A blockchain is a decentralized record that is used to securely transfer digital
currencies, make agreements, and trade. Everyone in the system goes to the most recent
duplicate of the encoded record in order to authorize another transaction. A blockchain
record is a collection of all prior bitcoin exchanges. Fundamentally, it is a suitable
database that keeps up with a continually developing, highly organized information
structure of blocks that hold a large number of individual transactions. Blockchain
innovation has seen adoption in a variety of organizations, most notably in the use of
digital currency. Regardless, innovation is useful in cyberspace. This chapter examined
a few application cases of Blockchain in the cybersecurity industry. A majority of
specialists are working on the acceptance of blockchain to safeguard IoT (Internet of
Things) devices, systems, and information. The chapter has examined the methods
proposed by previous analysts through which blockchain can carry the expense of
security. Finally, the chapter has proposed the future of a single blockchain for building
cyber security applications for coordination and consistency among security
Keywords: Bitcoin, Blockchain technology, Cyber security