Multistage Interconnection Networks: Introduction
Page: 1-16 (16)
Author: Shilpa Gupta*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165340123010003
PDF Price: $15
Tremendous advancements have been reported in the computer and
communication industries due to the high demands of big data analysis. This led to the
use of parallel and distributed processors to play a part. These parallel processors have
to be connected to a large number of memory modules. The connection between these
processors and memory modules must be highly reliable for efficient big data analysis.
Multistage interconnection networks (MIN) provide data communication between
processors and memory modules at efficient speed with reasonably high reliability.
This chapter provides a detailed introduction to MINs with their evolution and
characterization. Further in this chapter, the research trends among researchers about
various classes of MINs have also been discussed.
Evolution of Fault Tolerant SEN MIN
Page: 17-72 (56)
Author: Shilpa Gupta*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165340123010004
PDF Price: $15
The shuffle exchange network is known to be the simplest MIN with a
modest size of switching element in use. It is a unique path MIN with no fault
tolerance. Researchers have explored this network to take advantage of its modest size
and low cost and tried to improve its reliability by providing redundancy in its basic
structure. While improving the fault tolerance of this network, many techniques have
been proposed in the literature which are comprised of increasing the hardware
complexity of the network. Recently, a new method has been proposed to improve fault
tolerance which consists of using multiplexers and demultiplexers at the input and
output stages of the network. It has been claimed that it improves the reliability on one
hand and reduces the overall cost of the network on the other hand. In this chapter, this
technique has been explored and reliability analysis of the network has been presented
thoroughly to provide deep insight into the performance of the network.
Evolution of Gamma-Minus MIN
Page: 73-133 (61)
Author: Shilpa Gupta*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165340123010005
PDF Price: $15
Gamma interconnection network is a fault-tolerant MIN with multipath
characteristics. Even though the gamma interconnection network has a multipath
between every source and every destination, it has the critical flaw of acting as a single
path MIN when the source address and destination address are the same. Hence, it is
important to modify such a prominent candidate so as to provide multiple paths in
every case, several modifications have been suggested by the researchers in the
literature. One such modification is fascinating as it provides multiple paths for every
case at a reduced cost. At the input and output stages, multiplexers and demultiplexers
are used to do this. The system is referred to as Gamma-Minus MIN. This chapter
includes further performance characteristics with the reliability assessment of GammaMinus MIN
Design, Reliability Modeling and Evaluation of FTSM
Page: 134-158 (25)
Author: Shilpa Gupta*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165340123010006
PDF Price: $15
It has been proved that the use of multiplexers and demultiplexers of the
smallest size has improved reliability to an extent but the effect of using bigger-sized
MUX and DEMUX on reliability and fault tolerance must also be evaluated. In the
recent past, the consequences of using higher-sized MUXs and DEMUXs have been
explored and presented in this chapter. The full analysis of the size of MUXs and
DEMUXs to be used so as to increase the reliability of the network to the optimum
level has been presented. The analysis done on SEN MIN shows that the best size of
MUXs and DEMUXs to be used is 4×1 and 1×4 respectively and hence the SEN MIN
with 4×1 MUX and 1×4 DEMUX is named Fault Tolerance SEN MIN (FTSM).
Design and Reliability Modeling of FTGM
Page: 159-181 (23)
Author: Shilpa Gupta*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165340123010007
PDF Price: $15
The gamma interconnection network is a reliable network that provides
redundancy in its basic topology but fault tolerance is still an issue to be addressed.
Although the usage of MUX and DEMUX lessens the issue in gamma MIN's unique
path behavior when the tag value is zero, it is still necessary to investigate the ideal size
of MUX and DEMUX which may be used with gamma MIN in order to give the
highest level of reliability. In order to make an overall generalization about all MINs, it
is crucial to determine whether the findings achieved for the SEN MIN apply to other
MINs that use switching elements of varying sizes. This chapter evaluates and presents
the impact of larger MUX and DEMUX sizes on gamma MIN. The results of the
evaluations show that the 4x1 MUX and 1×4 DEMUX provide the maximum level of
dependability and that increasing the size of the MUX and DEMUX lowers the
reliability to cost ratio.
Design and Reliability Evaluation of SEGIN-Minus
Page: 182-202 (21)
Author: Shilpa Gupta*
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165340123010008
PDF Price: $15
It has been shown in the previous chapters that SEN and gamma
interconnection network are the best-known MIN and are highly explored in the
literature. It would be interesting to make a hybrid network comprising combined
characteristics of both networks. Few research works are available in the literature
which have explored this interesting topic and reliability evaluations have also been
presented. These networks are known as SEGIN and SEGIN-Minus MIN. In this
chapter, detailed reliability analyses of both networks have been presented and it is
shown that SEGIN-Minus MIN has better performance characteristics than the SEGIN
This text book provides a quick and easy understanding of multistage interconnection networks (MINs) for engineers. The book contents focus on the design, performance metrics, and evaluation of these networks which are crucial in modern computer architecture. The contents equip engineering students, apprentices and professionals with in-depth knowledge and analysis of MINS, enabling them to build complex computer architectures for efficient data communications and cost effective solutions for circuit design. The book starts with an introduction to MINS and subsequently progresses to the evaluation of a range of MINS (SEN, Gamma-Minus, FTSN, FTGN, SEGIN). Key highlights of the book include: Easy to understand notes on design, reliability and fault tolerance Covers a wide range of MIN types with notes on design variants Supplementary information aiding comprehension of the main content. A curated list of references for further exploration and deeper understanding.