Strategy of Smart Port
Page: 1-21 (21)
Author: Nam-Kyu Park
DOI: 10.2174/9789815050417122010002
PDF Price: $15
Smart ports are defined from a variety of perspectives. Smart ports are
automated, logistics optimization, energy-efficient, the eco-friendly and innovative port
through the innovation of information technologies such as the Internet of Things
(IoT), big data, and artificial intelligence (AI). Smart ports are expanding their
boundaries to the city in order to strengthen the connection. Furthermore, smart ports
organically connect all related resources by acting as a hub for information flow to
collect, process, analyze and share data. We need deep insight into the question of what
the future be like. This chapter aims to answer two questions: what is a smart port, and
how are they prepared to become a smart port? What is the strategy for the smartization
of advanced ports?
QC, ARMGC and AGV of Smart Port
Page: 22-31 (10)
Author: Nam-Kyu Park
DOI: 10.2174/9789815050417122010003
PDF Price: $15
In order to build a smart port, the basic direction should be preceded. This
chapter is related to the review of automated equipment introduced in smart ports. The
subject of the review is STS (Ship to Shore), ARMGC (Automatic Rail Mounted
Gantry Crane), and transfer equipment. Quay cranes (QCs) are equipment used to
load/unload containers into/from ships on rails in the quayside area. QC types are
divided into SHST (Single Hoist Single Trolley) and DHST (Dual Hoist Second
Trolley). Depending on the number of pickup containers, they are also classified into
twin and tandem. The work of QC is divided into work on the ship side and work on
the AGV side. To overcome ship side handling, a remote control device is introduced
in the 4th generation port.
ARMGC is a crane for yard work and is divided into CATC (Cantilever Automatic
Transfer Crane) and ASC (Automatic Stacking Crane). In the ASC type, crane work
can only be done at the end of the block. Most automation terminals such as ECT,
CTA, LBCT, and BNCT use ASC type. However, the recently evolved ACTs deploy
cantilever-type cranes for loading and unloading operations. Yangshan port phase 4,
APMT, and RWG of Rotterdam use a mixture of CATC and ASC types. The reason
they have used CATC is to speed up the transshipment volume.
Container transport equipment is classified into AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) and
ALV (Automatic Lifting Vehicle). AGV is divided into diesel, electricity, and battery
type according to the energy source. It is also classified according to whether it has a
lifting function. Lifting AGVs are highly productive, so the 4th generation ports are
introducing them.
Layout Design of Smart Port
Page: 32-59 (28)
Author: Nam-Kyu Park
DOI: 10.2174/9789815050417122010004
PDF Price: $15
The layout design of smart port is evolving. With the introduction of the 4th
industrial revolution technology, the productivity of the ACT (Automated Container
terminal) is surpassing that of the conventional method. In this chapter, the author
focuses on designing the layout of ACT of a case terminal. ACT area is divided into
QC (Quay Crane) Set Back, QC Rail span, AGV handling area under QC, AGV road
and working area, WSTP (Water Side Transfer Point), CY Block, LSTP (Land Side
Transfer Point), support facility and gate facility. The data required for the ACT design
is the operation data of the neighboring terminals. The operation data include the
container dwell time, max stacking height, CY utilization ratio, working days per year,
peaking factor and the throughput by export, import, transshipment. Furthermore, it is
necessary to seize the ratio of container by full, empty, reefer, oversize, dangerous
container type, TEU conversion ratio and gate transit time, etc. Here, we propose three
types of ACT such as Y type, L type and U type. The process of designing these
drawings, formula and parameters will be described
Proper Terminal Capacity of Smart Port
Page: 60-75 (16)
Author: Nam-Kyu Park
DOI: 10.2174/9789815050417122010005
PDF Price: $15
For futuristic planning of smart port, it is very important to measure terminal
capacity considering service indicators such as ship waiting ratio, berth occupancy,
yard occupancy, and truck turnaround time. The capacity of a port proposed by
UNCTAD is divided into intrinsic capacity and proper capacity. The intrinsic capacity
is calculated on the assumption that the unloading/loading of the ship is operated 24
hours a day for 365 days per year. On the other hand, for the proper port capacity, the
utilization ratio of the quay crane, the berth occupancy, and the actual number of
available workdays of berth as service level are considered in order to calculate
appropriate port capacity.
This chapter explains the basic mathematical theory required to calculate the proper
capacity of smart port considering service level. The proper service of the berth is
determined by the ship's waiting rate. Ship waiting ratio and berth occupancy have a
positive relationship. Suppose there are 4 berths providing constant service in berth,
60% occupancy and 10% ship waiting ratio are calculated as an appropriate service
level. The yard's capacity depends on the yard occupancy of 60% and the turnaround
time within 30 minutes of the external truck. This value varies depending on the
circumstances of the terminal.
Key Performance Indicators of Smart Port
Page: 76-101 (26)
Author: Nam-Kyu Park
DOI: 10.2174/9789815050417122010006
PDF Price: $15
Traditional port management is carried out in three stages: planning,
implementation and evaluation. In recent years, port management techniques have gone
through steps such as real-time data collection, description, prediction, diagnosis, and
prescription to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment. This chapter tries to
make port performance indicators to solve the current problem using real cases.
These activities begin with port performance analysis. Firstly, performance indicators
of the smart port will be proposed on the operational aspects that are relatively easy to
measure. Operational indicators are composed of output, productivity, utilization and
service indicators. Output (Production) indicators are measured ship throughput, berth
throughput, yard throughput as the level of the business activity. Productivity indicators
are measured ship productivity, crane productivity and yard productivity as the ratio of
output to input. Utilization indicators refer to how intensively the terminal resources
are used. They are measured berth occupancy, yard utilization, gate utilization,
equipment utilization. Service indicators refer to customer satisfaction with terminal
services to customers. They include ship turnaround time, truck turnaround time,
container turnaround time, crane Intensity, and container dwell time.
Simulation Model of Smart Port
Page: 102-129 (28)
Author: Nam-Kyu Park
DOI: 10.2174/9789815050417122010007
PDF Price: $15
Most existing capacity models are based on the use of simulation,
mathematical programming or queueing network models. Empirical formulas are used
to calculate the berth, yard and gate capacities for a year. This method has often been
used because of its simple measures of port capacity. However, empirical measures of
port capacity have been criticized due to the volatility that can change the input value
arbitrarily for the measure of port capacity.
Simulation models introduced in this chapter include berth, CY, gate and AGV
operation. Berth simulation reproduces the process of ship call, waiting, berthing,
unloading/loading, and departure of ships at the terminal through simulation. As a
result of berth simulation, berth capacity, container throughput, the occupancy of berth,
the number of calling ships, GBP, NBP, ship service time, the number of cranes per
hour are derived.
Yard simulation keeps containers brought in from the gate, railroad, the mother ship,
and feeder ship for container dwell time. After a certain period of time, they are taken
out to the mother ship, feeder ship, gate and railroad. As a result of the yard simulation,
the capacity of the yard and occupancy by container type are derived.
Gate simulation measures whether the number of designed gate lanes are appropriate,
how many trucks are waiting at the gate and LSTP (Land Side Transfer Point), and
what is the truck turnaround time.
AGV simulation proposes which method is appropriate through the performance of
Lift-AGV and non-Lift-AGV. It also measures the AGV's performance on the number
of blocks, which are the number of containers transported by AGV for an hour
Digitalization of Smart Port
Page: 130-146 (17)
Author: Nam-Kyu Park
DOI: 10.2174/9789815050417122010008
PDF Price: $15
To implement a smart port, a digital platform should be established. The
digital platform is the integrated software, database, hardware and communication used
to streamline business operations. This chapter intends to review the informationsharing model and TOS (Terminal Operation System) for TOC (Terminal Operation
Information from external organizations is essential for smoothing the operation of the
container terminal. The terminal operating system consists of a planning system,
automatic control system (ACS), a management system and business support system
and a business support package. The planning system includes berth planning, ship
planning, yard planning, and resource planning plan.
ACS has the objective to ensure efficient operations of the automated equipment and to
maximize the productivity of the entire terminal. This includes the operation of QCs,
AGVs, ARMGCs as well as the automated container yard. The objective comprises
maximization of operation efficiency, minimization of empty travel of ARMGC,
satisfying scheduled due time and spreading workload among blocks and among QCs.
Subsequently, the different modules of the planning system and the Terminal Control
System will be described.
Economic and Financial Analysis of Smart Port
Page: 147-158 (12)
Author: Nam-Kyu Park
DOI: 10.2174/9789815050417122010009
PDF Price: $15
Economic and Financial analysis can be done from two perspectives. The
first point of view is that of the public sector, that is, the central government or the Port
Authority. The second view is the terminal operation company (TOC).
This chapter deals with whether the smart terminal has economic and financial
feasibility in two respects. It is important to have economic and financial feasibility
under what conditions from two perspectives. The process of economic analysis from
the public point of view and the process of financial analysis from the private sector are
As a result of economic analysis from the perspective of the public sector, the volume
at the break-even is from about 570,000TEU of the five berths to 600,000TEU of two
berths with a 2.96% discount ratio.
As a result of financial analysis from the perspective of the private sector, the volume
at the break-even is from about 603,000TEU of the five berths to 633,000TEU of two
berths with a 4.5% discount ratio
A smart port is defined as a port that uses technologies such as big data, AI, and IoT to manage transportation and logistics services. Smart Port Management and Strategy covers the design, operation and applications of a smart port to improve capacity and productivity. The book has been written by the author from an operations management perspective with the aim of providing technical knowledge to readers on how to use technology for optimizing port performance. Key Features: - Eight key topics relevant to smart port management - Focus on calculations and technical operations - Guidance on OCR, RFID and sensor technologies for gates - Includes information about port performance measurement - Includes access to Korean Port MIS - Covers automation equipment such as AGV, ARMGC, and remote control QC - Includes port simulation, digitization strategies and financial analysis Smart Port Management and Strategy is the definitive resource for anyone, whether they are professionals in transportation services or students of civil engineering or operations management, who want to learn about smart ports and how they are managed.