Lack of sustainability in agricultural production owing to the gradual deterioration in soil health is emerging as a major concern in Indian agriculture. This behavior has largely been attributed to over-dependence on mineral fertilizers and limited use of organic matter during the last several decades. To come out from this situation, the necessity of larger incorporation of organic materials in the agricultural soils is being emphasized at different levels. Since the availability of traditional organic manures is gradually reducing in the country, while a plentiful amount of wide ranges of biodegradable organic waste materials are being generated every day, growing attention is now being paid to the recycling of these wastes as organic manures for improving the health conditions of our arable soils. However, most of these organic wastes cannot be directly added to the soils due to some limitations in their chemical as well as biological properties and, therefore, adoption of various composting processes is being suggested for this purpose. With the present thrust and encouragement from the Government on waste recycling under the “Swachh Bharat Yojna”, a good number of small and medium-scale industries have come up in this composting sector and many more are in the pipe line. Now, composting is basically a process of microbiological degradation of various organic materials to form humified end products along with the release of various nutrient elements. Hence, for successful implementation of any waste management program through composting, a thorough knowledge of the roles of various microorganisms in the decomposition of varying natures of organic wastes, their behaviors, successions, relative efficiency levels, etc., need to be understood thoroughly. In this article, various aspects of composting microbiology have been discussed with special reference to the occurrence and behavior of different microbes during the process of composting. Several aspects like the relative efficiency of the microorganisms in degrading varying components of organic wastes, microbial acceleration of composting, biological fortification of compost quality, etc., have been discussed to provide a gross idea for efficient microbiological management of the composting process.
Keywords: Acceleration, Composting, Efficiency, Fortification, Microbial processes, Successions.