Young Voices Unheard: Children’s Views from Scotland and Greece on Education


Author(s): Evanthia Synodi * .

Pp: 173-189 (17)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815124668123010009

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


In this chapter, the topic of this study is described, together with its importance for the education of young children. The methodological approach to this research is also examined as well as its main findings. It attempts to give voice to children from Greece and Scotland aged 5 to 6 years about the education of children their age. Children’s views underlined the significance of their right to play (article 31) and their right to participate in decision-making (article 12). At the end of the chapter, the implications of this study are considered together with further topics of investigation relevant to children’s rights in school. It is concluded that more initiatives need to be taken regarding the implementation of article 5 of the Convention, which pertains to the adults’ role in helping children exercise their rights. 

Keywords: Children’s rights, Children’s right to play, Comparative Education, Education, Focus groups, Participation, Qualitative research, Safety, Young children.

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