Microalgae are unicellular autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms that can exceed the areal productivity of land plants by order of magnitude. Microalgae are producers of food, medicines, high-value bioactive substances and biofuels. They are highly adaptable, allowing them to thrive in freshwater and saltwater, and can be cultivated on non-arable land. Different cultivation methods have varying effects on the yield of bioactive substances produced by microalgae. As such, selecting the appropriate cultivation conditions is imperative for efficient compound production. This chapter summarizes the current state of microalgae cultivation, techniques for overproduction of high-value nutraceuticals, and future prospects, with the aim of providing the reader with fresh ideas for the cultivation of microalgae for human health.
Keywords: Bioactives, Bioreactor, Compound Production, Cultivation, Microalgae, Microbiome, Nutraceuticals, Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Raceway Pond, Vegan Protein.