Supramolecular solvents (SUPRASs) are becoming more and more
demanded for sample preparation in food analysis. Their inherent properties (e.g.
different polarity microenvironments, multiple binding sites, discontinuous nature, easy
tailoring of their properties, etc.) make them highly efficient for the extraction of
single- and multi-class contaminants in food matrices. Likewise, they offer numerous
opportunities for the development of innovative sample treatment platforms not
attainable by conventional solvents. In this chapter, the fundamentals underlying the
production of SUPRASs and their more relevant properties regarding their application
to the extraction of food contaminants are discussed. An overview of representative
developments in this field is given based on the different types of SUPRASs applied so
far in food analysis. Major achievements attained, mainly related to the extraction of
single- and multi-components prior to their quantification by liquid chromatography
coupled to different detection systems, are critically presented. The main challenges to
be faced in order to get SUPRAS-based methodologies that meet European
requirements for screening/quantification of contaminants in food and promote their
use in food control labs are discussed.
Keywords: Coacervates, Cloud point, Extraction, Food analysis, Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Supramolecular solvents.