Blockchain is part of the disruptive novel technology stemming from the
cryptocurrency and bitcoin, which became large-scale around the year 2011.
Subsequently, these technologies have triggered much need attention through the
development and growth of more novel cryptocurrencies resulting in transactions,
elections, peer reviews, democratic decision-making, identification and audit trails. The
health sector has benefited immensely from the rapid advancement in blockchain, such
as growth in biomedical research, drug traceability in the pharmaceutical sector,
clinical trials, biological testing, patient’s data management, health informatics, data
sharing, supply chain management of medical goods, legal medicine, telemedicine,
health record, remote patient monitoring, payment services and security. Thus, this
chapter will give a general overview of the principles, and applications of blockchain in
healthcare industries and possible challenges with ways to resolve them.
Keywords: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Health sector, Technology