Page: i-iii (3)
Author: Divya Bajpai Tripathy, Anjali Gupta, Arvind Kumar Jain, Anuradha Mishra and Tokeer Ahmad
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010001
Application of Nanomaterials for Smart Devices
Page: 1-25 (25)
Author: Rinku Kumar, Milan Singh*, Deepak Gupta and Srasti Yadav
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010003
PDF Price: $15
Nanomaterials have emerged as transformative agents in the realm of smart
devices, enabling revolutionary advancements and applications. At the nanoscale,
materials exhibit unique properties that differentiate them from their bulk counterparts,
offering exceptional opportunities for enhancing the performance, functionality, and
miniaturization of smart devices. The present chapter delves into the significant
contributions of nanomaterials in the development of smart devices. Nanotechnology's
ability to engineer materials at the atomic and molecular level has led to the creation of
nanomaterials with precisely tailored properties. These nanoscale wonders have found
applications in diverse fields, including electronics, healthcare, energy, and
environmental monitoring. The integration of nanomaterials in smart devices has
unlocked unprecedented opportunities for innovation. Nanoscale sensors with
heightened sensitivity and selectivity have transformed devices into intelligent
perceivers of the environment. Additionally, nanomaterials have revolutionized energy
storage, enabling longer-lasting batteries and supercapacitors with higher energy
density. Furthermore, nanomaterials play a pivotal role in advancing smart displays,
wearable technology, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The seamless connectivity
and improved performance offered by nanomaterials have paved the way for a more
connected and efficient world. Additionally, this chapter emphasizes the immense
potential of nanomaterials in shaping the future of smart devices, making them more
adaptive, energy-efficient, and capable of transforming our daily lives. However,
responsible implementation and safety considerations are essential for harnessing the
full potential of nanomaterials and ensuring sustainable and secure technological
Semiconductor Nanomaterials
Page: 26-49 (24)
Author: Monika Chauhan*, Ananya Bhatia, Diwakar Chauhan and A. K. Jain
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010004
PDF Price: $15
The physical and chemical characteristics of semiconductor materials
radically alter as their size is shrunk to the nanoscale, giving rise to unusual traits
because of their enormous surface area or quantum size effect. Despite being at the
research stage right now, semiconductor nanomaterials and devices hold great promise
for use in a variety of sectors, including solar cells, nanoscale electronics, lightemitting nanodevices, laser technology, waveguides, pharmaceuticals, and biosensors.
The semiconductors will undoubtedly experience substantial advancements as
nanotechnology continues to advance. The entire mechanism is regulated with the help
of band theory, which includes valence band, conduction band and an energy gap, also
considered forbidden gaps. These semiconductors when converted into nano sizes are
corresponded to nanoparticles, which have the potential to accommodate various
functionalities due to the reduced size, which increases the surface area for better
function, adsorption, efficiency, and other things as discussed in the book chapter. This
chapter also focuses on some of the most important activities now underway and
problems that must be solved to enhance nanostructures and nanodevices based on
Advances in Nanostructure-Induced Photocatalysis
Page: 50-81 (32)
Author: Saman Shaheen, Arvind Kumar Jain, Syed Asim Ali, Nayeem Ahmad Pandit and Tokeer Ahmad*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010005
PDF Price: $15
As the catastrophic effects of global energy are becoming severe day by day,
researchers are focusing on adapting environmental sustainability in order to restore the
natural habitat of the planet. Photocatalysis is an environmentally benign approach to
combating various non-sustainable operations via green chemistry. Photocatalysis
comprises the change in the kinetics of chemical transformations by the absorption of
light. Photocatalysis is the promising route of producing green hydrogen via overall
water splitting without any toxic by-products. Verily, photocatalytic reduction of
carbon dioxide is another significant sustainable operation that ascertains its
sequestration and conversion into value-added chemical feedstock and fuels. These
highly sought photocatalytic applications demand unique multifunctional nano catalytic
systems that can effectively carry out these sustainable operations due to their
advanced optoelectronic and morphological properties alongside having higher
exposed active sites. Realizing the potential of nanostructures in the field of
photocatalysis, we have synergistically emphasized both these topics in this book
chapter under the light of the classification of nanostructures and two vital
photocatalytic applications of hydrogen evolution and carbon dioxide mitigation.
Polymer Nanocomposites and their Applications
Page: 82-103 (22)
Author: Anita Kushwaha* and Smriti Dwivedi
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010006
PDF Price: $15
The last ten years have seen the greatest amount of research on
nanomaterials due to their numerous applications. Nanomaterials are utilised in both
home and industrial settings. The growing need for materials that are both lightweight
and strong has led to the emergence of polymer composites as a specialty area in the
field of materials research. A novel type of composite material called polymer
nanocomposites uses inorganic nanoparticles scattered across an organic polymer
matrix to enhance certain performance characteristics. Excellent characteristics of
polymer nanocomposites include electrical characteristics, barrier resistance, and
magnetic efficiency. greater rigidity, greater fire resistance, increased thermal and
dimensional stability, superior optical characteristics, and improved barrier effect are
the main benefits of polymer nanocomposites. A polymer serves as the matrix of
polymer nanocomposites, which are mixtures of two or more components, where the
dispersion phase has at least one dimension smaller than 100 nm. Due to their
distinctive design feasibility and remarkable property combinations, polymer
nanocomposites are employed in a variety of applications, including water treatment,
gas separation, food packaging, sports equipment, the automotive industry, biomedicine and everyday life.
Sustainable Nanostructured Materials for Organic Synthesis
Page: 104-151 (48)
Author: Iqra Sadiq, Farha Naaz, Mohd Fazil and Tokeer Ahmad*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010007
PDF Price: $15
Nanocatalysis represents a burgeoning field of study that is used across a
wide range of catalytic organic reactions. The significance of nanotechnology is
progressively growing in various industrial sectors as well as in academic research. The
enhancement of catalytic selectivity and activity in nanocatalysts is observed as the size
of the catalyst decreases and the surface area-to-volume ratio increases. Similarly, the
morphology of particles plays a crucial role in influencing the activity and selectivity of
nanocatalysts. Various types of nanocatalysts have been documented, encompassing
single-metal nanocatalysts, simple/mixed metal-oxide derived nanocatalysts, and
carbon-based nanocatalysts. Nanocatalysts based on noble, rare earth and transition
metals have been extensively investigated in both industrial and academic areas. This is
primarily due to their significant application in various chemical reactions, including
carbon-heteroatom cross-coupling reactions, carbon-carbon homocoupling reactions,
carbon-carbon cross-coupling reactions, esterification, C-H activation, hydrogenation,
oxidation, and reduction. Currently, the analysis is centered on most recent
advancements and potential applications of nanocatalysts in various chemical
Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials
Page: 152-204 (53)
Author: Shipra Mital Gupta*, S.K Sharma and Nikita Gupta
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010008
PDF Price: $15
Carbon, having 6 electrons, shows sp1
, sp2
and sp3
hybridization to produce
novel allotropes. Since the recent discoveries of fullerenes in 1985, carbon nanotubes
in 1991 and graphene in 2004, there is immense regard for the amazing physical and
chemical properties of carbon nanomaterials, promoting the growth of techniques for
large-scale manufacturing. Carbon nanomaterials have been the subject of extensive
scientific study all around the world due to their important structural dimensions and
excellent chemical, mechanical, electrical, optical, magnetic, catalytic and thermal
properties different from bulk counterparts. The carbon nanomaterials with 0, 1, 2 and
3 dimensions (carbon black, nanodiamonds, fullerenes, carbon quantum dots, carbon
nano-horns, carbon nanofibers, carbon nanotubes and graphene) have shown such
built-in properties that are easily exploitable in cutting edge technology for a numerous
application. Applications in technology, medicine, environment and agriculture are all
part of the ever-expanding commercial use of carbon nanomaterials. In this chapter,
brief history and recent advancements in carbon nanomaterials specifically fullerenes,
carbon nanotubes, graphene, carbon quantum dots, and nanodiamonds have been
thoroughly reviewed. Along with their methods of synthesis, future prospects and
opportunities in a variety of industries have also been discussed. Significant
applications of different carbon materials in important areas have been highlighted. A
summary of toxic effects of carbon nanomaterials on biological systems has also been
given to support wise usage and careful handling.
Modelling and Simulations of Nanomaterials
Page: 205-224 (20)
Author: Mansi Sharma* and Vishal Sharma
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010009
PDF Price: $15
In view of the progression in the field of science to investigate the evolution
of nanomaterial and their applications, the research seems to have been limited in
providing a complete understanding of the fabrication conditions and characterizations
primarily on the basis of experimental methods. The computational approaches are
found to be more effective in predicting the growth conditions and the relative
characterizations for the required structure. Moreover, the software counterpart for the
design of structure is considered one of the most convenient approaches to estimate the
process conditions in a well define way before proceeding with the complexities of the
experimental trials. Another aspect of accepting the computation approach is to
understand and explore the expected outcome from a structural analysis. In the present
chapter, the key role of modelling and simulations in the advanced research and
development at the structural level of the nanomaterial and the nanomaterial-based
devices has been discussed in order to provide a guide to choose and explore a variety
of software and theories for simulating or design.
Photovoltaic Applications of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials
Page: 225-253 (29)
Author: Yogendra Kumar*, Asha Panghal*, Pandey Rajagopalan and Akash Sharma
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010010
PDF Price: $15
The urgent need to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources in the
twenty-first century has been driven by rising fuel prices and the escalating greenhouse
effect caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Recent advancements in photovoltaic (PV)
solar cell technology offer hope for meeting this demand using sustainable energy
sources. Significant advancements have been achieved in the field, indicating
numerous possibilities to address the ongoing global energy crisis. Carbon
nanomaterials, including graphene, carbon nanotubes, and fullerene, have emerged as
splendid applicants for photovoltaic solar cells. These materials are abundant on Earth,
possess remarkable electrical properties, exhibit eminent optical absorption, and
demonstrate paramount thermal and photostability. Graphene-based solar cells have
already achieved notable breakthroughs in PV technology. However, reducing
manufacturing costs through the utilization of cost-effective nanostructured materials
and processes remains a crucial concern. This chapter provides a comprehensive review
of various types of PV technologies using carbon-based materials.
Application of Nanomaterials in Water Purification
Page: 254-295 (42)
Author: Priyanka Yadav, Sudhir G. Warkar* and Anil Kumar
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010011
PDF Price: $15
The issue of water contamination has emerged as one of the primary
problems of the current century. The discharge of hazardous contaminants, rapid
industrialization, and unrestricted population rise lead to the degradation of water
purity. This chapter explores the nanomaterials in water purification and aims to
address the critical need for efficient and sustainable water treatment solutions. With
the increasing global demand for clean water, traditional treatment methods are often
limited in their ability to remove emerging contaminants and often do not meet
stringent quality standards. Nanomaterials have emerged as potential candidates for
improving water treatment procedures because of their special features, including high
efficacy, better selectivity, good stability, high surface area, eco-friendliness, and high
population growth. Adsorption, photocatalysis, membrane filtration processes, and
other techniques enable the effective removal of harmful contaminants from industrial
waste, groundwater, and surface water by nanomaterials. The chapter’s aim is to gain
comprehension of the application of nanomaterials that contain metals and metal
oxides-based nanoparticles, carbon-based, composites, and dendrimers-based
nanoparticles. Their use as adsorbents, photocatalysts, and membrane filters for
effective and targeted removal of toxic waste has received a lot of focus at the same
time. Adsorption, photocatalysis, and membrane filtration methods are discussed in
detail for their usage in water purification. To illustrate the potential risks involved
with nanomaterials, practical applications such as waste management and
environmental effects are also taken into account. Additionally, it critically evaluates
the difficulties and opportunities associated with using nanomaterials in industrial
wastewater purification.
Rare Earth-based Multiferroic Perovskites and Applications
Page: 296-334 (39)
Author: Huma Khan, Amir Mehtab and Tokeer Ahmad*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010012
PDF Price: $15
This chapter provides an updated overview of rare-earth-based multiferroic
perovskites and their diverse range of applications. Multiferroic materials exhibit
simultaneous ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties, making them highly attractive
for various technological applications. The design of functional materials is challenging
to tune the properties and applications. Rare earth-based perovskites, in particular, offer
unique properties due to the combination of rare earth elements and the perovskite
crystal structure. This chapter explores the synthesis methods, characterization
techniques, and emerging applications of rare earth-based multiferroic perovskites,
highlighting recent advancements in the field.
Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Based Humidity Sensors
Page: 335-364 (30)
Author: Alfa Sharma*, Akash Sharma, Asha Panghal and Yogendra Kumar*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010013
PDF Price: $15
Humidity sensors are critical in a wide range of applications ranging from
automotive, biomedical, chemical, and electronics industries, to scientific research
laboratories. Here we discussed widely acclaimed synthesis techniques for the
preparation of graphene and its derivatives. Graphene, along with its analogues GO,
and rGO shows improved surface properties making it sensitive to fractional change in
ambient surroundings. GO/rGO-based sensory materials owing to their distinctive
physio-chemical features appeared as a competitive sensor in comparison to the widely
used metal oxides. The enhancement in the merits of GO-based humidity sensors is
ascribed to the various functionalized groups on the GO surface. Pristine GO is
employed as a capacitive sensor, whereas reduced GO (rGO) with improved
conductivity is extensively utilized as a chemiresistive humidity sensor. Similarly,
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and 2D- layered graphene have been explored as
humidity sensors due to their massive scope of manipulation in properties. The chemiresistive humidity sensor gains an advantage over any type of available sensor owing to
its cost-effective fabrication, easier integration with the CMOS platform, and efficient
operation. This review aims to establish the evaluability of GO and rGO humidity
sensors and their role in the progress of the next generation of flexible sensors for the
Internet of Things (IoT).
Role of Ion Beam in Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Morphology Control, and Applications
Page: 365-393 (29)
Author: Asha Panghal*, Yogendra Kumar*, P. Rajagopalan and Alfa Sharma
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010014
PDF Price: $15
The exceptional performance of nanomaterials, as a result of their size and
unique morphology, has attracted a lot of researchers. The structure and constituents of
materials have been modified using a variety of techniques. The ion beam techniques
have so far been widely employed to modify the performance of different
nanomaterials. The surface configuration and chemical composition of nanomaterials
can be altered by energetic ion beams. The ion beam techniques approach is purely
physical in comparison to conventional methods. These techniques exhibit outstanding
control and reproducibility without adding any impurities to the target materials. Here,
current developments in surface modification of nanomaterials employing ion beam
methods are thoroughly reviewed.
Role of Nanomaterials in Remediating Environmental Pollutants
Page: 394-424 (31)
Author: Komal Gupta* and Richa Saxena
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010015
PDF Price: $15
The rapid urbanization and industrialization have resulted in the
environmental pollution, which is the biggest challenge faced by the society.
Remediation is mainly associated with the environment. Environmental remediation is
the process of removing pollutants or contaminants from the environment such as soil,
air, and groundwater for the safeguard of human health and the environment. There are
various technologies involved in remediation such as physical remediation involving
processes like filtration, extraction, etc; chemical remediation involving chemical
reactions, photocatalysis, etc and biological remediation involving microorganisms and
plants. The use of nanomaterials for remediation is called nanoremediation.
Nanomaterials reveal better performance in environmental remediation than other
techniques used because of their high surface area and the associated high reactivity.
Different nanomaterials in various shapes, function as adsorbents, catalysts and sensors
for detection and removal of gases, contaminants and organic pollutants. This chapter
provides an overview of different kinds of remediation techniques and a detailed
discussion on different types of nanomaterials used for environmental remediation.
Nano Lubricants and their Applications
Page: 425-456 (32)
Author: Paramjeet Singh Paliyal, Piyush Kuchhal and Surajit Mondal*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010016
PDF Price: $15
In the current growing demand for lubricants, there is a need for the
improvement in their lubricating property. This chapter presents an extensive review of
Nano lubricants as well as their applications in a variety of business sectors. Nowadays,
the additives of the nanoparticles are coming in trend to increase the lubricating
property of any lubricant for use in various applications, for this purpose the additives
are dispersed in the base oil which forms the stable lubricating fluid. The addition of
nanoparticles in the lubrication provides several benefits as compared with the ordinary
lubricant such as reduced friction wear and tear, increased load-carrying capacity, and
enhanced thermal stability. Continued research and development in the field of
nanotechnology are unlocking the potential pertaining to Nano lubricants resulting in
applications in high temperatures, high pressures, and corrosive environments where
ordinary lubricants cannot work properly. Additionally, they are being explored for
their uses in microdevices, electronics, and advanced materials. When seen from the
perspective of the future, the future of Nano lubricants presents many exciting
potentials. The current focus of research is on the investigation of innovative
nanoparticles, the enhancement of dispersion techniques, and the customization of
lubricant compositions for particular applications. The potential of Nano lubricants will
be further explored as nanotechnology, tribology, and material science make further
strides forward. This will allow for an expansion of their use in developing industries
and the creation of lubricating solutions that are more environmentally friendly and
efficient in terms of energy use.
Subject Index
Page: 457-463 (7)
Author: Divya Bajpai Tripathy, Anjali Gupta, Arvind Kumar Jain, Anuradha Mishra and Tokeer Ahmad
DOI: 10.2174/9789815256772124010017
Nanotechnology: A Quick Guide to Materials and Technologies invites readers to explore the cutting-edge world of nanotechnology, offering a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to this rapidly evolving field. The content provides a foundation for understanding the field and details the properties of significant nanomaterials. Readers will also gain insights into innovative processes while receiving a balanced perspective on the social and regulatory aspects of nanotechnology. Key Features: Foundational Knowledge: Begins with an overview of nanotechnology, its history, and its key concepts, Diverse Nanomaterials: Explores various types of nanomaterials, including nanoparticles, nanowires, and carbon-based materials like graphene, detailing their properties and potential applications. Advanced Applications: Explores the real-world uses of nanotechnology across multiple sectors, such as medicine, electronics, energy, and environmental science, demonstrating its transformative impact. Fabrication and Characterization: Covers techniques for creating and analyzing nanomaterials, offering insights into the processes that drive innovation in the field. Ethical and Societal Considerations: Discusses the broader implications of nanotechnology, including ethical, societal, and regulatory aspects Ideal for students, educators, researchers, and industry professionals, this guide serves as an informative resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of nanotechnology.