Positioning applications using GPS, A-GPS, and other technologies are now
commonly found in most held hand smart devices. The advents in applications/tools
such as Google Maps have made outdoor positioning and guidance much easier.
Compared to outdoor positioning, Indoor positioning has always been more
challenging. Indoor positioning faces an uphill task of proper Position fixing due to an
array of issues that are otherwise absent in the outdoor environment. In this chapter,
through trilateration, we have devised an application that takes the help of Wi-Fi
signals and does Position fixing in an indoor environment. Indoor localization and
positioning is still a challenging topic in Wireless Sensor Networks, and also it is vital
because of its effects on monitoring, power consumption, etc., for our work distance
calculation of an object using the proposed path loss model, and Trilateration method is
implemented to calculate the unknown Position of a device under the environment. It
collects all the Wi-Fi signals and finds the exact matches with the database to calculate
the user's actual Position on the map. It reduces the complexity of computing the
distance of different access points from the user and reduces error. The tool was found
to be quite promising in detecting the Position of the host device. Future work that can
be extended from this work can include work with a path loss model, Multi-Sensor
Fusion, to the inclusion of pattern recognition.
Keywords: A-GPS, Indoor positioning, Position-fixing, Trilateration, Wi-Fi.