A smart grid cyber physical system (SG-CPS) is an optimal fusion of a
power network infrastructure and cyber system based on a communicating network.
The SG-CPS employs advanced technologies to deliver energy supply and provide
flexible choices for prosumers. The SG-CPS uses multiple components in different
units and this has given rise to more complexity in managing them. The reliable
operation of any smart grid is necessary to enjoy uninterrupted services. As many smart
devices are being used, more cyber-attacks are also targeted on smart grid cyber
physical systems. The different types of attacks necessitate a broad security perspective
to ensure safe services in the smart grid. The countermeasures for securing the smart
grid have to be designed in all layers encompassing the cyber physical power system. If
the power system is targeted then all the dependent devices will be at risk. A blackout
scenario will cause more damage to industrial and household applications. Emerging
technologies like Blockchain, AI, ML and IoT present a promising trend in the smart
grid cyber-physical system. By predicting the power demand, supply can be adjusted
automatically. Many such power system-related issues have smart solutions. In this
chapter, we will first review the security challenges and attacks in the context of smart
grid cyber-physical systems. Then the potential vulnerabilities to cyber-attack threats
and risks in smart grid cyber-physical systems have been outlined. Finally,
countermeasures for the security attack scenarios in SG-CPS are outlined.
Keywords: Cyber-Physical power system, Cyberattacks, Smart grid.