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Current Smart Materials (Discontinued)


ISSN (Print): 2405-4658
ISSN (Online): 2405-4666

Review Article

A Brief Review on E-skin and its Multifunctional Sensing Applications

Author(s): Mariam Turki Almansoori, Xuan Li and Lianxi Zheng*

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019

Page: [3 - 14] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/2405465804666190313154903


Electronic skin (e-skin) is an artificial skin that mimics the sensing capabilities of human skin, which brings many potential applications in robotics, artificial intelligence, prosthetics, and health monitoring technologies. Many attempts associated with various mechanisms/approaches and materials/structures have been developed to match the e-skins to the particular functions of specific applications. Along the time, high sensitivity, mechanical flexibility/stretchability, multifunction, and large area are common driving forces in the research area. New materials, with a variety of structures and unique properties, offer a plenty of freedoms in designing and fabricating e-skins. Significant progress has been made in recently years. This paper firstly reviews the most recent progress on nanomaterial- based e-skins according to four major sensing mechanisms, with an emphasis on the effects of various materials on the sensitivity and stretchability of e-skins. Then the paper updates the progress and effort with respect to multifunctional e-skins and organic-thin-film-transistor based large-area e-skins. Further development possibilities are also briefly discussed.

Keywords: e-Skin, flexible electronics, motion monitoring, nanomaterial, pressure sensor, tactile sensor.

Graphical Abstract
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