The web of things and man-made brainpower are a couple of innovations
that together structure, alluded to as Industry 4.0. These support points incorporate the
modern web of things, information, and investigation, whereas the last option can
incorporate synthetic intelligence and its techniques. Artificial intelligence is the cycle
of creating clever machines and performing assignments of human knowledge, for
example, direction, discourse acknowledgment, etc. This cycle has to think and be
capable of self-remedy. Learning is the securing of data and rules for employing the
information; thinking is rules to arrive at rough or distinct resolutions. AI is utilized in
different areas of trend-setting innovations, for example, blockchain thinking,
decentralized AI, the intellectual prowess of things, machines, etc. Coordination of AI
and IoT gives the best approach to gathering the data, examining it, and observing the
proper realization of utilized for applications like medical care, home, shrewd
cultivating, and astute vehicles. This chapter explains the architecture, applications, use
cases, challenges and open issues of the integration.
Keywords: AI-IoT integration, Applications, Communication networks, IoT.