The List of Mathematica Functions and Modulae
Page: v-v (1)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010003
Floating Point Computer Arythmetic
Page: 1-26 (26)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010004
PDF Price: $15
In this chapter, propagation of round-off errors in floating point arithmetic operations of computers numbers is presented. The notions of the conditional number, stability and complexity of algorithms are introduced and illustrated by examples. The Horners scheme for evaluation of Polynomials is given to elucidate the optimal and well-conditioned algorithms when they are implemented in a computer system like Mathematica. The chapter ends with a set of questions.
Natural and Generalized Interpolating Polynomials
Page: 27-62 (36)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010005
PDF Price: $15
In this chapter, Lagranges and Hermits interpolation by polynomials, by trigonometric polynomials, by Chebyshevs polynomials and by generalized polynomials spanned on Chebyshevs systems of coordinates are presented. Lagranges and Newtons formulas to find the interpolating polynomials are derived and clarified. Mathematica modules are designed to determine interpolating polynomials. Fundamental theorems on interpolation with the errors bounds are stated and proved. The application of the theorems has been elucidated by examples. The Chapter ends with a set of questions.
Polynomial Splines
Page: 63-102 (40)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010006
PDF Price: $15
In the chapter, the space Sm(Δ,m − 1) of piecewise polynomial splines of degree m and differentiable up to the order m − 1 is introduced. In particular, the space S1(Δ, 0) of piecewise linear splines and the space S3(Δ, 2) of cubic splines are determined . Theorems on interpolation by the splines are stated and proved. The space S11(Δ, 0, 0) of belinear splines and the space S33(Δ, 2, 2) of be-cubic splines in two variables defined on rectangular grids are presented. On triangular grids the spaces Π1 (Δ) and Π3 (Δ) are considered. Mathematica modules have been designed for solving problems associated with application of splines. The chapter ends with a set of questions.
Uniform Approximation
Page: 103-132 (30)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010007
PDF Price: $15
In the subject of uniform approximations the fundamental theorems with their proofs are presented. Like Taylor and Weierstrass Theorems, Bernstein's and Chebyshev's polynomials, Chebyshev's series and the best uniform approximation of a function are considered . The theorems are clarified by examples. The Mathematica modules are designed for uniform approximation of one variable functions. The chapter ends with a set of questions.
Introduction to the Least Squares Analysis
Page: 133-156 (24)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010008
PDF Price: $15
This chapter is designed for the least squares method . It begins with the least squares method to determine a polynomial of degree n well fitted to m discrete points (xi, yi), i = 1, 2, ...,m, when n ≤ m. In the simplest form, the line of regression through m points is determined. The algorithm to find well fitted function to given discrete data is also presented. The Mathematica modules are designed and example illustrating the method are provided . The chapter ends with a set of questions.
Selected Methods for Numerical Integration
Page: 157-198 (42)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010009
PDF Price: $15
Two classes of methods for numerical integration are presented : The class of Newton-Cotes methods and the class of Gauss methods. In the class of Newton-Cotes methods, the trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule and other higher order rules like Romberg's method have been derived . The methods are clarified by examples. Mathematica modules are designed to derive Newton Cotes methods of any accuracy and to apply them for evaluation of integrals. Gauss methods are derived in general form with n Gauss-Legendres knots and in particular with n=1,2,3,4 knots. Example illustrating the methods are presented. The exact analysis of both methods of numerical integration has been carrying out. A set of questions is enclosed in the chapter.
Solving Nonlinear Equations by Iterative Methods
Page: 199-229 (31)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010010
PDF Price: $15
In this chapter the equation F(x) = 0, a≤ x ≤ b, is solved by the Fix Point Iterations, Newton's Method, Secant Method and Bisection Method. The theorems on convergence and errors estimates of the methods have been stated and proved. Also, the rates of convergence of the iterative methods are determined . The methods are illustrated by a number of selected examples. The chapter ends with a set of questions.
Page: 230-231 (2)
Author: Krystyna STYš and Tadeusz STYš
DOI: 10.2174/9781608059423114010011
“ Lecture Notes in Numerical Analysis with Mathematica” highlights most of the important algorithms and their solved examples by Mathematica. The contents of this book include chapters on floating point computer arithmetic, natural and generalized interpolating polynomials, uniform approximation, numerical integration, polynomial splines and many more. This book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in institutes, colleges, universities and academies who want to specialize in this field. The readers will develop a solid understanding of the concepts of numerical methods and their application. The inclusion of Lagrane and Hermite approximation by polynomials, Trapezian rule, Simpsons rule, Gauss methods and Romberg`s methods with illustrative examples is a valuable resource for the readers. Each chapter ends with examples and test questions.