Over the course of the next few decades, AI will permeate every industry on
the planet. Improvements in the AI environment are reflected in recent tendencies in
AI-driven robotics. Changes in how businesses view, use, and invest in artificial
intelligence are a clear indication of this shift. Businesses may want to consider using
AI marketing to produce leads and conversions because of the clear advantages it
delivers, such as having complete, transparent, accurate, pertinent, constant and fast
data. The AI-generated programs will, more or less, supply the information essential to
expanding marketing activities. Now that AI is more readily available, many businesses
are using it in their advertising campaigns. There are many ways in which artificial
intelligence might improve marketing and advertising, and businesses that embrace AIdriven strategies will undoubtedly see increased success. In order to strengthen
customer relationships and accomplish marketing objectives, businesses can benefit
from using AI to customize content, improve campaigns, and enrich the consumer
Keywords: Advertising, Big data, Customer, Data, Marketing.