How to Register
Please click here to access the registration form.
Enter The following details in the registration form:
Username: This should be a unique username which you will be able to use for logging into the website.
Display Name: This is the name that appears on our website. It will not be used to login purpose.
Email Address: Enter a valid email address. The email address should be your own and is required for receiving account and purchase related details.
Password: Enter your password here. This will be used with your username to login to our website. It is recommended to choose a password that contains at least six characters. It should include numbers, punctuation, and both upper and lowercase letters. We also recommend that you keep your password secure to avoid any compromise in your account. After entering the password, please confirm your password by re-entering the password in the field immediately below it.
Please read our publisher terms and conditions by scrolling down the Website Terms & Conditions section. You will be required to agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on the check box directly below the text.
Enter the exact image verification code by viewing the image shown in the space below the publisher’s terms and conditions.
Click on the ‘Create New Account’ button to proceed with registration. You will be redirected to our homepage.
Please click here to access the registration form.
Enter The following details in the registration form:
Username: This should be a unique username which you will be able to use for logging into the website.
Display Name: This is the name that appears on our website. It will not be used to login purpose.
Email Address: Enter a valid email address. The email address should be your own and is required for receiving account and purchase related details.
Password: Enter your password here. This will be used with your username to login to our website. It is recommended to choose a password that contains at least six characters. It should include numbers, punctuation, and both upper and lowercase letters. We also recommend that you keep your password secure to avoid any compromise in your account. After entering the password, please confirm your password by re-entering the password in the field immediately below it.
Please read our publisher terms and conditions by scrolling down the Website Terms & Conditions section. You will be required to agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on the check box directly below the text.
Enter the exact image verification code by viewing the image shown in the space below the publisher’s terms and conditions.
Click on the ‘Create New Account’ button to proceed with registration. You will be redirected to our homepage.