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Current Cancer Therapy Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-3947
ISSN (Online): 1875-6301

Review Article

Prerequisite of a Holistic Blend of Traditional and Modern Approaches of Cancer Management

Author(s): Mahima Kaushik*, Swati Mahendru, Swati Chaudhary, Mohan Kumar and Shrikant Kukreti

Volume 15, Issue 1, 2019

Page: [56 - 64] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1573394714666180417160750

Price: $65


Background: With the advent of changes in lifestyle of people all around the world, cancer cases have been showing an exponential rise. Researchers from varied fields have been trying to solve this tricky issue.

Methods: We undertook a systematic search of bibliographic databases of peer-reviewed research literature to evaluate the holistic blend of modern and traditional approaches, especially the Ayurvedic perspective of treatment of cancer along with the effect of our diet and lifestyle on the management (both prevention and cure) of cancer.

Results: On the basis of extensive literature survey, it was found that Ayurveda as one of the ancient medicinal systems had been very well documented for utilizing its best practices for the treatment of various diseases including cancer, by utilization of several herbal plants and dietary interventions as therapeutics. Active components present in various herbs, which interfere with certain molecular targets to inhibit carcinogenesis are also summarized. Further, beneficial effects of yoga and exercise on psychological distress, cancer-related fatigue and global side-effects as well as their mechanism of action are also discussed. In addition, we recapitulate an upcoming field of Ayurgenomics to understand the possible correlation of Prakriti with genetics as well as epigenetics.

Conclusion: Both genetic as well as environmental factors have shown their linkage with cancer. Substantial advancements in the field of targeted therapies have opened new horizons for the cancer patients. To fight with this grave situation, a combination of ancient and modern medicinal systems seems to be the need of the hour.

Keywords: Cancer, ayurveda, cancer treatment, effect of diet, ancient cancer remedies, ayurgenomics.

Graphical Abstract
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