Book Volume 4
Fundamental subjects of quantum mechanics and general relativity are presented in a unitary framework. Based on the fundamental quantum laws of PlanckEinstein and De Broglie, a quantum particle is described by wave packets in the conjugate spaces of the coordinates and momentum. With the time-dependent phases proportional to the Lagrangian, the group velocities of these wave packets are in agreement with the fundamental Hamilton equations. When the relativistic Lagrangian, as a function of the metric tensor and the matter velocity field, is considered, the wave velocities are equal to the wavefunction coordinate velocity, which means that these waves describe the matter propagation. The equality of the integrals of the matter densities over the coordinate and momentum spaces, with the mass in the Lagrangian of the time-dependent phases, which describes the particle dynamics, represents the mass quantization rule. Describing the interaction of a quantum particle with the electromagnetic field by a modification of the particle dynamics determined by additional terms in the time-dependent phases, with an electric potential conjugated to time and a vector potential conjugated to the coordinates, Lorentz’s force and Maxwell’s equations are obtained. With Dirac’s Hamiltonian and operators satisfying the Clifford algebra, dynamic equations similar to those used in the quantum field theory are obtained, but with an additional relativistic function, depending on the velocity and the matter-field momentum. We obtain particle and antiparticle wavefunctions describing matter and anti-mater distributions. Unlike the conventional Fermi’s golden rule, in the new theory, the particle transitions are described by the Lagrangian matrix elements over the Lagrangian eigenstates and the densities of these states. Transition rates are obtained for the two possible processes, with the spin conservation or with the spin inversion. In this framework, we consider Dirac’s formalism of general relativity, with the basic concepts of the Christoffel symbols, covariant derivative, scalar density and matter conservation, the geodesic dynamics, curvature tensor, Bianci equations, Ricci tensor, Einstein’s gravitation law, and the Schwarzschild metric tensor. From the action integrals for the gravitational field, matter, electromagnetic field, and electric charge, we obtain the generalized Lorentz force and Maxwell equations for general relativity. It is shown that the gravitation equation is not modified by the electromagnetic field. For a black hole, the velocity and the acceleration of a particle are obtained. At the formation of a black hole, as a perfectly spherical object of matter gravitationally concentrated inside the Schwarzschild boundary, the central matter explodes, and the inside matter is carried out towards this boundary, reaching there only in an infinite time. Based on this model, we conceive our universe as a huge black hole, with its essential properties, such as the Big Bang, inflation, low large-scale density, redshift, quasi-inertial behavior of the distant bodies, dark matter, and dark energy, entirely explained by the general relativity. For a quantum particle in a gravitational wave, we obtained a rotation of the metric tensor perpendicular to the propagation direction of this wave, with the angular momentum 2, which we call the graviton spin, and a rotation of the particle matter, with a half-integer spin for Fermions and an integer spin for Bosons. We apply this theory to a two-particle and a particle-antiparticle collision, as well as a two-body decay of a quantum particle. In this framework, we also obtain a unitary description of the four forces acting in nature. A system of equations for the quark coordinates in a proton is obtained.
Page: 1-4 (4)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040004
PDF Price: $15
Quantum Particle Distributions of Matter
Page: 5-17 (13)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040005
PDF Price: $15
Electromagnetic Field
Page: 18-30 (13)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040006
PDF Price: $15
Quantum Particles in an Electromagnetic Field
Page: 31-44 (14)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040007
PDF Price: $15
Quantum Particle Transitions in the Electromagnetic Field and Fermi’s Golden Rule
Page: 45-65 (21)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040008
PDF Price: $15
Dirac’s Formalism of General Relativity
Page: 66-97 (32)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040009
PDF Price: $15
Quantum Particles in Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields
Page: 98-125 (28)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040010
PDF Price: $15
Black Hole Matter Dynamics
Page: 126-136 (11)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040011
PDF Price: $15
Our Universe as a System of Visible Bodies
Page: 137-143 (7)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040012
PDF Price: $15
Gravitational Wave, Graviton Spin, and Particle Spin
Page: 144-155 (12)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040013
PDF Price: $15
Applications to Quantum Electrodynamics
Page: 156-172 (17)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040014
PDF Price: $15
Grand Unified Theory – Gravitational Electromagnetic- Flavor- and Chromo Dynamics as a Single Theory
Page: 173-215 (43)
Author: Eliade Stefanescu*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815274615124040015
PDF Price: $15
Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy - Vol. 4 explores the intricate relationship between quantum mechanics, relativity, gravitation, and electromagnetism, offering insights into the dynamics of quantum particles in various fields. The book covers key phenomena such as spin, graviton spin, black holes, and quantum states in extreme conditions, including black hole formation. It explains how quantum particles behave as distributions of matter, using wave functions to describe their propagation. Further, it examines electromagnetic and gravitational field interactions, quantum particle transitions, Dirac’s formalism of general relativity, and their applications in quantum electrodynamics and unified field theory. Key Features: - Detailed explanation of quantum particle dynamics and wave function theory. - Discussion of quantum particle transitions and spinor fields. - Exploration of black hole dynamics and gravitational wave interactions. - Comprehensive coverage of unified field theory, integrating electromagnetism and gravity. - Applications to quantum electrodynamics and particle collisions.