Agadtantra is a specialized Ayurveda branch that deals with toxicity
management. This specialized branch has given the novel concept of Dooshivisha. It is
a transformable state of Visha (poison) which any type of poison can attain if it is not
eliminated from the body completely. Today every individual is frequently exposed to
many toxic substances, mostly carcinogenic. Polycyclic hydrocarbons, nitrosamine,
pyrogenic compounds and many others are now known to be potent mutagens and
carcinogens. These carcinogens enter the body through air, water, radiation, drugs,
cosmetics and reflect deposit in the body as a Dooshivisha and slowly vitiate all the
Dosha & saptadhatu (seven Dhatu). After studying the etiological factor of cancer in
the context of Ayurveda and modern medicine, it is seen that most of the etiological
factors and pathology of cancer come under these headings. Radiotherapy and
chemotherapy are the only lines of treatment for cancer, but they produce harmful toxic
effects along with their beneficial effects. Management of cancer is made easy by
adopting a therapeutic approach of Dooshivisha. Various Agadkalpas are useful to
reduce or vanish latent toxicity. The integrated system of modern medicine with
Dooshivisha management means the application of Agada will be helpful for
prevention, minimizing the side effects of conventional therapies, and improving the
quality of life of cancer patients.
Keywords: Agad, Cancer, Dooshivisha, Visha.