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Current Genomics
ISSN (Print):1389-2029
ISSN (Online):1875-5488
Abstracted/Indexed in
BIOBASE, Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index®, BIOSIS, BIOSIS Previews, BIOSIS Reviews Reports and Meetings, British Library, Cabell's Directory, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)/ProQuest, Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder, ChemWeb, CNKI Scholar, Dimensions, EBSCO, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, EMBiology, ERA 2018, Europe PMC, Genamics JournalSeek, Google Scholar, InCites, Index Copernicus, J-Gate, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, JournalTOCs, MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory, Open Abstracts (I4OA), Norwegian Register, PubMed/PubMed Central, PubsHub, QOAM, Science Citation Index Expanded™ (SciSearch®), Scilit, Scopus, Suweco CZ, TOC Premier, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.
Current Green Chemistry
ISSN (Print):2213-3461
ISSN (Online):2213-347X
Abstracted/Indexed in
Cabells Journalytics, Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder, ChemWeb, CNKI Scholar, Dimensions, EBSCO, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) by Clarivate Analytics, Google Scholar, J-Gate, JournalTOCs,, Norwegian Register, QOAM, Scilit, Suweco CZ, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.
Current Healthcare Research
ISSN (Print):3050-7731
ISSN (Online):3050-774X
Abstracted/Indexed in
Current HIV Research
ISSN (Print):1570-162X
ISSN (Online):1873-4251
Abstracted/Indexed in
BIOSIS, BIOSIS Previews, BIOSIS Reviews Reports and Meetings, British Library, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)/ProQuest, Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder, ChemWeb, CNKI Scholar, Dimensions, EBSCO, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Genamics JournalSeek, Google Scholar, InCites, Index Copernicus, ISI Alerting Service, J-Gate, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, JournalTOCs, MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory, MEDLINE/PubMed/Index Medicus, Open Abstracts (I4OA), Norwegian Register, PubsHub, QOAM, Science Citation Index Expanded™ (SciSearch®), Scilit, Scopus, Suweco CZ, TOC Premier, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, and Web of Science/Thomson Reuters.
Current Hypertension Reviews
ISSN (Print):1573-4021
ISSN (Online):1875-6506
Abstracted/Indexed in
Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder, ChemWeb, CNKI Scholar, Dimensions, EBSCO, EMBASE, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) by Clarivate Analytics, EMNursing, ERA 2018, Genamics JournalSeek, Google Scholar, J-Gate, JournalTOCs, MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory, MEDLINE/PubMed, Open Abstracts (I4OA), Norwegian Register, PubsHub, QOAM, Scilit, Scopus, Suweco CZ, TOC Premier, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.
Current Indian Science
ISSN (Print):2210-299X
ISSN (Online):2210-3007
Abstracted/Indexed in
Current Innovations and Emerging Technologies
ISSN (Print):2950-3167
ISSN (Online):2950-3175
Abstracted/Indexed in
Current Journal of Life Sciences
ISSN (Print):3050-7715
ISSN (Online):3050-7723
Abstracted/Indexed in
Current Journal of Microbiology
ISSN (Print):3050-7693
ISSN (Online):3050-7707
Abstracted/Indexed in
Current Machine Learning
ISSN (Print):2667-3533
ISSN (Online):2667-3541
Abstracted/Indexed in