Dentin Hypersensitivity (DH) is a common dental problem occurring
worldwide affecting almost whole age ranges in the population. It is felt as a short
transient pain to cold, hot, and touch stimuli and has different etiological factors.
Several treatment strategies, those based on the desensitization of terminal nerve
endings or occlusion of widely opened dentinal tubules, were previously proposed as
effective agents in the management of DH. However, these agents contained some
synthetic components that may have side effects and take longer to treat the condition.
Recently, there has been a tremendous shift toward the usage of natural products in the
dental field. Naturally occurring desensitizing biomaterials have shown high efficiency
in treating dentin hypersensitivity. Little or no side effects, easily available, lower cost,
and no need for much special equipment for production or application and preservation
are some of the advantages of natural products in comparison to synthetic counterparts.
Keywords: Avian eggshell, Bee products, Calcium rich natural agents, Cow Milk, Cuttlefish bone, Cinnamon, Dentinal tubule occlusion, Dentin hypersensitivity, Essential oils, Miswak, Moringa, Natural desensitization, Nigella sativa, Propolis, Plant extract, Spinach, Sunflower oil, Seashell, Sesame oil, Thyme oil.