Background: Bangladesh is one of the densely populated countries in the world. The total population is about one hundred sixty five million and most of the people are living in village or rural areas. A large number of families have no electricity connection for different causes in rural areas. The target of the government of Bangladesh is confirming under the electric coverage for all the people by 2021.
Method: Providing this access to electricity, the grid lines are presently overloaded and load shedding is a very common practice for the people of Bangladesh, especially for rural area. Rural electrification plans should be individual generation systems.
Result: One of the best solutions is solar home systems (SHS). This system is well-known, very effective and a vast number of rural families are using this SHS program in Bangladesh. For huge load shedding, people who are already under electric coverage also feel and understand the necessity of SHS. The main difficulty of the SHS program is high primary installation cost on the basis of the ability of users; generally, they are very poor and with low-income people. In this paper, we explain that the SHS programs become economically affordable for rural people of Bangladesh by using the castoff battery from electric transport which is available and popular in rural area.
Conclusion: Also, I have shown the total cost for a complete SHS became only 5635 Taka (1 USD = 82 Taka) or 69 USD and the yearly cost of an economy family in rural area is only 3.4 USD.
Keywords: Bangladesh, battery, castoff, rickshaw, solar home system, solar panel, rural area.