Embodiment distinguishes between two bodies, which are the body regarded
as a physiological entity, and the phenomenal body, which is not just somebody, some
particular physiological entity, but my or your body as it is experienced. It is
understood as a phenomenal body. Nobody is an entity. Typically, one experiences
one’s body and potential capacity for doing this and that. Moreover, the sense that I
have my own body capacities is expressed in bodily confidence. It does not depend on
understanding the physiological process involved in performing the action in question.
The distinction between the objective and the phenomenal body is central to
understanding the logical treatment of embodiment. Embodiment is not a concept that
pertains to the body grasped as a physiological entity, but rather it pertains to the
phenomenal body in the role played in oriented experience. Fundamental to
embodiment is space/time/motion and its manifestation of circularity of AI research/AI
Keywords: Revolution, Truth, Signification, Thing, Lived Body, Communication, Embodiment, Marxism, Abstract, Experience.