Proteomics is a branch of science that allows us to study a whole expressed
protein pool from a cell or tissue. This has been helpful for many years in studying
microbial makeup, but in animals, this field has not been explored much due to factors
like the complexity and variation in genes of every cell depending upon their
specialized function and tissue organization. However, in recent years many new
techniques have been introduced in this area, which has added to the plethora of
knowledge about animal proteins and has made it easy to understand the diseases and
health-related aspects of livestock science. In this chapter, we will discuss the new
advancements in animal proteomics to discover the protein pool from the different
animal species of interest, branches of proteomics, and their role in livestock health and
Keywords: Animal diseases, Bioinformatics, Biomarkers, Disease diagnosis, Expression profile, Gel electrophoresis, Livestock, Mass spectroscopy, Proteomics, Proteome, Post-translational modifications, Quantification, Samples.