Predictive analytics in recruitment and selection analytics in HR are increasingly important in a competitive job market. The importance of predictive measures in recruitment and selection analytics provides practical guidance for HR professionals looking to implement these measures in their organizations. Predictive measures involve the use of data-driven methods and statistical analyses to identify and hire the most qualified candidates for a given job. This approach relies on the collection and analysis of various data points, such as job requirements, candidate qualifications, and hiring outcomes, to develop models that predict which candidates are most likely to succeed in the role. By leveraging this information, HR professionals can streamline the recruitment process, reduce the risk of making hiring mistakes, and improve overall organizational performance. This article aims to provide the key predictive measures used in HR analytics to help organizations make better hiring decisions and an overview of key concepts and benefits associated with predictive measures in recruitment and selection analytics in HR, along with the challenges and limitations associated with the use of predictive measures in HR analytics and recommendations for overcoming these challenges.
Keywords: Predictive measures, Predictive analytics, Recruitment, Selection.