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Current Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 0929-8673
ISSN (Online): 1875-533X

Review Article

Migraine: Genetic Variants and Clinical Phenotypes

Author(s): Innocenzo Rainero*, Alessandro Vacca, Flora Govone, Annalisa Gai, Lorenzo Pinessi and Elisa Rubino

Volume 26, Issue 34, 2019

Page: [6207 - 6221] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/0929867325666180719120215

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

Migraine is a common, chronic neurovascular disorder caused by a complex interaction between genetic and environmental risk factors. In the last two decades, molecular genetics of migraine have been intensively investigated. In a few cases, migraine is transmitted as a monogenic disorder, and the disease phenotype cosegregates with mutations in different genes like CACNA1A, ATP1A2, SCN1A, KCNK18, and NOTCH3. In the common forms of migraine, candidate genes as well as genome-wide association studies have shown that a large number of genetic variants may increase the risk of developing migraine. At present, few studies investigated the genotype-phenotype correlation in patients with migraine. The purpose of this review was to discuss recent studies investigating the relationship between different genetic variants and the clinical characteristics of migraine. Analysis of genotype-phenotype correlations in migraineurs is complicated by several confounding factors and, to date, only polymorphisms of the MTHFR gene have been shown to have an effect on migraine phenotype. Additional genomic studies and network analyses are needed to clarify the complex pathways underlying migraine and its clinical phenotypes.

Keywords: Migraine, gene, CACNA1A, ATP1A2, SCN1A, KCNK18.

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