Osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases are common causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, especially in people aged over 60 years. Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mineral density, which deteriorates the microarchitecture of bones and increases the risk of bone fractures. Other pathologies also constitute risk factors for the development of osteoporosis, mainly cardiovascular diseases. In fact, a growing number of reports have shown a positive correlation between cardiovascular diseases and low bone mineral density. MMPs are proteases that participate in the organized degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and which play essential physiological roles, such as cardiovascular and bone tissue remodeling. Overexpression of MMPs underlies pathological processes like osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. MMP-1, -2, -9, -13, and -14 are expressed in bone tissue and are key players in the digestion of bone matrix by osteoblasts. Considering this relationship between osteometabolic and cardiovascular pathologies and MMPs, this review focuses on the involvement of MMPs in osteoporosis and on their participation in cardiovascular diseases; it also deals with the positive correlation between osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Although there are many drugs to treat osteoporosis, controversies exist. Here, we will describe these controversies and will discuss how inhibition of MMPs could be an alternative strategy to or an adjuvant therapy in the current treatment of osteoporosis.
Keywords: Osteoporosis, MMP, bone, cardiovascular disease, pharmacological agents, osteoblasts.