Introduction: In this report, we present a case of an 11-year-old female that was diagnosed with acute abdomen secondary to E. vermicularis infestation in appendix vermiformis. Preoperative ultrasonography demonstrated parasitic blockage of the appendix without signs of appendicitis. Although pyrantel pamoate was given, acute abdominal signs did not disappear and the patient subsequently underwent surgery.
Discussion: This case report documents clear ultrasound images of pinworm infestation of the appendix that has not previously been documented in the literature.
Conclusion: We feel consider that preoperative diagnosis of Enterobius Vermicularis is possible with the use of ultrasonography, and provides us to and is helpful for the use of anti-helminthic therapy before operation that ensures a safer intervention.
Keywords: Acute abdomen, appendicitis, enterobius vermicularis, pinworm, ultrasound, image.