Despite significant efforts in drug discovery and development, combating
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) still remains to be an increasingly challenging health
problem because of the fact that the recommended current therapies are intended only
for the symptomatic treatment and/or prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 infections/ COVID19 patients, but do not cure the disease. In this context, several complementary and
alternative, but potential healthcare practices (CAMs) that could effectively boost host
immunity are firmly believed to be one of the major medical interventions for the
prevention as well as control of COVID-19. In this review, several immunity-boosting
measures based upon traditional healthcare practices including traditional herbal
remedies, home remedies, and alternative and complementary therapies including yoga
and naturopathies to fight against SARS-CoV-2 infections/ COVID-19 have been
Keywords: Antiviral Herbs, Boosting Immunity, Coronavirus, Immune Modulators, SARS-CoV-2, Yoga and Naturopathy.