Page: ii-iii (2)
Author: Grigory M. ARISTARKHOV, Yuri V. GULYAEV, Valery F. DMITRIEV, Vyacheslav V. KOMAROV, Valery P. MESHCHANOV and Kirill V. ZAICHENKO
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010002
Devices for Filtering and Spectral Analysis of Radio Signals in Radio Engineering Information Systems
Page: 1-32 (32)
Author: Kirill V. ZAICHENKO* and Yuri V. GULYAEV
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010004
PDF Price: $30
The widespread use of multi-channel systems and signal processing methods is the
development trend of modern radio engineering information systems. The case examples are
multi-channel filtering and spectral analysis devices, which are discussed in detail in this
monograph. Exceptional opportunities for improving methods and devices for information
processing emerge from the use of information and, in particular, structural redundancy that
appears as a result of the multi-channel processing of radio signals with a high-frequency
resolution. This has resulted prominently in recent years. Solving the problems of study, design,
and implementation of spectral analysis tools on acoustic waves are the most important tasks
of applying the latest achievements in the development of technologies, methods, algorithms,
structures, and devices for radio signals spectral processing in modern multifunctional multichannel radio information systems.
Methods of Describing and Characterizing Fourier Processors for Spectral Processing of Radio Frequency Signals
Page: 33-55 (23)
Author: Kirill V. ZAICHENKO* and Yuri V. GULYAEV
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010005
PDF Price: $30
Filtering and spectral analysis of radio signals are used in various radio engineering
information systems for a wide range of applications, including the parallel real-time analysis
of large amounts of data. Along with devices for multi-channel radio signal filtering, both single
and multiprocessor spectral analysis devices can be used in these applications. Since these
spectrum analyzers subject the processed radio signals to the Fourier transform, we will call
them Fourier processors.
Synthesis of Algorithms and Structures for Frequency Measuring of Radio Signals at the Output of Filtering and Spectral Analysis Devices
Page: 56-89 (34)
Author: Kirill V. ZAICHENKO* and Yuri V. GULYAEV
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010006
PDF Price: $30
When studying the problems of spectral processing of radio signals, implementing
their technologies, methods and algorithms for analysis, modeling, and development of
structures and devices for filtering and spectral analysis, the final goal is, generally, frequency
selection and frequency measurement of radio signals. A set of issues related to such
measurements is considered. Algorithms, structures, and devices for measuring the frequency
of radio signals after their spectral processing have been developed.
Performance and Implementation of Frequency Measuring Equipment for Radio Signals
Page: 90-132 (43)
Author: Kirill V. ZAICHENKO* and Yuri V. GULYAEV
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010007
PDF Price: $30
A review of methods for estimating signal parameters and the synthesis of devices
for estimating and measuring their frequency showed that there are a large number of different
options for constructing frequency discriminators. On this basis, open and tracking meters can
be implemented on various elements. Each of them brings its own specifics to the processing
of radio signals in the frequency measurement channels. Such a variety of measuring elements
and structures prescribes different approaches to their research, but only relatively simple
devices can be analyzed analytically, although most often under significant restrictive
assumptions. Others, more complex and with less stringent constraints, can be studied through
computer modeling or hybrid modeling approaches. The ultimate and most preferred method
for analyzing the accuracy of frequency discriminators and meters based on them should be
considered an experimental study in laboratory or natural conditions, which allows obtaining
the most reliable and valuable results.
Surface Acoustic Wave Structures and Devices Modeling Based on Coupled Waves Method
Page: 133-173 (41)
Author: Valery F. DMITRIEV*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010008
PDF Price: $30
An important stage in the creation of SAW devices is the modeling of its design
providing required electrical parameters. This task can be solved within the context of a device
design synthesis problem. Here, requirements are set for the electrical parameters, on the basis
of which the design of the device is simulated. The simulation allows for selecting other design
parameters, among which are the materials of the piezoelectric and IDT, the number of
electrodes and their thickness in the IDT, etc. Since a number of SAW filter designs with
specific design parameters are currently used, the task seems to be over-complicated and is not
considered here.
The presented method assumes device simulation based on its electrical characteristics for the
given design parameters of the selected filter type. This approach offers an analysis of the
selected type of device design (irrelevant to the reasons for its choice) to predict its design
parameters based on simulation of its electrical characteristics for different values of its design
parameters. Obviously, based on the described method, it is also possible to build algorithms
for device synthesis, e.g. within the context of electrical parameters optimization problem of
the device with selected design type.
The problem of filter topology synthesis is investigated for only one type of ladder SAW filter.
The described method can be used to construct algorithms for the synthesis of various SAW
filter types.
Surface Acoustic Wave Filters for Communication Systems
Page: 174-233 (60)
Author: Valery F. DMITRIEV*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010009
PDF Price: $30
Low insertion loss and good temperature stability are the main requirements for
filters used in communication system front ends. These requirements severely limit the design
options for SAW filters that can be used in modern communication systems. It should be noted
that until recently SAW filters with a relative bandwidth of 1..10% and low losses, and most
demanded for communication systems, had low-temperature stability. This was due to the
temperature coefficients of waveguide material medium frequency of the SAW filters. Such
materials are strong piezoelectrics niobate and lithium tantalate.
Research aimed at improving the temperature stability of devices based on lithium niobate and
tantalate was started a long time ago. Still, only emerging new technologies have provided the
possibility of solving this problem for mass production conditions. Currently, the input circuits
of almost all mobile communication devices incorporate filters (duplexers) on SAW.
Filtering of Microwave Signals for Satellite Communication Systems
Page: 234-246 (13)
Author: Vyacheslav V. KOMAROV* and Valery P. MESHCHANOV
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010010
PDF Price: $30
High electrical strength and low losses compared to other transmission lines
predetermined the widespread use of waveguide filters and multiplexers in on-board radioelectronic complexes of satellite communication systems. The electrical parameters of these
devices, taking into account the specifics of their operation in near-Earth orbit, are subject to
fairly stringent requirements: high power limit, temperature stability, weight, and size
indicators. Their disadvantages can be considered as a limited range of operating frequencies,
determined by the cutoff frequencies of the main and first higher modes, as well as relatively
large sizes. Very high requirements are also placed on the accuracy of the manufacture of
filtration devices. At present, in the literature, one can find a description of a large number of
various designs of band-pass filters of the waveguide type. Some of them are considered in the
present chapter.
High Power Multiplexer Microwave Filters
Page: 247-303 (57)
Author: Vyacheslav V. KOMAROV* and Valery P. MESHCHANOV
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010011
PDF Price: $30
Multiplexers are microwave products designed to add signals received from several
microwave amplifiers in one output channel. There are no domestic analogues of these devices,
and foreign analogues are Multiplexer 4-1/C (C-band), and Multiplexer 3-1/X (X-band) from
«COM DEV International» (Canada). The basis of the design of the output multiplexers of onboard radio-electronic complexes of space communication systems is waveguide narrow-band
microwave filters of high power levels.
Two-dimensional Periodic Structures for Frequency Selection of Signals
Page: 304-319 (16)
Author: Vyacheslav V. KOMAROV* and Valery P. MESHCHANOV
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010012
PDF Price: $30
Two-dimensional (2D) periodic structures of the microwave and terahertz ranges are
becoming more and more widespread as the basic elements of instruments and devices for
controlling the parameters of electromagnetic signals in radio astronomy, nuclear physics,
medical technologies, electronic engineering, instrumentation, and radar technology. They are
known in the literature as “Frequency Selective Surfaces” (FSS). Their electrodynamic
performance depends not only on the geometric dimensions and physical properties of materials
but also on the periodical spacing of their constituent elements. In the case when their
dimensions are much less than the wavelength of the incident radiation, they are called
“metasurfaces”. This chapter analyzes the effect of dimensions and electrophysical properties
of structural materials on the transfer characteristics of frequency-selective surfaces with crossshaped apertures.
Frequency Selective Surfaces with Cross-shaped Aperture Elements
Page: 320-376 (57)
Author: Vyacheslav V. KOMAROV* and Valery P. MESHCHANOV
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010013
PDF Price: $30
In modern microwave and terahertz technology, one of the most hot topic areas of
using frequency selective surfaces is frequency filtering of electromagnetic signals. Such
structures make it possible to reduce the weight and dimension parameters of the radio
equipment, which is especially important for onboard systems of aviation and space technology
operating under harsh environment, which imposes high-reliability requirements on the units
and components of these systems. One of the trends in the development of filtering devices of
various types and different element bases has recently become the design of broadband and
ultra-wideband, as well as narrowband and ultra-narrowband systems.
Freestanding frequency selective surfaces with cross-shaped aperture elements are investigated
numerically and experimentally in the present chapter. Transmission characteristics of such
two-dimensional periodic structures as a function of sizes are analyzed using numerical
methods.Employing the conjugate-gradient method narrowband filters have been developed
and optimized. The results of measurements carried out in the present study agree well with the
obtained theoretical data.
Equivalent Mode Representation as the Basis for the Analysis and Synthesis of Symmetric Microwave Networks
Page: 377-425 (49)
Author: Grigory M. ARISTARKHOV*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010014
PDF Price: $30
Symmetrical reactive bipolar networks, which include microwave filters, constitute
the most commonly used class of passive electrical circuits in practice. This chapter develops
analytical models of these circuits in relation to their implementation on the basis of multi-wire
systems of coupled microstrip lines. Such systems are characterized by the inequality of the
residue mode phase velocities, which is due to the inhomogeneity of the substrate-air medium.
The substitution networks for this type of symmetric network are defined as an equivalent mode
representation, which forms the basis for the analysis and synthesis of high-selective filters.
The operating principle of these filters is built upon the inequality effect of residue modes phase
velocities. The relationship between the amplitude-frequency response and the group delay time
of symmetric networks of both minimum phase and non-minimum phase types has been
Microstrip Filters on Co-directional Hairpin Resonators with Split Poles of Operating Attenuation
Page: 426-446 (21)
Author: Grigory M. ARISTARKHOV*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010015
PDF Price: $30
Circuit engineering methods for increasing frequency selectivity of microstrip filters
based on half-wave co-directional hairpin resonators are studied, the principle of operation
which is based on the rational use of the effect of inequality of normal wave phase velocities.
It is shown that in these structures with N resonators, it is possible to form N + 1 operating
attenuation poles at finite frequencies without introducing additional electromagnetic couplings
between non-adjacent resonators. The conditions for splitting the operating attenuation poles in
compact multiply coupled structures are determined. The results of experimental studies of this
type of highly selective filter are presented.
Single- and Dual-resonator Structures with the Properties of Multi-Resonator Microwave Networks
Page: 447-466 (20)
Author: Grigory M. ARISTARKHOV*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010016
PDF Price: $30
In the structures considered in the previous chapter, a limited number of operating
attenuation poles (transmission zeros) P ≤ N + 1 is formed, which is a limiting factor for a
further increase of filter selectivity using resonators with a relatively low intrinsic Q factor.
This is due to the structural construction of these circuits and, as it seems to us, an insufficient
number of degrees of freedom in the independent control of the frequency properties of partial
two-pole impedances Za and Zb of their equivalent circuits. This chapter explores new properties
of single- and dual-resonator MSF structures, in which up to six or more operating attenuation
poles can be directly formed at finite frequencies, i.e., these structures with an extremely
minimal number of resonators sometimes demonstrate the properties of multi-resonator
microwave circuits.
Features of Multi-resonator Microstrip Filter Design Using Highly Selective Elements
Page: 467-480 (14)
Author: Grigory M. ARISTARKHOV*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010017
PDF Price: $30
The principles of constructing high-order microstrip filters based on single- and dualresonator highly selective sections are being developed. It is shown that a significant increase
of microstrip structure selectivity with a minimum number of resonators can be achieved by
using the method of "reverting" of the transmission zeros, the effect of combining the main and
parasitic passbands, as well as the galvanic connection of the sections instead of their cascade
Subject Index
Page: 481-486 (6)
Author: Grigory M. ARISTARKHOV, Yuri V. GULYAEV, Valery F. DMITRIEV, Vyacheslav V. KOMAROV, Valery P. MESHCHANOV and Kirill V. ZAICHENKO
DOI: 10.2174/9789815196504124010018
This comprehensive book covers spectral analysis theory for radio signals and innovative devices designed for filtering electromagnetic waves across diverse frequency ranges. The book features 14 chapters that explain the working of devices utilizing surface and bulk acoustic waves. The chapters provide insights into acousto-optical and acousto-electronic Fourier processors' design principles, description methods, and characteristics. The inclusion of algorithms for multi-channel frequency discriminators enhances the precision of radio signal frequency measurements, ensuring stability in tracking frequency meters amidst intense interference. The book also includes mathematical modeling and experimental studies of waveguide microwave filters and X-band multiplexers, specifically tailored for non-pressurized radio electronic equipment in space communication systems. Notably, the book introduces readers to a compelling alternative to conventional filters: 2-D periodic structures in the form of thin perforated metal meshes that offer compact solutions for millimeter and sub-millimeter wave systems. A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the development of highly selective microstrip filters, incorporating complex topological structures with limited resonators and numerous couplings. This approach allows for the formation of numerous attenuation poles at finite frequencies, facilitating the achievement of high electrical parameters and compact filter sizes. Engineers and scientists specializing in communication systems design and analog Fourier processors will find a wealth of well-established and original solutions within this book.