Uncovering the temporal reflex of the Internet of Things within the
organizational environment affirms the transformational mode of our technological
life-world. We live in an atemporal reflex, which involves more than the combination
of past, present, and future, and more than the mere interconnectivity of a series of
nodes, but it is a self-pacing system, creating some possibilities which are unintended
consequences. The unintended consequences can be anticipated in what may be
foreseen as a type of foresight of what can be next. Such fore-knowledge allows risk
mitigation at all levels of society: organizational, interpersonal, cultural, and, of course,
civilizational. Temporal reflexivity is the link or hinge of human-machine co-operation
and complementarity.
Keywords: Emergence, Perception, Relevance, Re-presentation, Selectivity, Significance, Things, Time Reflex, World.