This paper aims to elucidate a method to simulate human gait, which can
help design a fully functional exoskeleton to rehabilitate the human lower limb. We
present a method to calculate the forces and moments of each lower limb joint using
human anthropometric parameters and free body diagrams. Various forces and moment
of forces of lower limb joints have been calculated. The anthropometric data is
evaluated using the linear regression approach. Also, in this work, we have simulated
the normal human walking pattern. The forces and moments acting on lower limb
joints are calculated in horizontal and vertical directions, and the human gait was
simulated for a speed of 1.8m/s. The estimated results can be used as input parameters
for the development of an exoskeleton for the rehabilitation of the human lower limb.
Keywords: Anthropometric data, Human Gait, Regression, Rehabilitation.