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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

Engineered Gold Nanoshells Killing Tumor Cells: New Perspectives

Author(s): Valeria De Matteis*, Mariafrancesca Cascione, Chiara C. Toma and Rosaria Rinaldi

Volume 25, Issue 13, 2019

Page: [1477 - 1489] Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/1381612825666190618155127

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

The current strategies to treat different kinds of cancer are mainly based on chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. Unfortunately, these approaches are not specific and rather invasive as well. In this scenario, metal nano-shells, in particular gold-based nanoshells, offer interesting perspectives in the effort to counteract tumor cells, due to their unique ability to tune Surface Plasmon Resonance in different light-absorbing ranges. In particular, the Visible and Near Infrared Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are able to penetrate through tissues. In this way, the light absorbed by the gold nanoshell at a specific wavelength is converted into heat, inducing photothermal ablation in treated cancer cells. Furthermore, inert gold shells can be easily functionalized with different types of molecules in order to bind cellular targets in a selective manner. This review summarizes the current state-of-art of nanosystems embodying gold shells, regarding methods of synthesis, bio-conjugations, bio-distribution, imaging and photothermal effects (in vitro and in vivo), providing new insights for the development of multifunctional antitumor drugs.

Keywords: Gold shell, NIR, bio-distribution, bio-conjugations, drug delivery, photothermal ablation.

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