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Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science (Discontinued)


ISSN (Print): 2352-0949
ISSN (Online): 2352-0957

Research Article

Impact Behaviour Of Hybrid Bandage Casts

Author(s): C.K. Agisparayan, K.O. Low*, S.T. Lim and K.J. Wong

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019

Page: [66 - 73] Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/2352094909666190524113311

TIMBC 2025

Background: Many studies were done to assess the mechanical characteristics of the bandage casts with regards to different specifications of materials under different parameters. Many patents have been designed on the various types of casting materials such as POP, fiberglass and polyester. A recent trend in the patent is to explore a hybrid combination for bandage casts to withstand structural failure, crack formation or deformation.

Objective: This study aims to study the effect of impact force on plaster of Paris, fiberglass and hybrid bandage casts.

Methods: There different bandage casts were constructed using plaster of Paris, fiberglass and a hybrid combination of plaster of Paris and fiberglass. They were subjected to Charpy impact test, three-point flexural test, and Rockwell B hardness test.

Results: The impact characteristics, energy absorption properties, ductility, rigidity, strength, stiffness and indentation hardness of the hybrid bandage cast were found to be greatly influenced from being a composite of two casts and interfaces. It was found that the impact energy capable of being absorbed prior to fracture for the plaster of Paris, fiberglass and hybrid were 1.225 Joules, 11.125 Joules and 6.750 Joules, respectively.

Conclusion: Hybrid bandage casts possessed improved impact characteristics compared to plaster of Paris bandage casts and more cost-effectiveness as compared to fiberglass bandage casts.

Keywords: Bandage casts, fiberglass, flexural, hybrid, impact characteristics, plaster of Paris.

Graphical Abstract
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