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Current Psychiatry Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-4005
ISSN (Online): 1875-6441

Review Article

Davanloo’s Techniques in the Case of A 17-year-old with Anorexia Nervosa and A Complex Unconscious: Part I

Author(s): Angela Schmitt*, Jody Clarke and Catherine Hickey

Volume 14, Issue 3, 2018

Page: [141 - 145] Pages: 5

DOI: 10.2174/1573400514666180903104001

TIMBC 2025

Background: Davanloo’s IS-TDP has gained attention as a uniquely targeted and effective short-term dynamic psychotherapy. Despite this awareness, the psychotherapeutic community seems relatively uninformed about his active teaching and research programs over the last decade.

Method: The purpose of this paper is to update readers about several new metapsychological and technical concepts which have been developed by Davanloo in his Montreal Closed Circuit Training Program. While readers may be familiar with his focus on bond and attachment, unconscious anxiety, the neurobiological pathways, and the central dynamic sequence, they are less likely to be familiar with his newer concepts. These include his ongoing research into and subsequent theortical advancements with regard to transference neurosis (and its various presentations), intergenerational transference neurosis, and impairment in the unconscious defensive organization.

Results: This paper is the first of the two article series on these concepts. The first paper will focus on definitions and discussions of these concepts. This will lay the foundation for their clinical application. The second paper will feature a case seen in the private practice of one of the authors. This case will demonstrate many of these concepts in clinical operation.

Conclusion: While the case was not supervised by Davanloo, it was reviewed at the 38th Annual Metapsychology Meeting in Montreal, Canada in October, 2017.

Keywords: Transference neurosis, unconscious defensive organization, intergenerational, ISTDP, psychotherapy, psychotherapeutic.

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