetics
Genetic mutations in sensory systems gen_Picimbon_001 Picimbon Jean-François Qilu University of Technology Jinan China

Dr. Jean-François Picimbon received his PhD in Neurosciences-Neurobiology at Aix-Marseille University (Univ. Provence) in 1995, co-director at CNRS-INRA. He completed his doc and postdoc from the USA and Canada. He was an Asst/Assoc. Professor at DNA lab, Ecology Department, Lund University Sweden between 2001-2005, an Adjunct Professor at Agric. Univ. Gembloux, Belgium. Dr. Picimbon has received many international awards for his scientific contributions including "High Level Oversea Scientist" and "Taishan Scholar Oversea Scientist" etc. He is a Director at the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology in Jinan, China. Dr. Picimbon's research interests include: 1) RNA mutations and protein editing for new, functional structural subtypes, molecular biology and medicine, 2) molecular basis of insect olfaction and development of eco-friendly methods (ecodrug ORSA/Odorant Receptor Suppressing Agents) for control of insect sensory/olfactory ability, 3) L. bio-cocktail for cholesterol, fat lipids and heart diseases. He is an Associate Editor and an Editor in Chief of various international journals. Dr. Picimbon has contributed more than 100 Publons Reviews and international scientific publications, book chapters and conferences at the international level. Scopus RsearcherId
Oncology and biomedical image processing gen_yang-j-as_001 Yang J. Geneis Beijing Co. Beijing China

Dr. Jialiang Yang, Ph.D., is Vice President of Geneis Beijing Co., Ltd., and an adjunct professor in College of Computer Science, Hunan University of Technology. Dr. Yang was train in both mathematics and biomedical science. His main research interests include cancer early diagnosis, gene testing and gene therapy, as well as methodology development for analyzing single cell RNA sequencing data and integrating diverse data (e.g. genetic, genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic data). Dr. Yang has published more than100 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Geotechnical Engineering geoengr geotechnical-engineering
Underground Structures geoengr_yin-z-as_001 Yong Yuan Tongji University Shanghai China

Academic activities of Professor Yuan are mainly committed to dynamic aspects and serviceability of underground facilities, funded by NSFC and MOST, China. He is actively involved in the capacity of board member of several professional committees such as Council of Education and Training of International Association of Tunnelling (ITA-CET), Performance and Safety of federation internationale du beton (fib), Protective Engineering of Chinese Civil Engineering Society (CCCS), Tunnel Engineering of China Highway and Transportation Society (CHTS). He is also an active editorial board member of Engineering Structures, Structural Concrete, Scientific Report, and Mechanics in Engineering, as well as the executive section editor of both Geotechnical Engineering and Underground Structure of Current Chinese Science.

With continuous and contemporary contributions to the academic society of civil engineering, he was elected among the TOP 2% scientists based on the Elsevier database. He was also awarded more than ten times for his achievements in scientific and technological contribution, as well as international cooperation. Orcid Scopus
Nanomedicine nanom nanomedicine
Nanobiotechnology nanom_Vijay-sekar-sh_001 Sekar Vijay Marine College Shandong University Weihai China

Dr.Vijayakumar Sekar currently works Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Marine College, Shandong University, Weihai, P.R.China. Dr.Vijayakumar does research in Nanopharmacology and Nanotoxicology, Nanobiotechnology, Biomaterials, Biofilms, Infectious Diseases, Ecotoxicity, Limnology, Immunology and Zoology. He has published more than fifty research findings in top most peer reviewed index journals with a total impact factor of above 130. and he acted as a reviewer of the various international Elsevier, RSC,Frontiers, BMC and Springer journals. Further one of the editorial members of frontier Environmental microbiology journal and he acted as a Review editor for Nanomaterials in Frontiers in Nanotechnology journal. He has participated and presented research findings in various national and international conferences. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Nanomaterials nanomat nanomaterials
nanom_Shafiq-ab_001 Nanofluid Flow Shafiq Anum Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology Nanjing China

Dr. Anum Shafiq did her Master's and PhD from Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad Pakistan during 2012-2016. During her Master's studies, she explored the significance of "Axisymmetric flow of third great fluid between two disks''. The results of the Master work were compiled into two manuscripts and published in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, and Computers and Fluids. During Ph.D., Dr. Anum's research covered Steady flows of viscoelastic fluids due to moving surface with heat transfer, which produced 25 first and co-authored publications, while collaborating with Master's students as part of the Ph.D. dissertation work. Dr. Anum also attended North-West University as a postdoctoral research fellow and published several ISI and SCI papers. She is also the author of one book named and one book chapter. She has supervised 24 undergraduate students, 9 Masters, and one Ph.D. as co-supervisor. She is acting as an Assistant Professor at Preston University Islamabad while also serving as visiting faculty at Quad-I-Azam University Islamabad, International Islamic University Islamabad, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, and, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Dr. Anum has received several distinction awards. She is a reviewer of more than 70 Journals. Since July 2019, Dr. Anum is serving as an Associate professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. She has published over 93 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author and three book chapters. Her research interests include Fluid Flow with Nanoparticles; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); Mechanical engineering; Mathematical and computational methods in statistics; Applied Mathematics; Fluid processing and heat transfer systems; etc.

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Energy Energy energy
energy_ebm_-sh_001 Fang Yongjin Wuhan University Wuhan China

Dr. Yongjin Fang received his Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from Wuhan University (China) in 2016. He carried out his postdoctoral research at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) from 2016 to 2021. His research interests focus on advanced materials for electrochemical energy storage, such as sodium-ion batteries, lithium metal anodes, lithium-ion batteries, Li-S batteries, and aqueous batteries, et al. He has published around 40 articles that have been cited more than 4400 times with an H-index of 33. Some of his papers have been published in top journals such as Sci. Adv., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Chem et al. And he served as a reviewer for many prestigious journals in chemistry and materials science, such as Sci. Adv., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Small, J. Mater. Chem. A, Chem. Eng. J., J. Energy Chem., and so on. Due to his outstanding contribution in reviewing, he has been recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Materials Chemistry A in 2018 and 2020, and Top reviewers in Materials Science and Top reviewers in Cross-Field in Publons in 2019.

​ Electrochemical Energy Orcid Scopus
Materials Science mats materials-science
sm_ebm_Jianqiang-Liu-ab_001 Functional Materials Liu Jianqiang Guangdong Medical University Zhanjiang China

Jianqiang Liu obtained his PhD degree from Northwest University, China in 2010. He then joined the School of Pharmacy at the Guangdong Medical University as an Assistant Professor in 2012. He was promoted to a Full Professor in 2019. From 2012 to 2019, he worked as a senior visiting scholar at Tsinghua University, Sun Yat-sen Medical University in Taiwan and Yamagata University in Japan. His current research interest focuses on the development of functional materials including metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) and porous organic polymers (POPs) for energy, biology, and environment-related applications.

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sm_ebm_Yongfeng-ab_001 Advanced High-strength Alloys Shen Yongfeng School of Materials Science and Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang China

Yongfeng Shen is currently a Professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, P.R. China. He did his PhD in Material Science in 2006. He was a visiting scientist at Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), USA from October 2009 to May 2010. He has published more than 100 papers in international journals including Science, Acta Mater., Int. J Plasticity, Appl.Mater. Today, Bioresource Technol., Scripta Mate., Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Sci. Rep., etc

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sm_ebm_Zhu-sh_001 Zhu Peifen The University of Tulsa Department of Physics and Engineering Physics United States Nanomaterials

Dr. Zhu is an assistant professor of physics in the department of physics and engineering physics at the University of Tulsa. Her research areas are related to III-Nitride semiconductor nanostructures for solid-state lighting technologies. Her research work covers the theoretical and experimental aspects of the physics of nano-scale semiconductors, MOCVD, and device fabrications of III-Nitride semiconductor devices on GaN substrates, nanomaterial synthesis and characterization. Her research interests include phosphor-converted white LED, the light extraction efficiency of GaN-based LED and organic LED, solar hydrogen generation based on III-V semiconductors. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
sm_ebm_Ming-Z_001 Functional Materials Zheng Ming School of Materials Science and Physics China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou China

Prof. Ming Zheng obtained his Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. After working at National University of Singapore, The University of Hong Kong, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dr. Zheng was awarded the Japan Society for The Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship and joined Nagoya University, Japan, in 2018. In 2019, he was invited to join China University of Mining and Technology as a full professor. His current research interests include functional (multiferroic, ferroelectric, magnetic and luminescent) thin-film materials and device physics. He has authored or co-authored more than 40 papers published in international reputed journals including NPG Asia Mater. (2), Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2), Appl. Phys. Lett. (9), Phys. Rev. Applied (3), Phys. Rev. B. He also served as Guest Editor for Special Issue of the journal Coatings entitled "Functional Ferroic Materials, Films and Devices", and Editorial Board Member for Journal of Advanced Ceramics. In 2021, he was honored with IAAM Young Scientist Medal in recognition for his contribution to "Hybrid Electronic, Magnetic & Optical Materials".

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sm_ebm_Zhou-w-sh_001 Zhou W. Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University Nanchang China

Dr. Weiqiang Zhou is currently serving at the department of chemistry in Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. He received his PhD from the College of Chemistry in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, PR China in 2011. He did the Postdocs in Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Organic Chemistry. His research interests include the design, synthesis, properties and applications of conductive polymers, metal catalysts and 2D materials in the fields of super capacitors, fuel cell, thermoelectricity, and environment detection. He has published 94 peer-reviewed scientific articles.

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Regenerative Medicine regmed regenerative-medicine
nanotec_Mingli-He-ab_001 Neural Regeneration He Mingli Xuzhou Medical University Xuzhou China

Dr. Mingli, He M.D., is a professor, chief physician, chief expert of neurology, and leader of scientific and technological innovation in Lianyungang City. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the Cerebrovascular Disease Branch of the Chinese Geriatrics Association, a member of the Stroke Branch of the Jiangsu Medical Association and the Physician Association, and the chairman of the Stroke Branch of the Lianyungang Medical Association and the Physician Association. He presided over 7 provincial science and technology projects, published nearly 200 papers (58 of which were included in SCI), and won 1 second-class national science and technology progress award, 3 provincials, and 4 municipals. He has authorized 2 national invention patents, 2 utility model patents and 3 software copyrights.

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Microbiology microbio microbiology
nanotec_Nidia_ab-sh_001 León-Sicairos Nidia Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa Culiacan Mexico

Nidia León-Sicairos is a Research Professor from School of Medicine and Pediatric Hospital of Sinaloa, Autonomous University of Sinaloa. She received her Ph.D. degree from Cell Biology located at the Center for Research and Advances Studies IPN (México) in 2005. She is placed at level III as per the standard of the National System of Researchers in México. Her research Interests are in infectious diseases, proteins and peptides with anticancer and antimicrobial properties and vaccine development.

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nanotec_jesus-munoz_001 Microbial agrobiotechnology MUÑOZ-ROJAS Jesús Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla Puebla Mexico

Dr. Jesús MUÑOZ-ROJAS has a degree in Chemical Pharmacobiology from the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla. He completed his Ph.D. from the Nitrogen Fixation Research Center of the National Autonomous University of Mexico in the area of Microbial Ecology, specifically working with beneficial bacteria for agriculture during 1998-2003. At the end of his doctoral studies in 2003 he was awarded a scholarship by Banco Santander Central Hispano through the "José Luis Canovas Flying Chairs" program, to carry out postdoctoral studies at the Zaidín Experimental Station, of the Higher Council for Scientific Research, in Granada-Spain. In Spain he studied the Molecular Biology of Bacteria during 2003-2005 and generated recombinant bacteria that help plants tolerate salinity, work that was patented for its impact on current biotechnology. Dr. Jesús Muñoz-Rojas returned to Mexico in January 2006, through a CONACYT repatriation program and the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla was the receiving entity; through the Center for Research in Microbiological Sciences. Since 2007, Dr. Muñoz-Rojas has been re-hired by the BUAP until in August 2013, he obtained the definitive position as Full-Time Professor-Researcher. Orcid Scopus
nanotec_Mao-Peng_001 Bioinformatics analysis of fungal (post-) genomics data Peng Mao Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute Universiteit Utrecht Utrecht Netherland

Dr. Mao Peng's research mainly focuses on bioinformatics analysis of fungal (post-) genomics data, such as discovering key genes and their regulatory mechanisms associated with fungal plant biomass conversion and fungal industrial applications. Dr. Peng has a wealth of experience in comparative analysis of genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes data. He has an interest in learning and integrating knowledge from computers, statistics and biology. Orcid
Nanotechnology nanotec nanotechnology
Nanoparticles nano_ebm_Humayun-sh_001 Humayun Muhammad Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) Wuhan China

Dr. Muhammad Humayun obtained his PhD degree in Chemistry & Materials Science from Heilongjiang University China in 2017. He received the Distinguished International PhD Scholar award from the Chinese Government in 2016. In addition, he received an outstanding graduate award from Heilongjiang University China in 2017. From Aug 2017-Dec 2020, he worked as a Postdoc in Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) China. Currently, he is working as a Distinguished Research Fellow in the same Laboratory. He is the author, co-author of 60 peer-reviewed SCI publications with citations over 2100 (h-index 24). His current research interests include the design of semiconductor photocatalysts for energy conversion and environmental remediation. Orcid Scopus
Natural Products np natural-products
Synthesis of Natural Products np_Chuanjun-sh_001 Song Chuanjun College of Chemistry Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou China

Professor Chuanjun Song obtained his PhD from Cardiff University, UK in February 2006. After 3 years’ postdoc at Bristol, UK, he joined the faculty of College of Chemistry at Zhengzhou University in 2008 as an associate professor, and was promoted as a full professor in 2014. His research interest mainly focuses on total synthesis of bioactive natural products, development of new synthetic methodologies, and design and synthesis of pharmaceutically active molecules. Until now, he has published more than 70 academic papers, written 1 book and 4 book chapters, filed 3 patents. He acts as a regular reviewer for more than 20 chemical and medicinal journals. His contribution was recognized by many awards including the Baogang Excellent Teacher Award, 2018, the State Natural Science Award (Second Prize), 2017, the Science and Technology Progress Award of Henan Province (First Prize), 2016, the Academic and Technical Leader of the Education Department of Henan Province, 2013”, and the “Youth Science and Technology award of Zhengzhou City, 2013. Orcid Scopus
Neuroscience nrscs neuroscience
np_Brandon.ab_001 Ischemic stroke Lucke-Wold Brandon College of Medicine University of Florida Gainesville United States

Brandon Lucke-Wold graduated magna cum laude with a BS in Neuroscience and distinction in honors from Baylor University. He completed his MD/PhD, Master's in Clinical and Translational Research, and the Global Health Track at West Virginia University School of Medicine. His research focus was on traumatic brain injury, neurosurgical simulation, and stroke. At West Virginia University, he also served as a health coach for the Diabetes Prevention and Management program in Morgantown and Charleston, WV, which significantly improved health outcomes for participants. In addition to his research and public health projects, he is a co-founder of the biotechnology company Wright-Wold Scientific, the pharmaceutical company CTE cure, and was a science advocate on Capitol Hill through the Washington Fellowship program.

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Editorial Board Member(s)
Aerospace Sciences aerosci aerospace-sciences
aero_ebm_Xianfeng-ab_001 Yang Xianfeng School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering Beihang University Beijing China

Xianfeng Yang is an associate professor in the School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University. He received his B.S. degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University and Ph.D. degree from Beihang University in China. In 2018, he was a research assistant at the University of Manchester, UK. In 2019, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Beihang University, and in 2020, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Louisville, USA. Then in 2021, he became an associate professor in Beihang University. His research interests include Aircraft Crashworthiness, Mechanics of materials, Solid mechanics, Impact dynamic, Energy absorption of materials and structures.

aero_ebm_Chang-sh-sh_001 Chang Shu Department of Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore Singapore City Republic of Singapore

Dr. Shu Chang has been a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore since 2006. He completed his Bachelors in Engineering from the Department of Aerodynamics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, Masters from the Department of Aerodynamics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China and a Ph.D. from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Glasgow, U.K in 1988. Dr. Chang's research interests include Development of efficient numerical methods to solve partial differential equations, Computational fluid dynamics, Lattice Boltzmann method and its applications, Lattice Boltzmann flux solvers and gas kinetic flux solvers and their applications, numerical study of moving boundary flows and multiphase flows. He also made efforts to develop some efficient models for simulation of multiphase flows and flows around moving boundaries. So far, he has authored 4 monographs and published more than 350 articles in the international refereed journals.
aero_ebm_Zhao-Qijun-sh_001 Zhao Qijun College of Aerospace Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing China

Prof. Qijun Zhao is a professor and vice-chairman at the College of Aerospace Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His research interests include Helicopter Rotors; Rotary Wing Aircraft; Fuselages, Blade-Vortex Interaction; Aeroacoustics; Noise Prediction, compound helicopters, airfoils. Dr. Zhao's main subject areas are Engineering Computer Science Mathematics Physics and Astronomy Earth and Planetary Sciences. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
aero_ebm_Qiu-lei-sh_001 Qiu Lei State Key Lab of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing China

Lei Qiu, PhD, Humboldt Research Fellow, is currently a professor at the State Key Lab of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degree from NUAA. From 2012 to 2014, he was a lecturer at the State Key Lab of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures of NUAA, and then in 2014, he became an associate professor. In 2017, he was promoted to professor as an exception in NUAA. In 2015, he was elected a Hong Kong Scholars Research fellow at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. His current research interests include structural prognosis and health management, structural health monitoring (SHM), signal processing, aircraft smart skin, smart sensor and system integration. He has published over 110 journal papers (more than 60 papers are included by SCI) and over 50 international conference papers.
aero_ebm_fei_001 Fei Cheng-Wei Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Fudan University Shanghai China aerosci_cao-y-as_001 Cao Yihua Department of Aircraft Engineering Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing China

Dr. Yihua Cao is a Professor at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China. In 1995, he was selected as DAAD-K.C. Wong Research Fellow. He studied from 1996 to 1997 at the Institute of Flight Mechanics of Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. From July 2007 to Oct 2007, in July and Aug of 2008, and from June 2012 to Aug 2012 he worked in the Faculty of Engineering as a special visiting professor of Monash University, Australia. From July 2010 to Nov 2010, he was a senior visiting fellow of University of California at Davis, USA. His research interests include fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, fluid/solid coupling, aeroelasticity, flight dynamics and flight control, aircraft airworthiness. He is the author of more than 100 scientific papers in many leading journals.
aerosci_kim-t-as_001 Kim Tongbeum College of Aerospace Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing China

Dr. Tongbeum Kim is a Professor in the College of Aerospace Engineering at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, PR China whose research focuses on the growing concerns over sustainability, primarily through the thermal management of various energy systems including high pressure gas-turbines and sustainable/renewable energy generation and storage systems. Specific research interests cover (a) aerodynamics & heat transfer in turbomachinery, (b) convection & conduction in porous media, (c) thermal management of sustainable/renewable energy generation and storage systems, and (c) thermal management of Li-Ion batteries for long range electric vehicles. Dr. Kim obtained a PhD in Aerothermal Engineering from Whittle Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, UK after an MSc in Aerodynamics from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, and received numerous awards and recognition including a HTFS Best Paper Award from the 8 th UK National Heat Transfer Conference (2003), an Outstanding Reviewer by the ASME Journal of Heat Transfer (2013), and a University Research Commercialization Support Initiative Award from the Innovation Hub, Gauteng Province of South Africa (2015).
Agricultural Science agricultural Science agricultural Science
am_ebm_Yu-Sheng_001 Gill Rafaqat A. Department of Genomics and Molecular Biology Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Wuhan China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Mechanical Engineering mechanicalengineering mecheng
mecheng_ebm_Murugan-ab_001 Murugan Sivalingam Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela India Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Pharmacology Pharmacology pharmacology
pharm_ebm_Öztürk-ab_001 Öztürk Mehmet Food Analysis Application and Research Center Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Muğla Turkey Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Rehabilitation rehabilitation rehb
rm_rehab-HE-ab_001 Hong-Gu HE Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore Singapore City Singapore

Prof. HE Hong-Gu is an Associate Professor and Director of Research at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies,Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. She has received a significant amount of competitive research grants from various grant organisations and published over 160 peer-reviewed journal articles with an h-index of over 20. She has presented over 100 research studies in international conferences. Working with international multi-disciplinary teams and adopting both quantitative and qualitative research methods, she focuses on research areas in women and children health care and chronic diseases management.
rm_Chenghe-Qin-ab_001 Qin Chenghe Department of Orthopedics - Traumatology Nanfang Hospital Southern Medical University Guangzhou China Scopus RsearcherId
Inorganic Biochemistry InorganicBiochemistry inorgbio
am_ebm_Chunzhi_001 Ai Chunzhi State Key Laboratory for Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal Resources School of Chemistry and Pharmacy Guangxi Normal University Guilin China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Organic Chemistry organicchemistry organchem
rm_Matziari-sh_001 Matziari Magdalini Department of Chemistry Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Suzhou China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Immunology immunology immunology
am_ebm_Yu-Sheng_001 Xu Lin Zunyi Medical University Zunyi China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Nanomaterials nnm nanomaterials
am_ebm_jiangtao-cheng_001 Cheng Jiangtao Department of Mechanical Engineering Macromolecules Innovation Institute (MII) Center for Soft Matter and Biological Physics Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia United States

Dr. Jiangtao Cheng received his Ph.D. degree in Physics from Purdue University in 2002. He also has a M.S. degree in Computer Science from Purdue University and a B.S. degree in Applied Physics from Peking University. After four years' experience in industry, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech as associate professor in 2015. He has won five times the Best Paper/BestPoster Awards in various international conferences. Dr.Cheng was named a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in2021. He has extensive experience in optofluidics, micro/nano-fluidics, thermal-fluidsciences, renewable energy and nanomaterials development.

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am_ebm_linfeng-chen_001 Chen Linfeng Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry China University of Geoscience Wuhan China

Dr. Linfeng Chen received his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014. Currently, he is a professor in the Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). His research interests focus on artificial ion nanochannels, smart functional hydrogels, and interfacial wettability. He has received several honors and awards including 'The PBC Fellowship Program for Outstanding Post-Doctoral Researchers from China and India' and 'Postdoctoral Fellowship in Technion's Department of Materials Science and Engineering'.

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am_ebm_Ahmet_001 Dalkiliç Ahmet S. Department of Mechanical Engineering Yildiz Technical University Istanbul Turkey Orcid Scopus RsearcherId am_ebm_xu-deng_001_001 Deng Xu Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId am_ebm_safarali_001 Dzhumanov Safarali Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences Tashkent Uzbekistan

Dr. Dzhumanov has 48 years of professional experience in scientific research in solid state physics. Thirty years of experience in scientific research in the field of High-T c superconductivity. 6 years of teaching experience in physics. Four one-month visiting grants of ICTP (Trieste, Italy). One four-month visiting grants of the Royal Society. He has delivered a number of lectures at International Conferences and Congresses, in particular, in Hungary (1996), USA (1998), Italy (1998), Finland (1999), Kazakhstan (2002), Uzbekistan (2003), Russia (2003), China (2004), and Kyrgyzstan (2018).

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am_ebm_s-feng_001 Feng Shile Dalian University of Technology Dalian China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId am_ebm_Jianying_001 He Jianying Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway

Dr. Jianying He, professor in Nanomechanics at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, received her PhD in Engineering from NTNU in 2009 with the prestigious ExxonMobil Prize for Best PhD in Applied Research. Since 2011 she was working as an associate professor at NTNU and was promoted to full professor in 2017. She dedicates her research to the nanomechanics and interface mechanics of energy and functional materials.

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am_ebm_xu-hou_001_001 Hou X. Xiamen University Xiamen China

Xu Hou is a full professor at both College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and College of Physical Science and Technology in Xiamen University, the Principal Investigator of Smart Multi-Scale Pore/Channel Group at Xiamen University. His current researches focus on nanomaterials, nano/microfluidics, nano/micro fabrication, smart multi- scale pore/channel systems, membrane science and technology, colloid and interface science for energy-saving and biomedical applications. Due to his research achievements, he was awarded with the National Scientific Innovation and Advancement Award of China, and the Chinese Chemical Society Award for Outstanding Young Chemist, etc.

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am_ebm_y-hou_001 Hou Yongping Beihang University Beijing China

Dr. Yongping Hou is an associate professor of physical chemistry at the School of Chemistry, Beihang University, Beijing, China. He completed his PhD in materials science at the Key Laboratory of Carbon Materials, Chinese. Academy of Science, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 2009-2016, he worked as a lecturer at the School of Chemistry, Beihang University. His research interests include the study on the special surface wettability of organisms and mimicking biological structures. He has several publications in various reputed journals.

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am_ebm_chaozong-liu_001 Liu Chaozong Institute of Orthopaedic & Musculoskeletal Science Division of Surgery and Interventional Science University College London London United Kingdom

Chaozong Liu is a Professor of Orthopaedic Bioengineering and the group leader of UCL Orthopaedic Bioengineering Research Group within the Division of Surgery & Interventional Science University College London,in association with the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. Chaozong's research interests are toward the development of enhanced biomaterials for medical device applications with particular emphasis on the promoting interactions on the sub-micron to nanometre scale for applications in orthopaedic tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. His research in this area is supported by Innovate UK, Versus Arthritis UK, EU Horizon2020, EPSRC, Royal Society, etc. Core projects in this area include: Biomaterials innovation for early intervention of osteoarthritis; Novel osteochondral scaffold technology for treatment of large cartilage defects; Novel biomimetic articulating surface for enhancing bio tribological performance of total hip replacements; and Titanium implant surface modification for reducing biofilm formation.

am_ebm_Yu-Sheng_001 Lin Yu-Sheng School of Electronics and Information Technology Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou China

Dr. Yu-Sheng Lin received his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Nanoengineering and Microsystems at the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan, in 2011. From 2012 to 2014, he joined the department of electrical and computer engineering (ECE) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) as a senior research fellow. Currently, he is an associate professor of School of Electronics and Information Technology at Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU), Guangzhou, China. His research interests include N/MEMS, metamaterials, nanophotonics, and microfluidics, for sensors, optoelectronics, and biomedical applications. He has more than 160 refereed archival publications (100+ SCI journal papers and 60+ conference proceedings.

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am_ebm_yahua-liu_001 Liu Yahua School of Mechanical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian China

Dr. Yahua Liu is currently a professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China. He earned his Ph.D. degree from the City University of Hong Kong in 2015. He won the 2016 Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award, the 2015 Young Scientist Awards of Hong Kong, and the prestigious Materials Research Society Graduate Student Silver Award. His research interest lies in the interfaces between engineering, materials and biology, with an emphasis on the rational design and development of superwetting surfaces for multifunctional applications using the bioinspired approach.

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am_ebm_Mohamed-larosi_001 Larosi Mohamed B. Department of Applied Physics School of Engineering University of Vigo Vigo Spain

Mohamed Boutinguiza Larosi is a Ph.D in Physics from the University of Vigo -Spain (2001), and an associate professor at School of Engineering (University of Vigo). He has published more than 115 research papers in international journals, co-authored 7 patents and several and book chapters. His research is focused on laser synthesis and processing of nanomaterials, productions and deposition of nanoparticles by laser ablation in different media, photo-catalysis, plasmonic nanostructures and biomaterials.

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am_ebm_chao-ni_001 Niu Shi Chao Department of Materials Science and Engineering Jilin University Chahgchun China

Shichao Niu is currently a professor at the Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering, Jilin University. He received his PhD degree (2014) in Bionic Science and Engineering from Jilin University. He has published some articles in journals, such as Nature Communications, Advanced Materials etc. His current research focuses on the bioinspired multifunctional surfaces and materials such as antireflection and antifogging, bioinspired strain sensors with micro/nano structures, bio-inspired nanostructure materials for energy and optical applications and mechanical bionics.

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am_ebm_guofeng-wang_001 Wang Guofeng Heilongjiang University Harbin China

Guofeng Wang received her M.S. degree in Physics from Northeast Normal University in 2005 and Ph.D. degree in Electronic Science and Engineering from Jilin University in 2008. She joined the research group of Professor Yadong Li as a postdoctoral associate in 2009. She worked in Heilongjiang university since 2010. She's the head of the Department of Material Chemistry of the School of Chemistry and Materials Science at Heilongjiang University. She won the title of excellent postdoctoral student of Tsinghua University. She was awarded the title of "Outstanding Person of the New Century" by the Ministry of Education.

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am_ebm_Wu-Yan-ab_001 Wu Yan National Center for Nanoscience and Technology Beijing China

Dr Yan Wu received her Ph.D. degree from Nan Kai University in 2003, and was a Postdoctoral fellow at Fu Dan University during 2003-2005. She is a Professor at National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China (NCNST. She joined the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China (NCNST) in 2005. Her research interests include synthesis and characterization of multifunctional polymer drug carriers; and construction and application of drug-loaded nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo.

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am_ebm_Guoliang-ab_001 Zhang Guoliang Institute of Oceanic and Environmental Chemical Engineering Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou China

Professor Zhang received SM (1991) in Biochemical Engineering from Tianjin University and PhD (2007) in Polymer Chemistry and Physics from Zhejiang University. Currently, he works as Dean of the Center for Membrane and Water Science & Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology. Prof. Zhang has authored or coauthored 265 refereed journal papers, and edited eight books, delivered fifty plenary or keynote lectures at national and international conferences. He is also an inventor for ninety-six issued patents and several of which have been commercialized. He has received awards including State Science & Technology Award of Oceanography, Minjiang Scholar from Fujian Government, Taishan Scholar from Shandong Government, Distinguished Professor and Faculty Mentoring Award. Prof. Zhang has served as Managing Committee Member of IWA Working Group on Alternative Water Resources, Vice Chair of National Education Advisory Group on Environmental Engineering, Chief Engineer and Project Leader of State Engineering Technology Research Center for Liquid Separation Membranes etc.

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am_ebm_Wei-Z-ab_001 Zhou Wei School of Chemistry Beihang University Beijing China

Dr. Wei Zhou received her Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Beihang University under the supervision of Prof. Lin Guo in 2009. She once worked as a visiting scholar in Prof. Hong Yang's group in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2012–2013. Currently, she is a professor at the School of Chemistry in Beihang University. Her research interests focus on iron triad (Fe, Co, Ni) nanomaterials with applications in energy storage and conversion.

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Oceanography og oceanography
am_ebm_Wei-ab_001 Fan Wei Ocean College Zhejiang University Zhoushan China

Prof. Wei Fan received his Ph.D. in Mechatronic Engineering from Zhejiang University, China in September 2010. He has been working on the artificial upwelling and downwelling technologies to respectively increase CO2 sequestration and alleviate coastal hypoxia through marine technology and equipment. The artificial upwelling technology can transport nutrient-rich bottom water to the surface water, enhance seaweed growth and consequently increase carbon removal from coastal waters to land after harvest. The artificial downwelling technology improves the oxygen content of the bottom ocean by deploying engineering devices in the ocean to transport oxygen-rich water from the surface to the bottom layer.

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am_ebm_Chung-Ru-ab_001 Ho Chung-Ru Department of Marine Environmental Informatics National Taiwan Ocean University Keelung Taiwan

Chung-Ru Ho received his Ph.D. in Applied Ocean Science in 1994 from the University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA. He is currently a Distinguished Professor of the Department of Marine Environmental Informatics, National Taiwan Ocean University. His research interests include physical oceanography, ocean remote sensing, ocean circulation, air-sea interaction, and climate change.

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am_ebm_Chin-Chang-ab_001 Hung Chin-Chang Department of Oceanography National Sun Yat-Sen University Kaohsiung Taiwan

Dr. Chin-Chang Hung is currently a professor in the Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. His research interests are focused on marine carbon cycle, especially on carbon sequestration in oceans and their mechanisms affecting marine carbon sequestration which is caused due to internal waves, mesoscale eddies typhoons, global warming, and extreme weather conditions calculated via seagoing investigations and satellite observations. Additionally, Dr. Hung works on carbon capture and utilization by microalgae and macroalgae (seaweeds) using aquaculture wastewater.

am_ebm_Bin-W-ab_001 Wu Bin Department of Chemistry Zhejiang University Zhoushan China

Bin Wu obtained his Ph.D. in the field of organic chemistry in 2007 in the Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China). Subsequently, he was relocated to the Pharmaceutical College, Zhejiang University where he pursued research in the field of Medicinal Chemistry as a Post-doc research fellow, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor. In 2011, he moved his lab to the Ocean College, Zhejiang University where he was promoted as a Full Professor. He is now engaged in a range of projects related to the discovery of new natural products from the sea. Projects vary from stress-driven discovery of bioactive natural products of extreme marine environment - hydrothermal vent, evaluation of microbial diversity of unique marine habitats to the development of new ways of culture and molecular methods in order to access cryptic natural product biosynthetic pathways, development of new approaches to purify and characterize polysaccharides, characterization of toxin to the research of metabolomics, etc.

am_ebm_Liyang-Y-ab_001 Yang Liyang College of Environment and Safety Engineering Fuzhou University Fuzhou China

Dr. Yang received his PhD degree from Xiamen University in 2012, and became an associate professor at the Fuzhou University in 2015. His research is mainly focused on the biogeochemistry and environmental effects of organic matter in aquatic environments. He has published more than 40 papers, which have been cited for more than 1500 times (H-index 24). He serves as a review editor for Frontiers in Marine Science, an editorial board member for International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and a reviewer for more than 30 international journals.

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am_ebm_Zhigang-ab_001 Zeng Zhigang University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Prof. Zhigang Zeng is the director of the key laboratory of marine geology and environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has been engaged in research on submarine hydrothermal activities and the synergetic metallogenic mechanism of magma, fluid, rock, sediment, seawater, and organisms in hydrothermal fields. He has established a 'two-stage, six-process' model for investigating hydrothermal activities, proposed a "same source and different sinks" hypothesis for hydrothermal activity, cold-seep and gas hydrate, and took the lead in proposing the framework of submarine hydrothermal geology. He has published 145 research papers with collaborators, and published the books "Submarine Hydrothermal Geology"; and "Submarine Hydrothermal Geology of the East Pacific Rise".

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Traditional Medicine tm traditional-medicine
am_ebm_Cai-ab_001 Cai Wei Hunan University of Medicine Changsha China

Dr. Wei Cai received his Ph.D degree from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2015. He is currently an associate professor in the school of pharmaceutical science, Hunan University of Medicine. During 2017-2018, he was a visiting scholar at Yale University under the supervision of Prof.Yung-Chi Cheng. He is especially interested in the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of traditional Chinese medicine. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers.

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am_ebm_Jian-Bo-ab_001 Yang Jian-Bo Institute for Control of Chinese Traditional Medicine and Ethnic Medicine (ICCTMEM) National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) Beijing China

Dr. Jian-Bo Yang received his Ph.D. degree from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2015. He is currently an associate professor at National Institutes for Food and Drug Control. He is especially interested in isolation and identification of the potential active and toxic compounds from traditional Chinese medicine. Meanwhile, he is also interested in applying the new methods and technology for characterizing and identifying active/toxic compounds in order to control the quality and safety of traditional Chinese medicine. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers.

Applied Materials am applied-materials
am_ebm_Shah_001 Shah Kinjal J. Nanjing Tech University Nanjing China

Dr. Kinjal J. Shah is currently working as an Associate Professor in College of Urban Construction, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, China. He received a Ph.D. in Applied Science from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. He has 10 years of research experience in the field of applied science and material science to achieve sustainability in the environment. In that aspect he has received the Leading Young Scientist award from The Society of Polymer Science Japan (SPSJ) and Mayor award from Taiwan. During his last 10 years of research career, he has published more than 30 SCI papers and 5 book chapters to International accredited journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Zhu-j_001 Zhu Jun School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronics Engineering Hefei University of Technology Hefei China

Dr. Jun Zhu has been working as a Professor at the Academy of Opto-Electric Technology, Hefei University of Technology, China since 2017. He received his PhD degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2005. In present, his research interests focus on the new generation solar cells and perovskite/quantum dot light-emitting diodes. He has published more than 50 scientific papers in well-reputed peer-reviewed journals. Scopus RsearcherId
am_ebm_Zhou-y_001 Zhou Yi College of Chemistry Soochow University Suzhou China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId am_ebm_Kumar_001 Kumar Vineet School of Mechanical Engineering Yeungnam University Gyeongsan South Korea Scopus am_ebm_Yiming-b_001 Yiming Bai North China Electric Power University Beijing China

Dr Bai Yiming received a PhD Degree from the Key Laboratory of Materials, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Renewable Energy School, North China Electric Power University, China. His research interests include Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Solar Cell Materials & Solar Cells Nanomaterials and Their Application in Photo-electronic Devices Novel Photo-electronic Materials and Devices. Besides, he has published 15 research papers in distinguished journals and has granted 5 patents as well. Scopus RsearcherId
am_ebm_Wang-fu_001 Wang Fuzhi North China Electric Power University Beijing China

Dr Fuzhi Wang received a PhD in Polymer Chemistry and Physics from the Peking University in 2008. Currently, he is a Lecturer at the State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University. His research interests include Quantum Dot/ Carbon Quantum Dot /Perovskite Light-Emitting Materials and Devices, and Organic / Perovskite Photovoltaic Materials and Devices. He has published more than 30 SCI papers in distinguished journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
am_ebm_wang-er_001 Wang Erjing Hubei University Wuhan China

Dr Erjing Wang is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of School of Materials Science and Technology, Hubei University. He received PhD in Organic Chemistry from the Laboratory of Organic Solids, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. His research of interests include (i) Organic field-effect transistors; (ii) Organic light-emitting diodes; (iii) Aggregation-induced emission; and (iv) thermally activated delayed fluorescence. He has published several papers in SCI journals. Scopus RsearcherId
am_ebm_Wang-ku_001 Wang Kun Beijing Forestry University Beijing China

Dr Kun Wang is currently working as an Associate Professor at the College of Material Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, China. Dr Wang likes to explore new integration pretreatment processes for improving bioconversion efficiency (enzymatic hydrolysis and yeast fermentation), as well as biocompatible materials from lignocellulosic carbohydrates and woody polysaccharide. Moreover, he has published several articles in distinguished journals. Scopus RsearcherId
am_ebm_wang-y_001 Wang Ying Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr. Ying Wang received his PhD in Physics Chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Currently, he is a Professor at the Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Materials, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC), Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include the design and synthesis of organic semiconductors, Organic devices physics, surface and interface of the organic film, and Photophysical and photochemical process of organic semiconductors. Moreover, he has contributed his valuable publications in different scientific journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
am_ebm_tang-a_001 Tang Aiwei Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing China

Dr Aiwei Tang received PhD and MS from the Institute of Optoelectronic Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University in 2009 and 2006 respectively. Currently, he is a Professor in the School of Science, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing. His research interests include Optoelectronic devices based on cadmium-free semiconductor nanocrystals and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of novel functional nanocrystals. He has published 15 scientific papers in distinguished journals. Besides, he has won several awards such as Youth Five Four Medal, Excellent annual evaluation, Joseph Wang Award 2015, Cognizure Press, etc from Beijing JiaoTong University. Scopus RsearcherId
am_ebm_Liu-d_001 Liu Detao South China University of Technology Guangzhou China

Dr. Detao Liu obtained his Ph.D. in Pulp and Papermaking Engineering at South China University of Technology in 2008. He is an Associate Professor in the School of Light Industry and Engineering, South China University of Technology. With over 40 research grants, 30 contracts and 60 technical publications on Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced materials etc. Dr. Detao Liu is an active teacher and researcher in eco-friendly biocomposites, flexible electronics and clean energy device impact, he is also focusing on the design and preparation of wood-derived functional biocomposites, flexible electronics and energy & environment devices from nanometer to micrometer, with an emphasis on understanding acoustic, optical, electric, and thermal nanostructures by manipulating structures of wood by nanotechnology. Much of his research has been carried out for industry. Dr. Detao Liu has also worked academically for organizations such as Chinese Composite Materials Society, American Chemical Society (ACS), Tappi, Fellow of Vebleo, where he served as senior member. Scopus RsearcherId
am_ebm_liu-z_001 Liu Zhike Shaanxi Normal University Xi'an China

Dr Zhike Liu received a PhD in the Department of Applied Physics from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2014. Currently, he is a Professor at the Shaanxi Normal University, China. His research interests include (1) Perovskite solar cells; (2) Organic solar cell; and (3) Graphene. Moreover, he has published more than 30 scientific papers in well-reputed journals. Scopus RsearcherId
am_ce_Carrasco_001 Carrasco Marcos F. Physics Department Faculty of Physical and mathematical Sciences Universidad de Chile Santiago Chile Orcid Scopus RsearcherId am_ce_Fan_001 Fan Xiujun Shanxi University Taiyuan China Scopus RsearcherId am_ce_Huo_001 Huo Lijun Beihang University Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId am_ce_Jia_001 Jia Puyou Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF) Beijing China Scopus RsearcherId am_ce_Jia_001 Jiang Jizhou School of Environmental Ecology and Biological Engineering Wuhan Institute of Technology Wuhan P.R China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId am_ce_Khalique_001 Khalique Chaudry M. North-West University Mmabatho South Africa Scopus RsearcherId am_ce_Khalique_001 Wang Hui School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University of Technology Haikou China

Dr. HUI WANG received his Bachelor degree in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from Lanzhou University in 1999, Master degree in Engineering Mechanics from Dalian University of Technology in 2004 and Doctoral degree in Solid Mechanics from Tianjin University in 2007. Then, he joined Henan University of Technology and was promoted to Professor in 2015. In 2010, he was awarded the Australia Endeavour Award. From 2016 to 2017, he joined Australian National University as Research Fellow. He joined Hainan University as a full professor in 2021. His research interests include auxetic materials, composites, computational mechanics and has authored four academic books and 65 papers indexed by SCI. Orcid
Bioengineering bioeng bioengineering
am_ebm_chaozong-liu_001 Wu Changzhu Syddansk University Odense Denmark

Dr. Changzhu Wu is a Professor from the University of Southern Denmark, leading a group for "enzyme immobilization" and "enzyme modification". Prior to joining SDU, he was a group leader at the Technische Universität Dresden. He obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Technische Universität Berlin and received my postdoctoral training from the Frei Universität Berlin. He is a recipient of the Temporary Young Investigator (2015) from the German Research Foundation, and Sapere Aude Leader from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (2019), respectively. He specializes in the field of biocatalysis, biocatalytic cascades (e.g., chemoenzymatic, multienzyme cascades), artificial enzymes, emulsion catalysis, and enzyme immobilization.

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Analytical Chemistry ac analytical-chemistry
ac_Rizwan-s-sh_001 Rizwan Syed Department of Physics National University of Science and Technology Islamabad Pakistan

Dr. Syed Rizwan received his PhD degree from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2011 in the field of condensed matter physics, focusing on magnetism and spintronics. He then joined the department of physics, COMSATS university Islamabad followed by a postdoc fellowship at Peking University from 2013-2014. During his Postdoc, his research was focused on nanodevices for data storage applications at nanoscale. He joined the department of physics, national university of sciences and technology (NUST), Islamabad in 2015, where he has been working in a multidisciplinary research domain including magnetism & superconductivity, photocatalysis, energy storage, etc. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ac_song-y-as_001 Song Yuelin School of Chinese Materia Medica Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Beijing China

Dr. Yuelin Song currently serves as a professor in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. His research interests mainly focus on the chemome clarification of traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacokinetics, and metabolomics. He has authored 100+ peer reviewed publications in the reputed journals such as Analytical Chemistry, Analytica Chimica Acta, etc. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ac_zhu-w-as_001 Zhu Wufu School of Pharmacy Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University Nanchang China

Ph.D Wufu Zhu is a Professor and Master's Supervisor of Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University. He is the deputy dean of the School of Pharmacy of this university, and is also the deputy director of the Provincial Key Laboratory of Drug Molecular Design and Evaluation. He is an editorial board member of the the journal of Drug Clinical and Evaluation. Dr. Zhu is Mainly engaged in the design, synthesis and anti- tumor activity of small molecule targeted anti-tumor inhibitors, as well as the development of generic drugs and computer-aided drug design. Currently, Dr. Zhu hosted more than 15 research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and published more than 60 SCI-indexed papers, and applied for 25 US and Chinese invention patents. Scopus RsearcherId
ac_deng-r-as_001 Deng Ruijie College of Biomass Science and Engineering Sichuan University Chengdu China

Dr. Ruijie Deng has been a Professor at Sichuan University since July 2017. He received his B.Sc. from Central South University in 2012, and Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in 2017. His current research interests include single cell and single molecule analysis, DNA nanotechnology, fluorescence imaging, isothermal amplification development and biosensors. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ac_ghosh-p-as_001 Ghosh Prosenjit Centre for Earth Sciences Indian Institute of Science Bangalore India

Dr. Prosenjit Ghosh received PhD in Physics from the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. During his PhD, he conducted an experiment on mass spectrometric analysis of natural carbonates to unravel their environmental condition for deposition. Subsequently, he was IAEA- WMO Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany and then moved to Caltech as a postdoctoral researcher. His contribution to the development of air CO2 standards and its acceptance to the global community is an important contribution to be mentioned. While at Caltech's work on clumped isotope thermometry is highly cited and an important milestone in Paleoclimate research. He spent a relatively short span of time at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan working as an Assistant Professor prior to joining IISc as the first faculty in the Centre for Earth Sciences in the year 2007. He is currently a Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore and serves as adjunct faculty in the Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Divecha Centre for Climate Change and Interdisciplinary Centre for Water Research. Scopus RsearcherId
ac_kamel-ah-as_001 Kamel Ayman H. Faculty of Science Ain Shams University Cairo Egypt Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ac_gore-ah-as_001 Gore Anil H. Department of Chemistry UKA Tarsadia University Bardoli India

Dr Anil & his co-researcher currently working on sustainable nanotechnology & hybrid nanomaterial viz, synthesis/preparation of carbonaceous nanomaterial (CNMs-AC, GO, G, GOQDs, CNDs etc.) through utilizing sustainable/green/waste based sources & related applications (sensing, detection, wastewater treatment, environmental remediation, optical, optoelectronic devices, tissue engineering, agriculture etc.). More specifically they are designing the polymer@CNMs hybrid (nanofiber membrane, hydrogel, transparent thin film etc.) for multifaceted applications. His group also engaged in synthesis & photophysical study of functional/fluorescent/plasmonic/photonics nanomaterial (QDs/MNPs/CDs), development of nanomaterial based fluorescent/optical sensor for detection/sensing of analytes (Turn-on/Turn-off/FRET/SET Probe), solvatochromism & spectroscopic analysis of binding interaction between protein/biomolecule-drug/dye/nanomaterial. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ac_salinas-jap-as_001 Jamie Antonio Portilla Salinas Department of Chemistry Universidad de los Andes Bogota Colombia

Dr. Jaime Portilla was born in Cali (Colombia), is currently a Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Universidad de los Andes of Bogotá (Colombia) and Director of Bioorganic Compounds Research Group, Laboratory Q- 304. After obtaining his PhD in Organic Synthesis (Universidad del Valle, Cali – 2007) under the supervision of Prof. J. Quiroga, Dr. Portilla began his academic career at the Universidad de los Andes. His current research interests involve the areas of supramolecular chemistry and molecular recognition. Portilla's group research focuses on eco-compatible organic synthesis strategies, with a particular interest in aza-heterocyclic compounds of biological and photophysical potential. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ac_saleh-n-as_001 Saleh Na’il Department of Chemistry United Arab Emirates University Al Ain United Arab Emirates

Dr. Na’il Saleh received his PhD in Photochemistry from University of Missouri, USA in 2002. He worked as an Assistant Professor of physical chemistry at Yarmouk university, Jordan from 2002-2009. He was also appointed from 2006 to 2008 as a Research Scientist at Jacob university Bremen in Germany. In 2013, he was promoted to Associate Professor by United Arab Emirates University (joined 2009). With more than 48 publications, his research has been focusing on designing and creating new smart constitutional materials with inherent reversibility and responsiveness to chemical and thermal stimuli that have potential applications in biology, energy and environment using a non-classical approach. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ac_wang-g-as_001 Wang Guoqing College of Food Science and Engineering Ocean University of China Qingdao China

Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. from Hokkaido University in Chemistry in 2013. Afterwards, he undertook research positions at University of California, Riverside and then RIKEN from 2013 to 2017. He is currently a Professor at Ocean University of China, and a visiting research scientist at RIKEN. Dr. Wang is also the recipient of JSPS Research Fellowship and RIKEN Research Incentive Award. His research interests include synthesis and analytical applications of plasmonic nanostructures. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Automation and Control Systems autocs automation and-control-systems
autocs_Zhang_001 Zhang Aihua Bohai University Jinzhou China Scopus RsearcherId autocs_Bing-xiao-sh_001 Xiao Bing Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi’an China Scopus RsearcherId autocs_Andina-Juan-sh_001 Rodríguez-Andina Juan J. University of Vigo Vigo Spain Orcid Scopus RsearcherId autocs_Machado-sh_001 Machado Ricardo A.F. Chemical Engineering Department Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Florianópolis Brazil

Dr. Ricardo Machado received a Chemical Engineering degree in 1994 and M. Sc. degree in 1996 from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. He further completed his Ph. D. in Chemical Eng. in 2000 from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He has an industrial postdoctoral (2007-2008) and work experience in optimization, control and polymerization systems. From 2016 to 2017, he worked as a visiting scientist at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. He has been working at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina since 1996 and a header of Control System Group and Nanosystems Laboratory.

Bioinformatics bioinfo bioinformatics
bioinfo_ebm_Zhao-qi-sh_001 Zhao Qi University of Science and Technology Liaoning Anshan China

Dr. Qi Zhao received his Bachelor degree and PhD from Wuhan University and Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005 and 2011, respectively. Since 2011, he has been a faculty member as a lecturer and associate professor in Liaoning University, China. Now he is a full professor in the University of Science and Technology Liaoning, China. His research interests include bioinformatics, big data, machine learning and network analysis. Dr. Zhao has been a part of several well-known research journals including Scientific Reports, PLOS ONE, Frontiers in Genetics and many more and has published 56 SCI journal papers in the fields of bioinformatics. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_ebm_Wenzheng-sh_001 Bao Wenzheng School of information and electrical engineering Xuzhou University of Technology Xuzhou China

Dr. Wenzheng Bao received his master degree in computer science from the University of Jinan in 2015 and Ph.D in the same discipline from Tongji University in 2018. He currently works at the school of information and electrical engineering, Xuzhou University of Technology, Xuzhou, China. His research interests include bioinformatics, machine learning, computational biology and proteomics. He has served as a reviewer for multiple well-renowned journals including Neurocomputing, Neural Network, Oncotarget, Plos One etc. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_ebm_Chuan-Le-sh_001 Xiao Chuan-Le Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center Sun Yat-sen University Guangdong China

Chuan-Le Xiao obtained a doctorate (Ph.D.) in Bioinformatics from Hunan Agricultural University, China. Currently he is a principal investigator at State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmology Center of Sun Yat-sen University. He dedicated to studying the computational algorithms and application in the field of high-throughput sequencing and has developed a series of widely used software to solve the computational problems in the three-generation sequencing studies. He authored more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including several high impact journals, such as Nature Methods, Molecular Cell, Nature Communications. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_ebm_Wang-Hong-sh_001 Wang Hong School of Information Science and Engineering Shandong Normal University Jinan China

Dr. Wang serves as a Professor, Doctoral Supervisor and Dean of School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Normal University. Dr.Wang obtained a PHD degree in 2002 from the Computing Institute of the Chinese Academy, BA and MA degree in 1984 and 1991 from Tianjin University, under the supervision of Prof. Zhongshan Wei. Dr. Wang then joined Shandong Normal University in February (1991), where served as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Postdoctoral Station in 2009. Current research interests include machine learning, data mining, bioinformatics and social computing. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Yadav-dk-sh_001 Yadav D.K. College of Pharmacy Gachon University of Medicine and Science Incheon South Korea

Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Yadav completed his Ph.D in Biological Science from CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Lucknow India, postdoctoral studies from Hanyang University, Korea and University of Delhi, India. Presently, he is working as an Assistant Professor and a Principal Investigator for NRF project (Korea Government) in College of Pharmacy at Gachon University Korea. He received the Young Scientist award from the Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi in 2014. Dr. Yadav has published more than 70 papers in reputed journals, 03 Book Chapters and a Patent. His research interests are in atomic level molecular simulation of Plasma Medicine, Computer-Aided Drug Design and Molecular Modelling of Biological networks etc. He is also a member of several scientific societies and academic bodies. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Liang-c-sh_001 Liang C. School of Information Science and Engineering Shandong Normal University Jinan China

Dr. Liang is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Normal University. She received her MD and PhD degrees in 2010 and 2015 from Hunan University. From 2012 to 2014, she studied at Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto and was also awarded an Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Hunan University in 2016. Her current research interests include bioinformatics and machine learning. Orcid
ccs_ebm_Wang-Bing-sh_001 Wang B. Anhui University of Technology Ma'anshan China

Dr. Bing Wang received the B.S. degree from Hefei University of Technology in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2006, respectively. He is a full professor and Dean in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, China. His research interests mainly focus on Bioinformatics, computer vision, machine learning, and Chemo informatics, with more than 140 journals and conferences papers and H-index of 23. He is a senior member of IEEE from 2014. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_j-Tan-sh_001 Tan J. Beijing University of Technology Beijing China

Dr. Jianjun Tan is a Professor of Bioinformatics at the Faculty of Environment and Life in Beijing University of Technology. His group has got and completed more than 17 scientific research projects, including the National Key Basic Research Program of China, Chinese Natural Science Foundation project and others, in which 1 project is underway. He accumulated abundant experience in molecular design and drug design. He has published more than 100 papers. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Li-Hongdong-sh_001 Li H. Central South University Changsha China

Hongdong Li is an Associate Professor (tenure track) in School of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University. He received the Bachelor (Pharmaceutical Engineering) and PhD (Analytical Chemistry) degree from College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, P.R. China in 2007 and 2012, respectively. He did postdoctoral training in computational medicine in University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Then he joined Institute for Systems Biology (Seattle) as a Research Scientist studying systems biology of diseases. His interest include bioinformatics, functional genomics and machine learning. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_ebm_Zhu-f-sh_001 Zhu F. Zhejiang University Hangzhou China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_Samal-sh_001 Samal B.B. National Institute of Mental Health Bethesda, MD USA Scopus RsearcherId ccs_ebm_park_001 Park S. Yeungnam University Gyeongsan South Korea Scopus RsearcherId bioinfo_zhu-h-as_001 Zhu Huaiqiu Department of Biomedical Engineering Peking University Beijing China

Prof. Huaiqiu Zhu is a tenured professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Peking University. His research interests include bioinformatics methods based on genomic sequences, protein sequences and structures. Dr. Zhu's lab has addressed the bioinformatics methods of genome analysis and annotation, and developed a series of methods of microbial gene prediction, genome comparison, and protein molecular dynamics. His lab now focuses on metagenomics issues driven by human health and environments, and data mining in medicine informatics. He has developed tools such as sequence assembly, gene prediction and microbial community comparison for metagenomic sequences produced by NGS. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_li-md-as_001 Li M.D. Zhejiang University Hangzhou China

Professor Ming Li has studied genetics and molecular biology of human diseases, specifically addictive disorders for more than 20 years. During those years, Dr. Li has published more than 200 peer-reviewed publications and has trained approximately 70 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. His publications are very diverse, ranging from molecular pharmacology, neuropsychopharmacology, molecular biology, statistical genetics, computational biology, to bioinformatics. Dr. Li has served as a regular and ad-hoc member of many study panels and sections in the US and other countries. In addition, he has served as an advisor for a dozen research centers/programs and ad-hoc reviewers or board members for more than 30 scientific journals. He has been invited to give more than 100 seminars or oral presentations by various national and international conferences and institutions throughout the world. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_shoenfeld-y-as_001 Shoenfeld Y. Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv Israel

Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld is the founder and head of the Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, at the Sheba Medical Center, which is affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine in Tel-Aviv University, in Israel. Professor Shoenfeld is also the Incumbent of the Laura Schwarz-Kipp Chair for Research of Autoimmune Diseases at Tel-Aviv University. Professor Shoenfeld’s clinical and scientific works focus on autoimmune and rheumatic diseases, and he has published more than 2000 papers in journals. Professor Shoenfeld is on the editorial boards of 43 journals in the field of rheumatology and autoimmunity and is the founder and the editor of the IMAJ (Israel Medical Association Journal) the representative journal of science and medicine in the English language in Israel, and also is the founder and Editor of Autoimmunity Reviews (Elsevier) (Impact factor 8.9) and co-Editor of the Journal of Autoimmunity (Impact factor 8). For the past twenty years Yehuda has been the Editor of “Harefuah” – The Israel journal in medicine (Hebrew). He was recently awarded a Life Contribution Prize in Internal Medicine in Israel, 2012 as well as the ACR Master Award in 2013.In 2018 he was elected to the Israeli Academy of Sciences. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_khan-a-as_001 Khan A. University of Nizwa Nizwa Oman

Dr. Khan received his B.Sc degree from the University of Malakand and M.Sc degree in distinction from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan. In 2007 Dr. Khan got scholarship from HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry for Ph.D. and completed his Ph.D. in the field of enzymology in 2013. During his PhD, he received split PhD scholarship from OAED Austria, and worked as visiting scientist in University of Innsbruck, under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr. DDDDr. h.c. Bernd Michael Rode (Institute of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry University of Innsbruck, Austria). Dr. Khan has expertise in Medicinal Chemistry, enzyme inhibition, Enzyme kinetics studies, STD NMR studies for protein-ligand interaction and Computational Chemistry. He has published more than 200 articles in international peer review journals with impact factor of more than 450 and citation more than 2000. Beside this, he has four US patents, two of them published and the other two are filed up. He got five times Research Productivity Award from Pakistan Council of Science and Technology and two time best poster award in international symposiums. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_zhang-ym-as_001 Zhang Y-M. Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan China

Yuan-Ming Zhang is a quantitative geneticist. He obtained his PhD from Nanjing Agricultural University in 2001. He worked at Southwest University, Rongchang (1986-1999) and Nanjing Agricultural University (1999-2014), and moved to Crop Information Center of Huazhong Agricultural University in 2014. He did his postdoctoral research at the University of California, Riverside during 2003-2005. His current interests are in the development and application of statistical approaches to mine novel genes of complex traits, e.g., multi-locus GWAS (mrMLM) and QTL mapping (GCIM) methodologies, crop genome variants and complex trait, linkage map construction, and mixed major-genes plus polygenes inheritance. He is also the Associate Editor of Heredity. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_kamaraj-b-as_001 Kamaraj B. Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Al Jubail Saudia Arabia

Dr. Balu Kamaraj is an Assistant Professor at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (CAMSJ), Saudi Arabia. Previously, he served as a Scientific Manager at Excelra Knowledge solution, India, and post-doctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Also, Dr. Kamaraj served as a visiting postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain. Dr. Balu Kamaraj has nearly 7 years of experience in academic and industrial research in the area of computational structural biology. His scientific interests focus on a range of issues related to structural Bioinformatics. By adopting the multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of biological systems such as 3-D Modelling of protein structures, protein-ligand complex, protein-protein complex, and protein-DNA complex. He would like to observe how certain mutations alter the dynamic behavior of proteins and their interaction with other molecules. He is very much interested in molecular folding, evolution, and binding interactions, and structure/function relationships of experimentally solved structures and from computational models. Notably, Dr. Balu Kamaraj has published several original, review articles and book chapters, including the first and corresponding author. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_abdullah-sna-as_001 Abdullah S.N.A. Universiti Putra Malaysia Selangor Malaysia

Dr. Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah is a Professor in Plant Molecular Biology in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Her research focuses on plant functional genomics, genetic manipulation and biomarker technology. She served as the Director of the Institute of Plantation Studies (2016 – 2019) and Head of Laboratory of Plantation Crops (2007-2016) in UPM. She led several research projects at the national level and secured research grants from industry members. To date she has published about 100 papers. Her publications can be found in top ranking journals including Plant Biotechnology Journal, BMC Plant Biology, Planta, Plant Cell Reports and Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_sakkiah-as_001 Sakkiah S.D. National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) Little Rock, AR USA

Dr. Suguna Devi Sakkiah currently works as a staff fellow at the National Center for Toxicological Research, USA. She received her Ph.D. from Gyeongsang National University, South Korea and her master’s degree from Bharathiar University, India. In 2010, she received a Young Pioneer Research Scientist award while pursuing her Ph.D. After receiving her Ph.D., she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, the University of California, Los Angeles and the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. During her research career, Dr. Sakkiah has published more than 60 peer-reviewed research articles and review papers, and two book chapters. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_J-Meng-as_001 Meng J. Dalian University of Technology Dalian China

Dr. Jun Meng is currently a professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology. She received the PhD degree from the Dalian University of Technology in 2012. Her research interests include data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. She has published more than 100 research papers in various journals and conferences. Her research projects are funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_M-Qasim-as_001 Qasim M. Kohat University of Science and Technology Kohat Pakistan Orcid Scopus RsearcherId bioinfo_h-Cai-sh_001 Cai H. South China University of Technology Guangzhou China

Dr. Hongmin Cai has received a Bachelor's and Master's degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2001 and 2003, respectively. He got Ph.D from University of Hong Kong in 2007. He has been a visiting research fellow at the Center of Bioinformatics at Harvard University, and Section for Biomedical Analysis at the University of Pennsylvania. He was a visiting Professor at the Hong Kong Baptist University and Kyoto University. In 2012, he was associate Professor of School of Computer Science and Technology, South China University of Technology. In 2014, he was awarded Outstanding Youth Teacher in Guangdong Province. He was promoted to full professor in 2016. He was Guest Professor at Kyoto University. He has principled and co-principled more than 10 fundings from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Guangdong Province and other sources. He has published around 60 papers in top journals and conferences. His research interests include biomedical image processing and bioinformatics, in particular omics data integration and radiomics for precision medicine. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_rehan-m-as_001 Rehan M. King Abdulaziz University Jeddah Saudi Arabia Orcid Scopus RsearcherId bioinfo_liu-x-as_001 Liu X. Shandong University Weihai China

Dr. Xiaoping Liu is currently a Professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University, China. He completed his PhD in Informatics and Systems Biology, from the Institute of Systems Biology, Shanghai University in 2012. His research interests mainly focus on Computational biology, Bioinformatics, System biology, Machine learning. He has more than 30 articles published in reputed journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_w-Zhang-sh_001 Zhang W. Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan China

Dr. Wen Zhang obtained the Bachelor's degree and the Masters degree in Computational Mathematics from Wuhan University in 2003, 2006, and got the doctoral degree in computer science from Wuhan University in 2009. He has worked at Wuhan University from 2009 to 2018. He is currently a Professor at College of Informatics,Huazhong Agricultural University, People’s Republic of China. His research interests include machine learning, data mining and bioinformatics. He has published more than 60 papers on reputed journals or conferences, such as Nucleic acids research, Bioinformatics, PLos Computational biology, IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, Information Science,etc. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_niu-b-as_001 Niu B. Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China

Dr Beifang Niu received his PhD in Computer Software and Theory from the Super Computing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Currently, he is a Research Professor at the Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. He is interested in developing high-performance bioinformatics and computational biology methods and applying them in cancer genomics and metagenomics to help understand the origins and progression of cancer. He has more than 15 years of experiences in bioinformatics, genomics and computational biology. He has contributed his valuable publications in different scientific journals. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_wadood-a-as_001 Wadood A. Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Pakistan

Dr. Abdul Wadood is currently a Tenured Associate Professor at the department of Biochemistry, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan. He received his PhD degree from HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Pakistan in 2010. His research interest includes molecular modelling, computational medicinal chemistry, bioinformatics and machine learning. He has published more than 200 research articles in various prestigious journals. Scopus RsearcherId
bioinfo_yu-zg-as_001 Yu Z-G. Xiangtan University Hunan China

Prof. Zu-Guo Yu received his Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1997. He is currently a distinguished professor at Xiangtan University and an adjunct professor at Queensland University of Technology. His research interests include fractals, complex network analysis, biological and environmental data processing. He has published more than 120 research papers in journals including Mol. Biol. Evol., Bioinformatics, Mol. Ecol. Res., Environ. Modell. Softw., Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., Scientific Reports, BMC Evol. Biol., BMC Bioinformatics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, J. Chem. Phys., Phys. Rev. E, J. Stat. Mech., Chaos, J. Geophys. Res.

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bioinfo_Huang-j-as_001 Chen Peng Institute of Physical Science and Information Technology Anhui University Hefei China

Dr. Peng Chen is currently a Professor at the School of Internet; Institutes of Physical Science and Information Technology, Anhui University, and Adjunct Professor at the Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machine, Chinese Academy Sciences. His research interests include data mining with applications to bioinformatics and computer vision, etc. He has published more than 100 high quality referred papers in conferences and journals. Orcid Scopus
bioinfo_Aung-lhh-as_001 Aung L.H.H. Qingdao University Qingdao China

Dr. Lynn Htet Htet Aung received her MD-PhD in Cardiology from Guangxi Medical University and Master degree in Bioinformatics from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is currently the director of the Center for Molecular Genetics, Institute for Translational Medicine, Qingdao University. She has published 46 SCI papers in the field of population genetics, apoptosis, mitochondrial dynamics, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Her research interests are genetics, epigenetics, oxigenetics, and aging. Scopus RsearcherId
Biomaterials biomats biomaterials
biomats_gao-c-as_001 Gao C. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Central South University Changsha China

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biomats_Madhav-sh_001 Madhav B.T.P. K.L. University Andhra Pradesh India

Dr. B.T.P.Madhav got his Ph.D degree in the field of antennas from K L University, India .Currently he is working as Professor and Associate Dean at KLU. His research interests include antennas, liquid crystals applications and wireless communications. Dr. Madhav has received several awards like Outstanding reviewer from Elsevier, best researcher and distinguished researcher from K L University.He is reviewer for several international journals including IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley and Taylor and Francis and served as reviewer for several international conferences. He has published more than 452 papers in International, National journals and his total citations are more than 3138. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biomats_Haitao-Li-sh_001 Li Haitao Nanjing Forestry University Nanjing China

Dr Hai-Tao-Li is currently a Professor and Director of International Research Center for Bio-composite Building Materials and Structures (IRCBBMS) and Joint International Research Laboratory of Bio-composite Building Materials and Structures (JIRLBBMS) at Nanjing Forestry University. He is also a Professor and Vice-dean of College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University. Besides, he is a reviewer, an editorial board member and an advisor of several international journals. His research fields include Concrete Structure; Retrofit of concrete and timber (bamboo) structures; Composite structures; Sustainable structure (including bamboo, wood structure and other Biomass material structure). Dr Li has published more than 50 papers in distinguished journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biomats_Elango-J-sh_001 Elango Jeevithan Shanghai Ocean University Shanghai China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId biomats_Balakumaran-M-sh_001 Balakumaran M.D. Department of Biotechnology D.G.Vaishnav College Chennai India Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Biomechanics biomech biomechanics
biomech_Shijie-li_001 Li Shijie Institute of Innovation & Application Zhejiang Ocean University Zhoushan China

Dr. Shijie Li is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Aquaculture wastewater treatment team at Zhejiang Ocean University, China. He completed his PhD from Donghua University in 2014. He received a "Zhejiang Province Leading Talent" in 2020. His research interests include Nanophotonic, functional nanomaterials, and environmental remediation. He has more than 80 publications and has received a number of awards.

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biomech_yanqiong-f_001 Yanqiong F. Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai China

Dr. Yanqiong Fei received the M. Eng. Degree from the Southeast University, China, in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree from the Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, in 2002. She is currently a Professor at the Research Institute of Robotics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. From Sept. 2010 to Sept. 2011, she was a visiting scholar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT. Her research interests include robotics, self- reconfigurable modular robots, soft robots, rehabilitation robotics. She published over 100 papers, 3 books’ chapters, 25 patents in these areas. She received the Shanghai scientific and technological progress second prize in 2009. She also received the Best Paper Awards of M2VIP (2012) and Candlelight Award Scheme(2016). She received 863 high technology project advanced group awards in 2000. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_Y-Liu-sh_001 Liu Yong Tiangong University Tianjin China

Dr. Yong Liu is currently a professor at Tiangong University, China. He has received his PhD degree in 2008 from Donghua University, Shanghai, China. His research interests focus on nanofibers and their applications, electrospinning, advanced fiber materials, membrane, bionics, biomaterials. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed journal papers, conference proceedings. He has also published 4 books withco-authors and holds 20 Chinese patents. Recently, Dr. Liu works in characterizing, understanding and modeling structural, physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials and their processes. He has received over 10 research fundings from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Education of China,the Tianjin Municipal Natural Science Foundation, and several companies. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_zj-Liu-as_001 Liu Z-J. University of Washington Seattle, WA USA Scopus RsearcherId biomech_G-Li-sh_001 Li G. Soochow University Suzhou China

Prof. GangLi is currently a full professor at Soochow University, China. Dr. Li is the 15th high level talent of “Top six talent peaks” and selected talent of “Double Creative Plan" in Jiangsu province. Dr. Li received his MEng. from Donghua University, and obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical textiles and Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to his current academic position, Dr. Li has been served at DuPont China Holding Co., Ltd. for several years. Dr. Li published over 80 academic articles and issued 20 patents between 2006 and 2019, including Biomaterials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, etc. Dr. Li presented talks,organized symposia and workshops at various international scientific conferences, etc. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_Shuqiang-Wang_001 Wang Shuqiang Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Shenzhen China

Shuqiang Wang received his Ph.D degree from City University of Hong Kong. He was a research scientist of Huawei Technologies Noah's Ark Lab (2012-2013). He held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Hong Kong from 2013 until 2014. He is currently a Professor with Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Science. His current research interests include machine learning, medical image computing, Brain informatics and optimization theory. He has published more than 90 SCI/EI papers and more than 30 patents. Orcid Scopus
biomech_wan-y-as_001 Wan Y. University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada

Dr.Yuqin Wan is a Research Scientist at the University of British Columbia with more than 15 years experience in the field of fibrous materials. She received her PhD degree from Donghua University, China and completed her postdoctoral work in the University of British Columbia during 2007-2010. She has contributed more than 50 papers/chapters in the area of functional fibers, electrospinning and composite fabrics. Her research work has been founded by many organizations such as the Canadian National Science and Engineering Council, the Canadian Composite Innovation centre, the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Canadian national particle Accelerator Center, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University and the State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, DongHua University. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_w-wei-as_001 Wei W. Xi'an University of Technology Xi'an China

Dr Wei Wei is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and the Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an, China. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, CCF. He received his PhD and M.S. degrees from Xian Jiaotong University in 2011 and 2005, respectively. His research interest is in the area of wireless networks, wireless sensor networks application, image processing, mobile computing, distributed computing, and pervasive computing, internet of things, sensor data clouds, etc. He has published around one hundred research papers in international conferences and journals. He is an Editorial Board Member of FGCS, IEEE Access, AHSWN, IEICE, KSII, etc. Besides, he is a TPC member of many conferences and a regular reviewer of IEEE TPDS, TIP, TMC, TWC, JNCA and many other Elsevier journals. Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_Q-Wei-sh_001 Wei Q. Jiangnan University Wuxi China

Dr. Qufu Wei is a professor of Textile Science and Engineering in the School of Textiles and Clothing at Jiangnan University. He earned his Ph.D. in Textiles Science and Engineering from Heriot-Watt University in the UK. He has authored two books, which have been published by Woodhead Publishing. He has also authored more than 250 peer-reviewed journal articles. He has 57 patent applications or issued. He is a recipient of the 2006 Award for New Century Excellent Talents in Universities from the Chinese Ministry of Education. He currently serves as Director of the Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles within the Ministry of Education of P.R. China at Jiangnan University. He is also Director of the International Joint Laboratory for Functional Textile Materials. He was an Area Editor of Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biomech_D-G-Yu-sh_001 Yu D-G. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai China

Dr Deng-Guang Yu is a professor in the School of Material Science and Engineering at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. His research interests include electrohydrodynamic atomization (electrospinning, Electrospraying and e-jet printing), biomaterials, advanced drug delivery systems, and environment friendly materials. He has developed a series of new electrospinning processes for creating nanostructures from multiple working fluids. Dr Yu has authored over 210 peer- reviewed journal papers and has been awarded several national competitive research grants. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Biochemistry biochem biochemistry
biochem_ebm_Blume-sh_001 Blume Yaroslav B. Department of Genomics and Microbiology Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kiev Ukraine Orcid Scopus RsearcherId biochem_ebm_Honghao-sh_001 Cai Honghao School of Science Jimei University Xiamen China Orcid Scopus RsearcherId biochem_ebm_Donghai-lin-sh_001 Lin Donghai Department of Chemical Biology College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Xiamen University Xiamen China

Dr. Donghai Lin obtained his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Xiamen University in 1993. Currently, he is working on Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy and its applications, as a Minjiang scholars Distinguished Professor, in the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, and in the field NMR Center of Xiamen University, China. He has published about 171 academic papers on SCI-cited journals such as Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Communication, Mol. Cell. Dr. Lin got Wang Tianjuan Spectroscopy Prize in 2006. His research interests include Structure Biology and Metabonomics. Orcid
biochem_ebm_Soares-sh_001 Soares Julio C.M. Faculty of Sciences and Technology Faculty of Sciences and Technology Santa Maria Brazil

Dr. Mendes Soares is an associate professor and researcher at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. His research focuses on oxidative stress, diabetes, exercise, and metabolic disorders for more than 20 years. He has published many articles on the subject in high impact periodicals and works in different disciplines of biology and biomedical sciences as a reviewer for several journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biochem_Aureliano-sh_001 Aureliano Manuel Department of Marine Science University of Algarve Faro Portugal

Dr. Manuel Aureliano is an Associate Professor (with Habilitation) of Biochemistry and he was the Director (1998-2013) of the Biochemistry degree at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal. Till now, he also served as a supervisor and/or co-supervisor of several post-doc, PhD, MSc and undergraduate students (over 110), and has published about 90 peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews and book chapters. Dr. Aureliano is a TOP 1% reviewer for Publons and a TOP10 reviewer in Metallomics. He was the editor of the book “Vanadium Biochemistry”, ResearchSignPost, 2007, Kerala, India. His research topics include the role of decavanadate in biology; Biological effects and applications of polyoxometalates. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biochem_Yang-x-sh_001 Yang Xinping Center for Genetics and Developmental Systems Biology Southern Medical University Guangzhou China Scopus RsearcherId biochem_dhlamini-ms-as_001 Dhlamini Mokhotjwa Simon Department of Physics University of South Africa Pretoria South Africa

Dr. Mokhotjwa Simon Dhlamini is a Professor of Physics at the University of South Africa, in South Africa. His main research interests include the development of novel materials for various technological applications and the world’s drive to transition to sustainable energy systems, effective medical treatment and other advanced technologies. His research requires new smart materials with special properties and new novel materials which can be produced to make renewable energy and medical technologies more efficient. Currently he is working on the development of various materials for application in renewable energy, biological imaging and lighting technologies. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biochem_matboli-m-as_001 Matboli Marwa Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology department Ain Shams University Cairo Egypt

Dr. Marwa Matboli serves as an Assistant Professor in the Medical Biochemistry Department and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. She is also the head of biochemistry department, Faculty of Medicine, at the Modern university for technology and information,Cairo, Egypt from 2019 till present. She has more than 47 international publications in pubmed cited journals and shares as principal investigator and CO-PI for more than 12 funded scientific projects. She has collaborated in molecular research with many institutes e.g. Zweil institute and Medical Ain Shams Research center. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biochem_tu-j-as_001 Tu Jiancheng Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University Wuhan China

Dr. J.C Tu is a Professor and a Program Chairman at the Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, China. His research interests include: (1) molecular mechanism and diagnosis of tumor, especially in liver and lung cancer (2) functional role of Homer and its family members in cardiovascular and cancer related diseases. He has published more than 180 articles in reputed journals with more than 6000 citations. He has also participated in writing and publishing more than 30 book chapters, mostly textbooks for graduate/undergraduate students of either clinical laboratory medicine or clinical medicine. He has served as an invited reviewer for a few reputed journals. Scopus RsearcherId
biochem_roche-sp-as_001 Roche Stephane P. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL USA

Dr.Stéphane P. Roche was born in Thiers (France) in 1979. He received his Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the Blaise Pascal University under the supervision of Professor D. J. Aitken. Afterwards, he joined the group of Professor K. C. Nicolaou at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences (ICES, @Star) in Singapore to work on the total synthesis of haplophytine (2006-2008). As a second Postdoctoral position, Stéphane worked with Professor John Porco Jr. at Boston University on the synthesis of rocaglates (2008-2011). He started his independent career at Florida Atlantic University and his research interests include the development of novel synthetic methodologies and ‘bio-inspired’ dearomatization strategies for the synthesis of unnatural a-amino acids, peptides and peptidomimetics, and biologically active natural products. Scopus RsearcherId
biochem_tan-m-as_001 Tan Mingxiong College of Chemistry and Food Sciences Yulin Normal University Yulin China Scopus RsearcherId biochem_Liang-sh_001 Liang Zhongjie Center for Systems Biology Soochow University Suzhou China

Zhongjie Liang is currently working as an Associate Professor, Center for Systems Biology, Soochow University, China. He obtained Doctor of Science, Drug Design and Discovery Center, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. His research interests include Computational Biology (Molecular modeling, Molecular dynamics simulations, Elastic network model, Protein structure network model, Structural systems biology) and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Structure-based drug design). He has published several scientific papers in well-reputed journals. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Biophotonics biophoto biophotonics
biophoto_zhan-q-as_001 Zhan Q. South China Normal University Guangzhou China

Dr. Qiuqiang Zhan is currently a Professor of optics at the South China Normal University, China. He received a B.S. in Optics from Shandong University, China, and performed his doctoral research in the Optical Engineering department at Zhejiang University, China. He had visiting research in Lund University, Sweden and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. His research interests mainly include upconversion nanoparticle bio-/nano- photonics and optical imaging. He has co- authored over 50 international journal publications and 15 patents. He has won some awards for his creative work, including Young Innovation Award and Distinguished Young Scholars. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biophoto_chen-g-as_001 Chen G. Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin China

Dr. Guanying Chen has been a full professor since 2013 at School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology. His interests include lanthanide luminescence, upconversion, biophotonics, and nanomedicine. He published more than 100 peer- reviewed papers and served as editorial board member or guest editor for Scientific Reports, Nanomaterials, Crystals, Chinese Journal of Luminescence, and Theranostics, etc. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
biophoto_j-Qu-sh_001 Qu J. Shenzhen University Shenzhen China

Dr. Junle Qu is a Professor in the Center for Biomedical Photonics and the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering at Shenzhen University. His current research interests include nonlinear optical imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging, super-resolution optical imaging and their applications in biomedicine, imaging guided optical therapy. He has published more than 270 papers in peer reviewed journals such as Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Advanced Materials, Chem, Nano Letter, Optics Letters etc. He is the Fellow of SPIE and the director of Biomedical Photonics Committee of Chinese Optical Society. He serves in the editorial boards of JIOHS, Frontiers of Optoelectronics etc. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Biotechnology biotech biotechnology
ccs_Lei_ab_001 Chen Lei Department of Physiology University of Kentucky Lexington, KY United States

Lei Chen MD, PhD, works in the Physiology, Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center, University of Kentucky. During 5 years of clinical practice in Neurology and over 20 years of basic research in neuroscience, he has developed a wide spectrum of expertise and skills in the field of stroke, brain trauma, and other chronic neurological diseases. His experience includes promotion of brain function restoration through neural stem cells therapy, examination of post-injury neurogenesis and angiogenesis, study of blood-brain barrier function and disruption, regulation of cerebrovascular tone, and investigation of neuronal stress and degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, through collaboration with a Bioengineering team, we have developed and optimized several novel noninvasive brain functional and hemodynamic imaging systems that can evaluate the brain activities under relaxing or stressed conditions with minimal interference of animals’ normal behavior. Some of these techniques are in the process of translation into clinical applications. Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_Huang_ab_001 Huang Tao Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai China

Tao Huang is an Associate Professor at Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed his post-doctoral research in the Department of Genetics and Genomics Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, USA. His research interests include bioinformatics, computational biology, systems genetics and big data research. He has published over 200 articles. He has been the Editor or Guest Editor for over 30 journals and Reviewer for 170 journals. He is a Highly Cited Chinese Researcher (2020) and included among the World's Top 2% Scientists (2020, 2021). Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ccs_chun-li_001 Li Chun School of Mathematics and Statistics Hainan Normal University Haikou China

Dr. Chun Li is currently a Professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hainan Normal University, China. He received the PhD degree from Dalian University of Technology in 2006. His research interests include computational biology, bioinformatics, system biology, data mining and machine learning. He has published more than 40 research papers in this field.

ccs_Wang-l-ab_001 Wang Lei School of Automation Chongqing University Chongqing China

Prof. Lei Wang received the PhD degree in computer science from Hunan University, P.R.China, in 2005. From 2005 to 2007, he was a postdoctoral fellow in Tsinghua University, P.R.China. After that, he moved to the USA and Canada as a visiting scholar in Duke University and Lakehead University, successively. Currently, he is a full professor and an academic leader of Computer Engineering in Changsha University, P.R.China. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles. His main research areas include bioinformatics and Internet of Things.

ccs_Weiwei-ab_001 Wang Weiwei Geneis Beijing Co., Ltd. Beijing China

Dr. Weiwei Wang received his Doctoral degree from Beijing institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He finished his post-doctoral training and worked as a research associate at the University of Alberta in Canada. He is presently serving as a CTO,Vice President, R&D Director in Genesis (Beijing) Co. and focusing on IVD assay development/related translational studies including cancer related ctDNA/cfRNA identification, using NGS/nanopore sequencing; clinical metagenomics; virome enrichment and sequencing; single-cell multi-omics; and microfluidic-chip based assays. He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers/book chapters in the journals related to oncology, virology, immunology, metagenomics, genomics, proteomics, etc.

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ccs_Bin-Wang_001 Wang Bing University of Science and Technology Hefei China

Bing Wang received the Ph.D. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2006. He is a full professor and Dean in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, China. He has published more than 200 journals and conference papers. His research interests mainly focus on Bioinformatics, computer vision, machine learning, and Chemoinformatics. He is a senior member of IEEE from 2014.

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Computer Science cs computer-science
cs-Chen-Abdel-Basset-ab_001 Abdel-Basset Mohamed Zagazig University Zagazig Egypt

Mohamed Abdel-Basset received his B.Sc. and M.Sc from Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Zagazig University, Egypt. He received his Ph.D from Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Menoufia University, Egypt. Currently, Mohamed is Associate Professor at Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Zagazig University, Egypt. His current research interests are Optimization, Operations Research, Data Mining, Computational Intelligence, Applied Statistics, Decision support systems, Robust Optimization, Engineering Optimization, Multi-objective Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, Evolutionary Algorithms, and Artificial Neural Networks. He is working on the application of multi-objective and robust meta-heuristic optimization techniques. He is also an Editor/reviewer in different international journals and conferences. He holds the program chair in many conferences in the fields of decision-making analysis, big data, optimization, complexity and internet of things, as well as editorial collaboration in some journals of high impact.

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cs-Chen-Edalatpanah-ab_001 Edalatpanah S. A. Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education Tonekbon Iran

S. A. Edalatpanah received the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran. He is currently working as the chief of R&D at the Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education, Iran. He is also an academic member of Guilan University and the Islamic Azad University of Iran. His fields of interest are uncertainty, fuzzy mathematics, numerical linear algebra, soft computing, and optimization. He has published over 100 journal and conference proceedings papers in the above research areas. He serves on the editorial boards of several international journals. He is also the Director-in-Charge of the Journal of Fuzzy Extension & Applications (JFEA) at:

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cs-Chen-Chi-Hua-sh_001 Chen Chi-Hua Fuzhou University Fuzhou China

Chi-Hua Chen is a distinguished professor with the College of Mathematics and Computer Science at Fuzhou University and a chair professor with the Navigation College at Dalian Maritime University. He has published over 300 journal articles (e.g., IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, etc.), conference articles, and patents. He serves an editor for several international journals (e.g., IEEE Access, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Scientific Reports (Nature), Scientific Data (Nature), etc.). His recent research interests include Internet of things, machine learning, mobile networks, and intelligent transportation systems. He is a senior member of IEEE. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
cs-Liu-Ming-sh_001 Liu M. Technical Team/Coordination Center of China (CNCERT/CC) Beijing China

Dr. Ming Liu is an Assistant Research Fellow at the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China (known as CNCERT/CC), Beijing, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2018 from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in the field of Computer Software and Theory. His current research interests mainly focus on Multi-agent System, Cybernetics, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Control and Decision for various applications. He also serves as reviewer member of 2 IEEE Transactions series journals.
cs-Rezaeian-sh_001 Rezaeian Javad Mazandaran University of Science and Technology Babol Iran

Dr. Javad Rezaeian is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Mazandaran University of Science and Technology. His research interests include Soft Computing, Artificial Neural Network and Optimization. He was awarded prominent author by Iranian student book festival in 2015 and also was awarded Top Researcher by Research Center of Mazandaran Universities in 2017. He has published more than 100 papers and several books. Scopus RsearcherId
cs-Abdulkadir-Sengur_001 Sengur Abdulkadir Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department Firat University Elazig Turkey

Abdulkadir Sengur received the B.Sc. in electronics and computers education from the Firat University, Turkey, in 1999, and M.Sc. in electronics education, from the same university in 2003, and Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, from the same university in 2006. He became a Research Assistant in the technical education faculty of Firat University in February 2001. He is currently a Professor in the Technology Faculty of Firat University. His research interests include signal processing, image segmentation, pattern recognition, medical image processing, and computer vision. Orcid Scopus
cs-jafari-g-as_001 Jafari G. Shahid Beheshti University Tehran Iran

Dr. Reza is a professor of physics at the department of Physics, Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences at Shahid Beheshti University. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Sharif University of Technology in 2005. He has done several projects and published many papers in the fields of social & financial networks and time series analysis. His research focuses on a system with a large number of interacting agents, whose aggregate behavior is nonlinear and data-driven approaches to study and infer the complex interaction network of the system agents, neglecting the cause and consequences of the macroscopic collective behavior of systems. He is interested in understanding and modeling modern society with respect to culture, market, business, and management with the tools of different disciplines; the Internet, especially social media, for playing a crucial role in interdisciplinary research. Orcid Scopus RsearcherId