Genetic, transcriptional, and clinical heterogeneity of disease has remained
to be a prominent obstacle to the development of a targeted therapeutic approach
against TNBC. So far, based on tumor size, lymph node status, and histologic features
TNBC subtypes were stratified. Insights into inter and intratumoral heterogeneity of
TNBC were gained by next-generation sequencing, genomic, transcriptomic,
proteomic, and clinicopathological characterization. To depict tumor response to
neoadjuvant chemotherapy, radiological characterization may also a play significant
role. Biomarkers for subtyping TNBC were highly needed to depict the survival
outcome. This chapter discussed the available and possible molecular and pathological
diagnostic approaches to TNBC. Furthermore, the integration of morphological and
genomic data may emerge as a promising approach for the identification of new
therapeutic and prognostic markers to predict the likely outcome of the disease. This
chapter aims to highlight the molecular and pathological diagnostic approaches to
depict both metastatic and non-metastatic TNBC.
Keywords: Core basal group, CtDNA, Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, Histology, Immunohistochemistry, Mammography, Medullary carcinoma, Metaplastic carcinoma, Molecular, Morphology, Mutation profiling, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Pathological, Prognosis, Proteomic, TCGA, Transcriptomic.