Brain tumors have become one of the deadliest types of cancer. Tragically,
the blood-brain barrier (BBB), an astringent regulatory, well-coordinated, and effectual
obstacle, prevents most substances from passing through it. As a result, breaking
through this hurdle is amongst the most difficult challenges in devising effective CNS
therapies. In the USA, approximately seven lakh people have a principal brain
malignancy, with an ample eighty-five thousand predicted to be afflicted by 2021.
Capillaries are essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to all body tissue and vital
organs. The capillaries that vascularize the CNS have a special feature known as the
blood-brain barrier, which enables such vessels to firmly enforce the transfer of ions,
substances, and cells in-between the blood-brain barrier. This accurate estimation of
CNS homeostasis leads to proper neuronal function while also protecting neural tissue
from toxic substances and microorganisms, and changes in such mechanical strength
are a major aspect of the pathology and transformation of various neurological
diseases. Theranostic strategies were also postulated and deemed enticing in recent
times. Due to the smaller size, better topical functionalization, and capability to
integrate various processing elements in one system, nanotechnology is beneficial for
this system. For cancer therapy, the structure of nanotherapeutic systems focusing on
diagnostic and therapeutic applications is increasing tremendously. This dual system is
extremely useful for personalized medicine-based clinical applications because it seeks
to analyze the position of malignancy, the biodistribution of nanosized systems, along
with an advanced and efficacious therapy. Proteins, molecular markers, and genes are
some of the theranostic strategies that could be used to amplify the surface of the
nanotheranostics particle and make benefit of the features of the micro-environment
utilising stimulus-based triggers. The current chapter focused on the theranostic
approach of dendrimer for brain tumor treatment. It also enlightened about various
diagnostic techniques for brain tumors with a special emphasis on nanotherapeutics.
Keywords: Blood-Brain Barrier, Brain tumor, Dendrimers, Theranostics.